
Samarai-Murua partners with Bank for School Fee Payments

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The Samarai-Murua District Development Authority is the 3rd DDA to sign an agreement with Mama Bank to facilitate all payments of its tertiary assistance program.

The arrangement is to ensure tertiary fees for students sponsored by the districts are paid on time so it does not affect their studies.

Samarai-Murua District this year has allocated K1.7 million for school fee assistance.

MP Isi Henry Leonard said while waiting for the DSIP funding to be processed, the bank will assist to pay for all Samarai-Murua students attending tertiary institutions throughout the country and abroad.

Once the DSIP component of that funding is made available, the DDA will release it directly to the bank to reimburse the funds.

Both the bank and the DDA clarified that this is not a loan.

This arrangement is part of plans to establish a Mama Bank branch in the district.

Two other DDA’s that have signed similar agreements with the Mama

bank are Kerowagi District in the Simbu Province and Rigo District in Central.

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