
Inside PNG


Incumbent Moresby North-East Open, MP John Kaupa is concerned about the administration of the 2022 National General Election in the electorate. 

He spoke to a few journalist hours after the resignation of MNE RO, Billy George and the deferral of polling.

Kaupa said the delay by those mandated to run the affairs of the election is disappointing and unlawful.

“Continuous deferral of the polling will be costly to the Electoral Commission Office, candidates and concerned stakeholders,” said Kaupa.

He said if the RO has resigned he should be recalled, the whole electoral team to run the election in Moresby North-East must be replaced. 

“A new team must be appointed to run the polling to counting and declaration. This includes RO’s and ARO’s. A neutral team of election officials must be appointed,” said Kaupa.

He called on the Electoral Commissioner to do the right thing, he said.

Kaupa also raised concerns that last minute changes in polling stations are very suspicious and questionable. 

“The Electoral Commissioner must not take this lightly, deferring the polling a number of times added by discrepancies in ballot paper numbers and other election matters indicate the manipulation of people with individual interest,” said Kaupa.

Kaupa is defending the Moresby North-East seat for his second term in Parliament. He was voted into office in 2017. 

He is endorsed by the incumbent Government led by Pangu Party Leader and Prime Minister, James Marape. 

Earlier in the week, Kaupa was accused of transporting ballot boxes using a police officer and his home raided early by a joint operation of discipline forces. He denied this news describing it as false and misleading. 

The Pangu candidate said the Electoral Commission must fix this mess and allow people to poll and elect their chosen leader. 

The ease of brewing illegal alcohol in the convenience of homes and the easy accessibility to the required ingredients hasseen an increasing activity in home brew. This increased activity has contributed in a big way to the social problems of Hanuabada village, the biggest Motuanvillage in Port Moresby.

It’s cheaper, sold in all corners of the village, in homes and openly on roadsides and almost anyone can get drunk at anytime of the day. The aftermath of this situation often leads to fights, disturbance of peace and unnecessary provocationsbecoming a common sight in the village. Serious injuries have occurred in some instances and innocent villagers havebeen victimized on many occasions. The Hanuabada homebrew has become popular over the years that outsiders make the daily trip into the village to gettheir supplies. Its quick impact on the drinker has made it more preferable than the legalized commercial brands andeveryone is involved including elderly men, youths, students and now women as young as 16-years of age who becomeaddicted.  It is called Steam for the strength of its alcohol makeup and with its introduction to the outsiders, it has also becomeknown as “Firewara”.

It’s a cheap means for those wanting a fast intoxication, with a 500ml bottle going for K10.00 or a one litre container forK20.00. Buyers have had their money’s worth for a good drinking session and the demand for more is always on the table. Homebrew started in the village around the late 1970s’ to the early 80s’ as the price of commercial beer and spirits started becoming unaffordable for the ordinary villagers. According to information in the village, the process was introduced byyoung educated villagers who undertook the relevant university studies. It started off with fruits, especially pineapple kept in enclosed storage for days and then processed through a smalldistillery set up of copper pipes and large home-made pots over fire with the addition of sugar, yeast and water to make upa fruity flavored alcohol drink. The brewing process takes a minimum of four days after which the distillation processproduces the final product.

Since then, the fruity flavor has been disregarded to increase the alcohol potency of the substance and this is enjoyed morethan the commercial brands.  Villagers, especially youths have made it a business activity for an income and many have forgone hunting and fishing oreven formal employment and studies to make a living out of homebrew.  According to those involved, it is easy money and provides financial support to many families. But the social problems are considered less over the monetary benefits and the impact of their products to the socialwelfare of the village at large is of no concern to them. Clearly, the stuff (homebrew) is illegal and unauthorized but it is sold openly as would a legalized drink be. Villageleaders and those concerned have tried their best to address the situation but with little success and this illegal activity hascontinued to this day.

