
Inside PNG


The Yangoru-Saussia District in partnership with Innovative Agro Industries have rolled out the Chicken Outgrowers Program in the District.

Under this program Farmers will be given day old chicks to raise for six weeks, in their chicken sheds.

They will also be provided with chicken feed, and guided throughout the six weeks period.

The Sepik Fresh Chicken Farm will buy the chickens after six weeks, to slaughter and process into various chicken meat products.

“If all goes well, we will stock up all the farms and go into phase 2, which means we bring more Farmers on.” Yangoru-Saussia MP Richard Maru said.

Joshua Jinganiea is a commercial chicken farmer from Kinaimbu village.

He is one of the 10 commercial Farmers, who were given day old chicks to raise.

With support from a credit scheme established by the Yangoru-Saussia Development Authority with the People’s Micro Bank, he was able to obtain a loan to build a chicken shed, with a capacity to raise over 10, 000 day old chicks.

“I have three hundred people working with me, and I am happy because this project will provide income and support their livelihood.” The farmer said.

The Yangoru-Saussia MP said, the District desires that the chicken must be raised by the locals.

“We only want the farm to have minimum number of chicken, the bulk of it should be raised by the people.

“In that way this project will have a lasting benefit to the farmers, and it should be a major business opportunity for the people of Yangoru-Saussia District.” The local MP said.

Teachers Students and Parents all gathered at Warabung Primary School in West Yangoru yesterday, to celebrate the opening a of new 4 in 1 classroom.

The four in one classroom will help provide better learning environment for the children and to improve teaching and learning.

It was built at a cost of K440 000, funded by JICA, and co-funded by the Yangoru-Saussia District Development Authority.

Warabung Primary School is one of the oldest schools in the District, with run down school infrastructure.

Local MP, Richard Maru said the Yangoru-Saussia District Development Authority is committed to improving the quality of education in the District.

He said they have supported many schools in the District through infrastructure development.

He challenged the teachers and students to improve in their academic performance.

“We are not investing in classrooms just for the sake of investing, I want academic performance to improve in this school.

JICA Deputy Chief of Mission, Sinichi Moruo expressed appreciation to the people of Warabung and Yangoru Sausia DDA, for the successful completion of this project.

“The Japanese government is please to support the PNG government improve the education sector.

“I strongly believe that education is not only a vital tool to acquire knowledge and skills, but also an investment for the future.” Sinchi said.

A youth group in Port Moresby’s Tokarara suburb is embracing the NCDC City Watch program in their area.

A youth representative, Henry Komu said the youth want to see change in their community which includes a clean-up campaign, bus stop watch for safe travelling by the public and awareness to school students and the general public.

“It’s our place of residence and it’s our city, the youth want to see that the streets are clean especially around markets, bus stops and along the Tokarara main road. We believe we can be the change for the city streets to be safe for all,“ said Komu.

Their participation in the City Watch program is coordinated by the National Capital District Commission which also includes other suburbs in the city.

More than 20 youths are participating in this program. Komu said the awareness is basically for both the public and youth taking part in the program. He said the program is also to change the mindset of those youth dropping out of school.

“It’s our community, the streets must be clean, healthy and safe for all. Let’s keep it clean and safe for all,” said Komu.

Meanwhile another youth, Richard Thomas said many social problems are caused or initiated by the youth. He expressed the need for relevant levels of Government to include the youth in more programs. The youth representative said the program has also taught life lessons to many who are involved.

“Little changes are happening for us,” he uttered.

Adding on Thomas said many of the youth are now in the crossroads as the 2022 National General Election looms. He said many leaders are voted by the youth but do not capture them (youth) in projects or service delivery.

“We will not waste our votes when the time comes to elect potential leaders,” said Thomas.

He said for a better future for the youth, people must vote wisely. Thomas said elected leaders focus on other groups and neglect the youth.

The Tokarara Youth representatives are urging all youth in the area to participate in the City Watch program for a better community.

The People of the Ward 4 area of Numbo LLG, in the Yangoru Sausia District, Yesterday celebrated the opening of a new Primary School.

The Newly established Klewia Primary school will serve three villages in the area.

According to Local Ward Member Tony Wamahawa, people in the area have been walking long distance in search for school and better education.

This has caused many students to drop out of school.

