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The people of Kamali Village in the Rigo District of Central Province recently celebrated the launching of the Kamali Bible Translation Project.

The project is an initiative of the Kamali United Church and the People of Kamali Village to translate the bible into the Kamali language.

They believe the people will better understand God’s words in their own language.

“We believe that this translation is very important to us, will have an impact on the lives of people, strengthen church growth and also encounter Jesus as their personal savior.

“We believe that this translation will help people to understand God more clearly in their own language,” Kamali Bible Translation Project Chairman Willie Porau said.

Following the launching, there will be more consultation with the PNG Bible Translation Association, with a framework to be established.

The framework is a guide on how to go about completing this project.

The PNG Bible Translation Association will be supporting this project with training programs for the translators who will be involved in this project.

“Our part as BTA is to manage the translation. Whatever update, whatever that you are doing, we must be aware on our end.” A PNG BTA Rep said.

The BTA Rep also explained that they will support them in any training that they need, however they will meet the cost of all training.

“Most of our translators are trained in our head quarters in Ukarumpa, in Aiyura Eastern Highlands Province, but some training will be held here just to equip our translators.” he said.

There are also plans in place for a one book workshop to be hosted in September, where participants will be trained on how to better translate the bible into the Kamali vernacular.

During the workshop, they will focus on translating the book of Ruth, with the new testament to be translated after the workshop.

Though it is a challenging exercise, the church is privileged to have the support of the people of Kamali, church pastors, Rigo District and the PNG Bible Translation Association.

The Chairman says it is through team work, that will help them achieve their goal of translating the New Testament of the Bible.

The PNG BTA Rep also urged the people of Kamali to support translators who will be working on their bible.

“Look after your translators, take care of them, just your pastors.”


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