The resulting problems are clearly visible in the community and have become a major law and order issue for the bigvillage. This situation is compounded by the free movement of outsiders into the village for their own reasons including topurchase the illegal drink and often, fights breakout involving drunkards and, in some cases, ethnicalclashes. Defenselesspeople like women, children and the elderly and innocent people in general are always in danger of being victimized. The absence of Police in the village has made it worse and the situation is now getting out of hand. Police have kept outof the village following a clash with villagers that resulted in the death of two young village men from police gunshots. Lawlessness has increased since the conflict and everybody seems to be going about with his living without any care forauthority. Adding onto the law-and-order situation are the issues relating to the health of those consuming the drink. Many areenjoying the homebrew without realizing the alcohol content and the ingredients used and the production processinvolved. A good number of villagers have been hospitalized with bloated stomachs and liver infections from theuncontrolled use of yeast and continuous consumption. It is obvious that getting drunk is more important than theirwelfare and good living. People have died from the continuous consumption of homebrew and many young families have been left shattered withtheir future unknown. Still, no one has stood up to say enough is enough. Homebrew has heavily impacted the entire village. From health to peaceful and harmonious living and even the education of the children is affected as young men and women are getting into binge drinking and away from their studies.

In some cases, grades have dropped and the continuation of their studies become difficult thus, adding to the high unemployment rates in the village and causing more burden unto families. The way the activity is carried out in the village seems like the safety and welfare of the village has been compromised.The villagers selling the drinks know the negative impact of their activity but the need for a daily income to support theirfamilies is considered more important than the good of the community at large. Stopping them means stopping their income. It can be classed as a lame excuse to continue the activity especially whenthere are better income generating options of fishing, hunting and gardening available to consider.  More often than not, questions arise such as ‘are we being responsible enough to care for our village and our fellowvillagers? Or do we continue to face hardships of life through the actions of a minority?’  There is a call to stand up against this evil drink as some call it or continue to suffer as the home breweries continue theirtrade. The Pine, Steam or Firewara saga will continue to bring misery to the entire village until and unless drastic measures aretaken with immediate effect to ban this illegal activity.

Polling officials came under fire tonight at Ward 7, Murray Barracks at the close of polling at 6pm when voters and scrutineers found out that 515 ballot papers were unused.

While many demanded to burn the left over ballot papers, a lone police officer and a few soldiers managed to calm the frustrated voters and scrutineers. 

Some even verbally threatening the Presiding Officer, if she was to transport the unused ballot papers. 

Presiding Officer Frieda Kila, a first timer in the role, explained that, the Electoral Roll for Zone 3 in Murray Barracks listed 825 voters in total. 

The NCD Electoral Office issued 850 ballot papers to the polling site. 

From the 825 voters on the Electoral Roll, only 334 voted. 

One ballot paper was discarded when polling officials were immediately alerted that a lady had used someone else’s name to cast her vote. 

Others were turned away because their names were not in the Electoral Roll. 

Disappointed, that their names were not on the Electoral Roll and also the fear of the unused ballot papers falling into the wrong hands when being transported, they demanded for the left over ballot papers to be burnt. 

The Presiding Officer made several calls to the Returning Officer and ARO for directions but the calls didn’t get through. 

At around 7:40pm, the Presiding Officer finally got through to the ARO, who agreed with the scrutineers to mark all the unused ballot Papers with an X instead. 

This resolved the suspicions and tensions. 

Around 8:45pm, Police and the Electoral Commission Officials arrived with an open-back truck to transport the two ballot boxes. 

Kila said she was directed to take the ballot boxes to Adcol, at Waigani. 

For a first timer, she was pleased that the situation turned out well in the end. 

Another twist on polling day in the Moresby North-East electorate has left voters frustrated and confused.

In the Ward 5 area, many turned up in numbers to cast their votes at Apex and Lahara Park. 

After waiting for more than three hours many were turned away following the sudden resignation of Moresby North-East Returning Officer, Billy George. 

Mr George also announced that, polling for MNE has been deferred to Monday 11th of July 2022. 

A voter, John Raga told Inside PNG all this boils down to the preparation by the Electoral Commission as the agency responsible.

“There are so many discrepancies from the very start, EC had five years to get all this done. We are in a big mass”, said Raga. 

We need better policies to ensure the electoral system is working. It really comes down to the administration of the election by EC.” said Raga. 

“We now must elect leaders who will foster change, what we are seeing is a ripple effect. Hopefully the common roll and other issues are addressed and mistakes not repeated in the next election. “said Raga.

