MORESBY North-East intending candidate, Anton Polaiap says many residents in the electorate do not have a steady job and do not own a house.
Campaigning in front of the Foodland chain of stores in the nation’s capital, Port Moresby, he reiterated this among his talking points. He said if he is given the opportunity by the people, he will push for the implementation of providing employment opportunities and also give workers a sustainable home scheme.

“These are two important policies I am standing on to contest the Moresby North East Open Seat,” said Polaiap.
“I respect all the other intending candidates, you also have the right to choose by voting the candidate of your choice. People must know policies of each individual candidate”, said Polaiap.
He said he will not build new industries to provide employment but push for business reserves for indigenous people. Polaiap stressed that this is by law and is in the country’s constitution.
“None of you own a retail store your standing and selling things infront of, or do you? The constitution of this country speaks of this, you have the right to participate and own businesses under the reserved business list for Papua New Guinean’s, added Polaiap.
The North East candidate said the law is impartially implemented and this is a golden opportunity for people.
“When you vote for Box 73, you already know that my two priority policies of employment and sustain housing will be at work for you to benefit”, said Polaiap.

He said many are not aware of this law and continue to think that big businesses are for foreigners while they concentrate on selling staff like cigarette and other items on the streets of Port Moresby.
Polaiap said this must change and elevate the life of the people and give value to the country’s economy.
Speaking on his second policy, he said employment opportunity is scarce despite a huge number of intellectuals passing out with flying colors from higher learning institutions.
“Many of you are over qualified with degrees, certificates, double degrees even doctorate and masters. But you are not employed and roam the streets.
I will push for a policy that will change the working landscape. I believe many of our own people can handle jobs currently held by foreigners”, said Polaiap.
He said the PNG law remains fragile that is why employment is a real struggle in our towns and cities.
Polaiap questioned why Papua New Guinea continues to be categorized as a corrupt and unsafe place to work and live yet foreign nationals find it interesting to stay. He said because there are job opportunities available yet locals are not considered.

“2022 National General Election brings us the opportunity to change employment and housing benefits for us all. You will not make a mistake if you vote for Box 73, I will enter Parliament with these two agendas as key priority policies”, said Polaiap.
Anton Polaiap is an architect by profession. He is among the 76 candidates contesting the Moresby North East Open Seat.
Six of the candidates are women.
Polaiap also spoke highly of the women folk, stating that women have all the right to contest for public office.
Polaiap said these six women are contesting to provide an alternate leadership and equal respect must be given to them.
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