
PNGTUC Supports 9-Mile Eviction

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The PNG Trade Union Congress (PNGTUC) representing its members and collectively 228,000 members of Nambawan Super Limited has appealed to squatters illegally occupying portions of land at 9-Mile in Port Moresby also known as ‘Bush Wara’ to respect the Court’s decision and vacate the area.

Vice President of PNGTUC, Lowa Tambua said the 120 days grace period is enough time for the people to voluntarily move out of the area. The grace period ends on July 10, 2024 and eviction commences on July 11, 2024.

On June 27th, 2024 the Supreme Court dismissed three Review Applications filed by illegal settlers on portions 2156, 2157 and 2159 and ruled in favour of Nambawan Super Limited.

A statement released by the Superannuation company, said it followed all legal requirements to lawfully secure the land titles.

It said the court’s decision now allows the Sheriff’s office and the police to proceed with executing the eviction.

NSL strongly urged all illegal squatters to immediately dismantle their personal property and voluntarily vacate before July 11,2024.

Daniel Mollen another member of the PNGTUC called on citizens to do due diligent checks before purchasing land to avoid future evictions.

Illegal settlers occupied the 200 hectare land which was acquired by Nambawan Super Limited in 1990 and since then, NSL has been defending its title in court until 2019 when it was granted full titles.

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