We have to vote, it’s our democratic right,” Raga said.

A long time resident at Laurabada Avenue in the Ward 5 area, Joycelyn Tadabe says her right to vote today was deprived. 

“It’s a first of its kind and it’s upsetting. Elections are never free and fair. This election is very bad, many are praying for those that are taking lead in carrying out the election process,” said Mrs Tadabe. 

“I will return on Monday and cast my vote, it’s my right,” Tadabe said. 

With polling for Moresby North East deferred to Monday 11th July, many working class are concerned that they will miss out come polling day. 

A resident at Boroko’s Angau Drive, Chris Pokasui says chances of exercising his right to vote are now limited with polling deferred for the third time. 

“My employer gave us a few days to stay home and vote. We now have to consider whether to attend work on Monday next week or see hours cut in our pay,” said Mr Pokasui. 

He added that the EC must be consistent with its decision and planning of the election. “I hope this issue is addressed and polling resumes in MNE”, said Pokasui.

A youth in the same area also appealed to the voting population to vote honest leaders who will get into office and assist and push the Electoral Commission to improve in administering the election.

Ronny Austrai said such delay is frustrating and people must see this and make better choices. He said the deferral has cost a lot for those who have planned to cast their votes.

“Are we voting the right leaders or we voting corrupt leaders. It’s the leaders who are manipulating the system. Think of our future and the good of our community. “said Mr Austrai. 

Meanwhile a senior public servant at Boroko has called for the sacking of the electoral officers delaying the polling. He said these officers are incompetent and that is why polling has been deferred for more than once. 

“They have five years to prepare, organize and ensure the election process is smoothly implemented. Today most voters are frustrated, why are we facing all these issues, he questioned. 

The senior public servant said those responsible must be sacked.

POLLING for Moresby North-East has now been deferred to the 11th of July, 2022. 

The decision comes after Returning Officer for Moresby North East Billy George, at the 11th hour, announced his resignation. 

NCD Election Manager Kila Ralai, after meeting with MNE intending candidates, resolved to recalling Mr. George.

The candidates expressed concern that the RO’s resignation will only cause more delay to the polling.

Mr. Ralai said the RO’s last minute resignation was a result of pressure mounted on him from intending Candidates of Moresby North-East.

Other concerns raised by the intending candidates included the movement of voters from other electorates coming to vote in the MNE electorate come Monday, due to this deferral.

The concern was directed to NCD Metropolitan Superintendent, Gideon Ikumu.

MetSup Ikumu stated that the Electoral Roll would be the proper means of control for voters. 

Ikumu, although referring to the Electoral Roll as a means of control, acknowledged that the Roll itself has issues.

The Small and Medium Enterprises Corporation (SMEC) and the Catholic Diocese of Kimbe is working in partnership to provide entrepreneurship training and micro, small and, medium enterprise (MSME) development through the Church network in West New Britain province. 

Through this partnership, forty-one (41) Catholic priests and laymen attended two weeks of Start Your Business Micro-enterprise training conducted by SMEC at Mai Parish in Hoskins local level government in West New Britain last month. 

Following this training, SME Corporation will conduct a training of trainer (TOT) for the forty-one (41) priests and laymen, to enable them to conduct entrepreneurship training for their local church members throughout West New Britain Province. 

In a small but significant closing ceremony recently, SME Corporation Managing Director, Petrus Ralda told the participants that the Government to Church (G2C) Partnership is the key to reach rural population and it is an effective initiative for MSME Development in the country. 

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Ralda said, Research have shown that eighty-five percent (85%) of people living in rural areas are business illiterate. 

“They do not know how to make business but they engage in the informal economy. They sell for daily survival. There is No Savings Culture.” Ralda said. 

A survey conducted by the Catholic Diocese of Kimbe also highlighted financial illiteracy as a challenge. 

Mr. Ralda said this issue can be addressed through business trainings. 

“The church reaches out to most remote areas where the Government cannot go, and such partnership will provide the training opportunity to the people in the LLG and ward levels”. 

Reverend Bishop John Bosco Auram of the Catholic Diocese of Kimbe said he has been seeking government intervention to support the communities, and the government to Church partnership, through the entrepreneurship training is an example of such collaboration. 

