
One Language of Love

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Pope Francis’ last day in Papua New Guinea was committed to talking to the youths.

The approach was different with more interaction with all the youths that gathered at the Sir John Guise Outdoor Stadium.

He advised the youths to share one language of love and not indifference.

“Indifference is something very difficult, very ugly,” the Pontiff said.

“Indifference, we’re just concerned about ourselves and our own interests, it’s all about us, it’s about ego.”

Instead the Pope encouraged the youths to have one common language. The language of love.

He posed the question to a stadium filled with students from all catholic run schools and church youth groups.

“What is the language that unites us, keeps us together?”

They echoed “love”.

“I hope all of you speak the most profound language of love that would be “wantoks” of love.

“This unity in love, which you will be able to find through friendship with Jesus, will help with overcoming loneliness and allow you to search together for ways to be better people.

“It will also help you to be better equipped to take charge of your lives and make courageous decisions: to say “no” to drugs and alcohol; “no” to pornography, which leaves people sad and empty; “no” to all forms of violence!”

He also had another great request for the youth.

“Something I am about to tell you may seem a-bit strange but there’s something very important in life of young people- closeness to your grandparents and elders.”

The Pope lead them in shouting “Long live grandparents”.

PNG owned online news company with a mission to provide the best possible independent alternative for Papua New Guineans

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