Climate Change

Community Based Organizations get Capacity Building Training

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Environment Conservation is important in the modern age, with the effects of climate change, due to the extractive industry, industrialization and population growth, our natural environment is kept under stress.

Despite the challenges faced by rural Papua New Guinea, there are concerned citizens who see the need to take part in environmental conservation efforts.

The (GEF) Small Grants program which is implemented by the United Nations Development Program. It provides grants of up to 50,000 USD, directly to CSOs and community-based organizations (CBO’s). This is for grantees to undertake local projects that contribute to the global environment while generating sustainable livelihoods.

Local NGOs in Papua New Guinea that receive these grants go through basic capacity building. Which includes training in leadership and project management. This will help these small Community Based Organizations to manage funding and also in future be well equipped to apply for further funding to sustain their projects.

The Capacity training for Southern, Momase and the NGI regions was held in Port Moresby. This was facilitated by Conservation Forum PNG, with John Ericho as the facilitator.

Whilst the patrons of these projects are experienced in their capacity to drive their projects forward, they still need further training especially in management and sourcing further funding for project longevity. That’s why the one week training held in Port Moresby was important.

John added that there was a host of successful projects. Which included, Carbon Trading, Mangrove Planting and Coral conservation just to name a few. These projects are run by community based organizations that involve the whole community working together.

The team even visited a site where there is a coral rehabilitation program. The project is called Hiri Coral and it is located in the Tubusereia area of Central Province along the Motuan Coastline.

John Ericho says he believes that it is the community themselves that are responsible for conservation. He added that they own the resources and decide how to use it and if whether or not they want to take part in environment conservation as well.


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