This school will help minimize low illiteracy rate among youths in the area.

“With a total of K100, 000 funding support from the Yangoru Sausia District Development Authority, a two in one double classroom was built including a teacher’s house.” the local Ward Member said.

School inspector Maggie Kambaki said they have allocated to this school, and the school will be church run school, under the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA)

Local MP Richard Maru was satisfied with the work done the people to build this school.

He further committed a total of K50, 000 to build staff houses.

“There must be a proper plan for the future layout of the school.

“There must be a proper land development plan, so we can follow the plan to develop the school.” The local MP said.

He challenged the people to look after the school infrastructures and the teachers who will serving there.

The Newly established double classroom will cater for grades 1 and 2, while there are plans to build more classrooms.

The school is expected to commence enrollment next week.

Work has commenced on a new Road that will connect the people living in the Sepik Plains area.

The Newly constructed road from Bararat to Mindokum in the Sauso LLG of Yangoru Sausia District is a vital Road link that has been missing for many years.

Mindokum Community Leader Levi Kuaha said for many years, people have to walk long distances to access basic government services like health services.

“We have asked for assistance to help us build our roads, however nothing has been done.

“We have to walk with our cargoes every night to the main road, to catch a PMV to town.” Kuaha said.

The six kilometers Road was built at a cost of over K500 000.

However there is more to be done, to maintain this vital road link.

Local MP Richard Maru said many villages in the district are still not connected by Road, and many do not have health and education services.

He said, he is committed to ensure no one is left behind.

“The completion of this road is part of my commitment to ensure everyone in Yangoru Sausia has the same level of services.” Maru said.

The PNG Media and Creative Arts Industry Association (MACAIA) is concerned that more passionate, experienced and highly skilled journalists are being put out of their jobs.

In recognition of World Media Freedom Day Interim President, Tania Bale-Nugent in a statement stressed that the freedom of the media has been compromised and is slowly being ‘chipped away’.

“A free, fair, independent and unbiased media is essential to democracy as well as a free and fair national general elections.

“We have seen in recent years how the freedom of the media in PNG has been compromised and is slowly being chipped away.

“This is a great danger for the security of PNG as a democracy. It is concerning to see more passionate, experienced and highly skilled journalists being pushed out of their jobs.

“Sometimes we may not like messages that come out in the news but that does not mean we shoot the messenger,” Ms. Bale said.

The interim media union MACAIA was formed in February this year by more than 20 PNG journalists who were concerned about the massive sacking of journalists and cameramen who walked off their jobs in support of their editor who was sidelined from her job for allowing certain reports to be aired on a particular television broadcasting station. The management of the PNG TV station sacked the entire newsroom staff {24) following their protest over the sidelining of their editor on February 17, 2022.

PNGMACAIA was formed on the 27th of February, 2022 at the PNG Trade Union Congress (PNGTUC) venue following the termination issue.

The group elected their interim executive as follows;

Tania Bale (N as Interim President, Harlyne Joku as Interim General Secretary and Jack Lapauve Jnr as Interim Treasurer.

Work has commenced on a new Road that will connect the people living in the Sepik Plains area.

The Newly constructed road from Bararat to Mindokum in the Sauso LLG of Yangoru Sausia District is a vital Road link that has been missing for many years.

Mindokum Community Leader Levi Kuaha said for many years, people have to walk long distances to access basic government services like health services.

“We have asked for assistance to help us build our roads, however nothing has been done.

“We have to walk with our cargoes every night to the main road, to catch a PMV to town.” Kuaha said.

The six kilometers Road was built at a cost of over K500 000.

However there is more to be done, to maintain this vital road link.

Local MP Richard Maru said many villages in the district are still not connected by Road, and many do not have health and education services.

He said, he is committed to ensure no one is left behind.

“The completion of this road is part of my commitment to ensure everyone in Yangoru Sausia has the same level of services.” Maru said.

The PNG Media and Creative Arts Industry Association (MACAIA) is concerned that more passionate, experienced and highly skilled journalists are being put out of their jobs.

In recognition of World Media Freedom Day Interim President, Tania Bale-Nugent in a statement stressed that the freedom of the media has been compromised and is slowly being ‘chipped away’.

“A free, fair, independent and unbiased media is essential to democracy as well as a free and fair national general elections.

