
Women in Coffee Sign MOU with International Coffee Alliance

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The PNG Women in Coffee Association (PNGWICA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Women’s Coffee Alliance (IWCA) at the Highlander Hotel in Mt Hagen recently.

With the signing of this MoU, PNGWICA becomes the 31st country chapter of the global network under the IWCA. During the MOU signing, PNGWICA also officially launched its five-year strategic plan.

Co-Founder and Executive Officer of PNGWICA, Catherine Pianga said the collaboration between PHAMA Plus and WICA is a demonstration of the confidence that the Governments of Australia and New Zealand have in the capability of women for lasting sustainable change.

“I am excited because, for the first time in PNG’s coffee industry, women in the coffee value chain have a plan, a road map to work with and draw guidance from,” said Pianga.

“This marks a significant milestone in our relationship which will enable a vast span of opportunities and possibilities as PNGWICA joins this global network’, added Pianga.

Pianga acknowledged the support and guidance of its strategic partners – CICL and Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access (PHAMA Plus) Program.

CICL Chief Operations Officer, Steven Tumae congratulated and commended PNGWICA executives for their commitment and perseverance in ensuring the association carried on with its vision to reach this stage.

“For so long, women’s participation in coffee production has been given less recognition. This partnership will now put women in their rightful place to be recognized for their hard work and contribution in the coffee industry,” said Tumae.

To this date, WICA has grown from 112 foundation members to more than 6000 members, with five coffee companies and 200 coffee households.

WICA was in existence since 2016 and the concept was launched in 2012 by the Coffee Industry Corporation Ltd (CICL) and the Department of Agriculture and Livestock.

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