
Teng Airstrip Taking Shape

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[Picture supplied by Maisen Hungito: (Manolos chopper dropping off PNGDF personnel at Teng airstrip construction site)]

The Teng airstrip constructed by the locals of Deyamos LLG of Morobe’s Kabwum District 49-years ago will be completed soon by Lae’s PNGDF Engineering Battalion Team.

Yesterday, a second troop of the Engineering battalion flew in by Manolos aviation to accompany their fellow comrades in preparation for the drilling and blasting of rocks.

The rocks obstructed the completion of the airstrip runway, which the PNGDF personnel from the Engineering Battalion at Lae’s Igam Barracks commenced drilling and will use explosives to blast the rocks in preparation for the construction.

The arrival of the Engineering Battalion Team motivated the local men, women, and children who helped with joyful hearts in clearing the runway to see the airstrip take its shape before the first plane lands to serve a population of over 2,000 from Deyamos’ 11 villages including Dawot, Timowan, Sei, Kautnon, Gongoman, Gomandat, Boulon, Hemon, Mumungam, Patak and Finon.

Nearby villagers from Teng, Dawot, Timowan and Kautnon have been working closely with the PNGDF personnel in clearing the airstrip since the first deployment of PNGDF personnel last week Wednesday.

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