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Route 600 PMV’s warned | Inside PNG

Route 600 PMVs’ warned

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Owners and crew members of Public Motor Vehicles traveling along the Hiritano highway, more popularly known as route 600 to and from Port Moresby and the Gulf Province are encouraged to check all passenger bags before allowing passengers to board.

The Provincial Police Commander of Gulf Province, Chief Inspector Jeffery Lemb made these remarks when police in Malalaua held a PMV crew in custody for picking up a passenger with a substantial amount of cannabis (marijuana).

After establishing that the crew had no relations with the accused, police released them to continue their trip to Port Moresby.

The accused man is from Eastern Highlands Province and was locked up at Malalaua Police Station.

PPC Lemb said this is not the first time police in the province have caught passengers with kilograms of cannabis aimed for Port Moresby.

“PMV crews have no excuse but to check all passenger bags regardless. Crews always give the excuse of not knowing the contents of these bags when picking up the passengers.”

The PPC emphasized that the new drug laws are very tough and there is no such thing as a spot fine for alleged offenders.

He warns PMV crews to always check all passenger cargoes to avoid being arrested and charged for transporting the illicit substance.

“Not knowing is not an excuse.

“The onus is on them to check what goes on their truck.

“If they fail, they can go to jail,” said PPC Lemb.

Section 68 (b) of the Controlled Substance Act outlines that a person who moves, conveys or transports a controlled substance such as a cannabis that is of a medium to large marketable quantity or a commercial quantity, with the intention of receiving a financial benefit or any material benefit in kind, is guilty of an offence.

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