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Drunk Policemen Assault Healthcare Workers at St John's Hospital

Drunk Policemen Assault Healthcare Workers at St John’s Hospital

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Two (2) police officers under the influence of alcohol forcefully entered St John’s Hospital at Gerehu this morning and started assaulting staff and causing significant damage to the facility.

The altercation has drawn widespread condemnation from health authorities and law enforcement officials.

Witnesses reported that an unmarked vehicle carrying two officers arrived at the hospital around 4:30 AM.

Despite being informed by security that the hospital was closed until 6am, the officers ignored the instructions and forced their way inside.

The hospital’s Emergency Doctor, who attempted to reason with the officers, was met with violence.

After advising them that the clinic was closed due to a suspected Monkey Pox (Mpox) case and suggesting they visit the Port Moresby General Hospital instead, the doctor was slapped in the face.

Eyewitnesses said as the officers drove away, they fired a gun shot and later returned to further assault the doctor.

Inside the hospital, the officers continued their rampage, injuring a Health Extension Officer and damaging property.

A nurse narrowly escaped harm by hiding in a restroom.

Dr. Robin Oge, Acting CEO of the National Capital District Provincial Health Authority (NCDPHA), strongly condemned the officers’ actions, describing the attack as a “shocking act of brutality” against a healthcare professional.

“Such actions undermine public trust in law enforcement and create an unsafe environment for our healthcare workers,” Dr. Oge stated.

He assured staff and patients that the incident is under investigation, with officers involved already identified.

Hubert Namani, Deputy Chairman of the NCDPHA and President of the Law Society, echoed these sentiments, calling for justice and describing the assault as a disgraceful breach of the law and an attack on the values of justice and public service.

Acting CEO of the NCDPHA, Dr Robin Oge (left) and Commissioner of Police, David Manning (right), speaking to the media at St John's Hospital, Gerehu.
Acting CEO of the NCDPHA, Dr Robin Oge (left) and Commissioner of Police, David Manning (right), speaking to the media at St John’s Hospital, Gerehu.

Police Commissioner, David Manning also condemned the rogue officers, emphasizing that their actions do not reflect the values of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC).

He confirmed that Internal Affairs and the forensic department are actively investigating the incident and urged witnesses to come forward.

As a result of the incident, emergency services at St John’s Hospital Gerehu are closed for the day and duties expected to resume tomorrow.

All other services continue to operate as normal.

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