Today Police Commissioner, David Manning held hands with Australian Commander, Jamie Strauss to cut the ribbon to reopen the new look Boroko Police Station in Port Moresby.
The renovation and upgrade of the Police Station cost over K2million under the PNG- Australia Policing Partnership program.
It took nearly 3 months for refurbishment work all around the main office including installation of CCTV cameras and office setup.

AFP Commander, Jamie Strauss said the upgrade is a result of a review under the PNG-Australia Policing Partnership to improve the outlook of the police station and provide a welcoming environment for the general public to seek police services.
“Boroko Police Station is the heart of Policing in the City and AFP sees the need to assist by way of renovation. The Station is where the public and police interact often under difficult circumstances,” said Commander Strauss. He said the improvement is an integral part of the Community.
Strauss added that the Australian Government and Australian Federal Police are extremely pleased to ensure this renovation is completed and will continue the partnership which serves to better the people of Papua New Guinea.

Guest of Honor and Commissioner of Police, David Manning thanked the Australian Government for its continued support towards the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary.
Manning said AFP continues to work with RPNGC to harness and strengthen policing in the country. He said the new look Boroko Police Station is significant as it is one of the oldest and largest police posts in the country.
“The renovation is timely as policing becomes very challenging in the country.
The review and recent launch of the RPNGC Corporate Plan highlights the need to align efforts through partnerships which AFP has been at the forefront to assist us,” said Commander Manning.

Manning said the partnership with AFP is more than just a partnership but has looked into improving police work in core areas like prosecution, criminal investigations, professional standards, strengthening governance and improving accountability in both administration and operations wings.
The Police Commissioner added that significant work has been in progress and RPNGC will continue to embrace this venture.
“We will continue this partnership to uphold policing and develop our police capabilities for a better Papua New Guinea,” said Manning.
Manning then declared the reopening of the Boroko Police Station then unveil a plaque to signify the occasion.
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