“We have seen in recent years how the freedom of the media in PNG has been compromised and is slowly being chipped away.

“This is a great danger for the security of PNG as a democracy. It is concerning to see more passionate, experienced and highly skilled journalists being pushed out of their jobs.

“Sometimes we may not like messages that come out in the news but that does not mean we shoot the messenger,” Ms. Bale said.

The interim media union MACAIA was formed in February this year by more than 20 PNG journalists who were concerned about the massive sacking of journalists and cameramen who walked off their jobs in support of their editor who was sidelined from her job for allowing certain reports to be aired on a particular television broadcasting station. The management of the PNG TV station sacked the entire newsroom staff {24) following their protest over the sidelining of their editor on February 17, 2022.

PNGMACAIA was formed on the 27th of February, 2022 at the PNG Trade Union Congress (PNGTUC) venue following the termination issue.

The group elected their interim executive as follows;

Tania Bale (N as Interim President, Harlyne Joku as Interim General Secretary and Jack Lapauve Jnr as Interim Treasurer.

Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League has named the merit squad for the Women’s Division following the recent inaugural Telikom National Nines Championship in Port Moresby.

The squad of 19 players will head into a monitoring program that will include an extended squad of 25 players from each Confederate that participated in the 9’s tourney.

“The women’s game is a strong and emerging game globally and such we are adamant that due consideration and support needs to be provided,” said PNGRFL Chief Executive Officer, Stanley Hondina.

PNGRFL CEO, Stanley Hondina

The PNGRFL CEO says the country does not have a semi-professional competition for women and this model of training and monitoring fills this gap.

Hondina said potential players who missed out playing in the Confederate Cup will be part of the extended regional squad.

He added that PNGRFL believes PNG Orchids Coach, Ben Jeffries has the knowledge of where women’s league is in the country and has the passion to put together a strong team to represent Papua New Guinea.

Coach Jeffries expressed his appreciation of the commitment and passion displayed over the 2-day Confederate Cup challenge. He said the extended squad will endure plenty education going forward not only to assist in this year’s World Cup players but for future groups post tournament so PNG Orchids become a recognized force within International Rugby League.

The PNG Orchids are currently ranked fourth in the world, and with a World Cup looming in 5 months’ time, it is PNGRFL’s interest to prepare women for the international event.

CEO Hondina said PNGRFL will support the monitoring program and assist the players for the RLWC at the end of the year.

The monitoring program will span over 3 months facilitated by qualified trainers from Digicel Cup Franchises and NRL in PNG who have assisted since 2019.

The program is scheduled to begin with testing and collection of players’ data on the 7th of May while sessions will be held at the Santos National Football Stadium in the lead up to July.

The merit squad includes Joanne Lagona (Southern), Lisa-Marie Alu (Highlands), Belinda Gwasamun (Highlands), Martha Molowia (Southern), Lyiannah Allen(Highlands),Lila Malabag(Southern),Delilah Ahose (Highlands),Regila Wilfred(Highlands),Rosewita Kapo(Southern), Gloria Kaupa(Highlands), Bethshiba Aloi (Southern), Leilah Kerowa(Southern),SusanYol(Southern),Veronica Waula (Southern), Michelle John(Northern),Tere Kiniwi(Southern), Freda Waula(Southern), Lorraine Taraho(NGI) and Doreen William.

According to PNGRFL the extended squad for each Confederate will be announced later this month.

Wau Police now have three new vehicles which they say will help them attend to law and order issues quickly.

The vehicles, ten-seater land cruisers, were funded by the Nakuwi Landowner Association of the Hidden Valley Mine at the cost of K1.2 million kina.

Chairman of the Association Rex Maori said the association priorities minimising law and order issues in Wau Town and has been supporting the police in Wau over the years.

Mr Maori said this is because law and order is almost non existent in Wau with deaths almost every. He said the association will continue to support the police into the elections.

The presentation of the vehicles was done last week in Wau Town Oval in the presence of the Deputy Chief Magistrate, Samson Tatakali, the Senior Provincial Magistrate,Pious Tapil, Assistant Commissioner of Police and APC for the Northern Command, Peter Guinness and the Provincial Police Commander, Jacob Singura.

In his address, Guinness urge the people of Wau to report any misuse of the vehicles directly to his office and to cooperate with the police especially during the election period.

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