Acting Provincial Administrator Leo Mapmani said West New Britain is an economically stable province but there are no tangible outcome of the huge cash flow. 

He acknowledged SME Corporation for this initiative, saying it is an important strategy towards MSME development to change the mindset  of the people. 

The Government through the SME Corporation, West New Britain Provincial Administration and Kimbe Catholic Diocese will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen this partnership.  

This Partnership with the Catholic church is a pilot initiative and will replicate the partnership with other mainline churches if the partnership is successful. 

Santos has reaffirmed its commitment in backing and growing women’s rugby league in Papua New Guinea.

Earlier today Santos announced its investment of K1.8million as sponsorship through the PNG Rugby Football League Inc. to support the PNG Orchids.

This also paves way for Santos to be the naming rights of the national women’s rugby league team as preparations begin for the World Cup in England this year. 

Santos Country Chair, Leon Buskens made this announcement earlier today at the Santos National Football Stadium in Port Moresby. 

There to witness was PNGRFL CEO, Stanley Hondina, home grown talent, Elsie Albert, PNG Orchids Management, media and other stakeholders. 

Mr Buskens said Santos is proud to continue this legacy in supporting Papua New Guinea’s national sport and empower women and girls. 

He said the move to support women in rugby league began in 2017 with Oil Search as the inaugural sponsor and naming rights and with its merger Santos now will continue this journey.

“Our values drive everything at Santos, and we are passionate about building a better future for communities in which we operate.

It is an important part for our women and girls in Papua New Guinea. We have a great pool of talent and one example is Elsie Albert,” said Buskens. 

PNGRFL CEO, Stanley Hondina thanked Santos for the continued partnership. 

Hondina said women’s rugby league will not grow if there is no better support off the field. 

“Santos is a key partner in developing rugby league in PNG communities. There is a big gap between men and women in league, but the last five years has been very encouraging. Our women’s team the PNG Orchids are now ranked 4th in the world. 

It’s an achievement we want to push forward and Santos has created a pathway through its sponsorship,” said Hondina.

The PNGRFL CEO said rugby league is more than just a sport. 

“It’s a tool of development and we want to support aspiring girls and women to develop the code in Papua New Guinea,” added Hondina. 

Meanwhile selected women players from the Northern, Highlands, Southern and Islands Confederates are in Port Moresby for the Tri-Series this weekend. 

The players will merge to Teams Black, Gold and Red and will play at the Santos National Football Stadium on Saturday and Sunday. 

A team will then be selected for a trial match in Australia before the final PNG Orchids team is selected for the World Cup in England. 

THE Electoral Commission was forced to hold a media conference yesterday after polling for the National Capital District was delayed again. 

While candidates and members of the public fumed over the decision, what came out from the media conference was perhaps the highest display of government incompetence. 

The National Capital District’s Election Manager, Kila Ralai, blundered through the conference. He stopped to consult pages of a written statement in his desperate moments under pressure and then blamed candidates and social media for the delay. 

“There was interference,” he said. 

His favorite word of choice, “process,” became an uncomfortable cliché and the subject of memes by the end of the hour as thousands of Papua New Guineans hammered the Commission and the election manager over the poor public representation. 

The Electoral Commission had five years to plan the biggest event in the country’s democratic cycle. They knew all the risks yet did little to mitigate them. 

Kila Ralai claimed to be a veteran of 40 years but in the same breath told the media that he was inexperienced in dealing with elections in NCD. 

“NCD is a new challenge to me.”

The NCD election team admitted, they did not train polling officials and that they “ran out of time.” 

Kila Ralai, denied they were not disorganized after ABC correspondent, Natalie Whiting, put it to him that there appeared to be widespread disorganization in the whole process. 

The press conference ended with one officer lambasting the media for asking ‘unnecessary questions. He was subsequently shut down by a room full of angry journalists. 

Things started to unravel on the eve of polling. 

Candidates were concerned about the presence of “extra ballot boxes” and said the process was irregular and not transparent. 

Hours after the Electoral Commission spoke, candidates including Andy Bawa, Dianne Unagi, Tania Bale and Sylvia Pascoe,  held a separate news conference to highlight the sequence of events that led to the delay. 

