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SILAG partners with National Procurement Commission | Inside PNG

SILAG partners with National Procurement Commission

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The National Procurement Commission is partnering with the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG) to facilitate capacity building programs within the Commission.

A Memorandum of Agreement was signed today to signify the commencement of this partnership.

The collaborative agreement aims to enhance public service capacity and foster effective leadership through projects relating to course design, delivery and other learning and development interventions that are to be undertaken by and between SILAG and NPC.

This step taken seeks to promote effective leadership and good governance within these public service organizations.

The objectives outlined in the MOU are that both SILAG and PNC work together to identify capacity and training needs, design suitable training programs, deliver needs-based training and asses it’s impact.

SILAG will extend it’s learning services to support NPC’s capacity building programs, learning interventions and other objectives both at the Head Office and Provinces.

SILAG CEO, Michael Barobe said this agreement is in line with NEC approved Public Sector Training for Improved Service Delivery.

“The policy is intended to advance the government’s plans and desire to make the entire pubic service machinery appropriately functional through systematic training and recruitment that ensures merit-based appointments to public service positions.

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