“If you’re standing there and you see two to four boxes that look like they have been tampered with, we have to ask those questions. They gave us no reasoning. Everybody did not feel comfortable with what they were saying. 

“When you opened up those boxes, everything was sealed and these four random boxes were not sealed. Something is wrong with that.” 

In Tari, the Prime Minister’s arrival to cast his vote was marred by the arrest of his son and an associate who was carrying more than a million kina in cash. 

James Marape, later said he had no association or knowledge of the money. But the incident has not stopped doubts about the integrity of the election process in the Prime Minister’s own electorate.

Prime Minister, James Marape has distanced himself from the large sum of money police confiscated from his relatives over the weekend. 

He said he has nothing to do with the money.

On Saturday, 2nd July, Police confiscated about K1.56 million from Seth Palipe, at Komo Airport in Hela Province.

Police alleged that Marape’s son, Mospals Marape was also involved and arrested him with Mr Palipe. 

“I have nothing to do with the money that was confiscated by Police who were doing routine checks at Komo Airport,” PM Marape said.

“From Police briefings I received, Police were checking passengers coming in from a charter flight into Komo.

“They discovered large sums of money in the possession of Mr Palipe, and despite him disclosing ownership, source and purpose of the funds, Police arrested him and a local policeman who were on hand to deliver the money safely to a construction site.

“My son, Mospals Marape, who was escorting PM’s Department staff to visit Hides Gas Field areas, was unfortunately linked to the transportation of the funds.

“He was also rounded up and arrested, and despite high tensions, I informed everyone that Police are here to do their job.

“If Police are of the opinion that a person or a cargo warrants search, confiscation and arrest, then so be it, the work of police is not to be interfered with.

“The money was taken into police custody and those arrested were in Police custody until bail was granted two days later.

“This is now a Police matter.”

PM Marape said fake news about an illegal army in Hela had conjured negative views of the province.

“Fake news of an illegal army gives the impression to the country that bad things are happening in Hela,” he said.

“This is far from the truth, especially in this time of elections.

“People have supported a fair campaign, they are now voting for me, I told the people in my campaigns in Hela and PNG for people not to take money to vote. 

“I don’t need money for people to vote me, and in fact they are voting right now and if this money was what I need to win my reelection, then I would be disadvantaged with the money still held by Police.

“They have voted me without being enticed by money since 2007 when I was first elected into Parliament.”

Kumul Petroleum Holdings Limited has backed the PNG LNG Kumuls as the platinum sponsor.

The three-year deal was announced this afternoon at the Santos National Football Stadium in Port Moresby. 

KPHL Managing Director, Wapu Sonk and PNGRFL Chief Executive Officer, Stanley Hondina signed the deal for the support and growth of rugby league in the country.

“We are proud to announce the sponsorship and also partner with other sponsors like PNG LNG, Digicel PNG, NGCB and the others,” said MD Sonk.

He thanked the KPHL Board for making this a priority.

“I thank the Government of the day to back rugby league. It’s an investment and hopefully we get results like the recent game between the PNG Kumuls and Fiji Batis,” said Sonk.

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The sponsorship begins this year and will support the PNG Kumuls as preparations for the Prime Minister’s 13 and World Cup begins. 

KPHL is also a platinum sponsor for the PNG Hunters program, school rugby league and are part owner of franchise club, Hela Wigmen.

PNGRFL CEO, Stanley Hondina expressed his gratitude to the KPHL Board and Mr Sonk for their endless support for rugby league in Papua New Guinea. 

He said this is crucial for PNGRFL.

“We appreciate the partnership with KPHL including the other sponsors. They have invested a lot in rugby league. It is this type of support that will develop the players and game,” said Hondina.

CEO Hondina said it’s more than just rugby league. “We share the values of nation building. Such investment will assist PNGRFL to shape and mold men and women who can be good citizens,” Hondina said. 

Hondina said rugby league is growing because of good partnerships by corporate giants. 

Meanwhile Hondina said PNG LNG Kumuls will only play one game before the Rugby World Cup and that is the Prime Minister’s 13.

“It’s the only trial match for the Kumuls and we wish them well,” said Hondina.

The KPHL platinum sponsorship begins this year and will end in 2024.

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