
Inside PNG


The Kina-for-Kina Scheme initiative has resulted in the purchase of two new vehicles for Gulf Police.

A significant investment for Gulf Command in preparation for the National Elections.

Under the kina-for-kina scheme Police Commissioner, David Manning aims to alleviate the continuous logistical problems for police nationwide.

Thus the Constabulary entered into the arrangements with various open and regional members whereby every kina they put in the constabulary reciprocated and purchased vehicles for their provinces and electorates.

Similar arrangements were done for Namatanai Open, Madang Open, and the Northern province.

While for Gulf province the Constabulary is still waiting for political heads to participate in the scheme.

The new vehicles were presented to Gulf Police Commander, Chief Inspector Jeffery Lemb in Port Moresby.

Back in Gulf, the Election Security Operations are expected to be launched this Month (April).

The new vehicles will assist in pre-election operations effectively to prepare for a free, fair and safe 2022 election for the people of Gulf Province.

Meanwhile, a hand-over-take-over parade is scheduled for April 13 in Kerema, Gulf Province, where outgoing PPC Chief Inspector Maria Johns will hand over the command to Mr Lemb on 20th April 2022.

This year marks the 70th Anniversary of the launch of the SP Lager brand. To commemorate this, SP Brewery designed a special logo for the brand.

Speaking at the official launch of the brand’s 70th anniversary earlier this week, SPB Managing Director, Ed Weggemans said the brand has journeyed with the nation marking many milestone occasions that have fostered the feeling of national pride and togetherness.

The anniversary logo will be incorporated into all of the brand’s activities in the market, including television advertising, radio, social media and billboards.

The anniversary launch saw Mr Weggemans, with four long serving staff, unveil SP Lager’s 70 Years commemorative logo, in the presence of local media and the company’s leadership team.

“This journey demonstrates how the brand has been able to withstand the test of time whilst remaining relevant in an evolving market. The brand continues to maintain the same great quality it was back then and is still the beer of choice we all come together to enjoy, regardless of status, region or gender,“ added Weggemans.

“As a registered PNG company SP Brewery through its SP Lager brand also played an important role in contributing to the PNG economy and the Government’s national purse”, said Weggemans.

SP Lager began its journey in 1952 as South Pacific Lager and began production on November 26th for the first time.

A remote TVET institute located in the heart of Kutubu Local Level Government graduated its first batch of 21 electrical students on Thursday, 31st of March.

The graduation ceremony brought guests from the Southern Highlands Provincial Education Board, Mineral Resources Development Company, Advancing PNG Women Leaders Network and communities around Pimaga and Bosavi to witness the first ever graduation ceremony.

‘’The youth will carry on our legacy, they are the next generation of leaders and we must play our part by investing in their future and providing them with a platform to express themselves to drive positive development in our community, said an emotional Pimaga TVET institute Principal and Manager, Warubi Masahimu.

I am very proud to see 21 students graduate with electrical trade certificates. Among the male students, we have two females who braved their way to achieving their goals. We have to be proud of our children’s achievements. This is not theirs only but for us, our family and our community,’’ Mr Masahimu added.

The TVET institute birthed from a youth forum that was held in 2016 in Pimaga station during an International Youth Day (IYD) program sponsored by ExxonMobil.

The IYD is a day used as a youth empowerment advocacy program, an initiative of the Kutubu LLG Council of Youth & Women and supported by Advancing PNG: Women Leaders Network.

In addition, with a strong support system established by the ECPNG Kuige Church, a local leader, Mr Warubi Masahimu, the Kutubu LLG youths, the community, community-based organisations, Oil Search Foundation and Southern Highlands Provincial Education board, the TVET institute was established in 2019.

“We wanted to set the pace to be that model community and initiate projects to benefit our children. Our youth population is well over 12 thousand here in the Kutubu area and, as a chairman, I was worried that there weren’t any opportunities for them. This institute is quite an achievement and first of its kind in the Kutubu area. It has now opened the pathway for our people, youths,” said Steven Farabo, Pimaga TVET Chairman and Kutubu LLG Council of Youth Chairman.

In 2019, Pimaga TVET Institute opened its doors to youths offering trade courses in Electrical, Mechanical and Carpentry Trades. 113 students enrolled and among them were six girls. That same year, the Southern Highlands Provincial Education Board recognized the efforts of the community and its partners and registered the institution.

A fully-fledged registered government institution with six trade skills instructors that provide relevant practical skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding relating to the skills provided in various sectors of the formal and informal economic and social life of Papua New Guinea.

“We just started the foundation and there is a serious need to train and develop young people in this part of the region. We need dynamic teachers, good students and a supportive community.

“I have big dreams for this school. I would like to see proper infrastructure set up in the coming years. I want to produce quality and skilled students but, most importantly, great leaders. And finally, if God willing and I’m still alive, I’d like to see this school become paperless and move into using cloud-based platforms to educate the young minds,” said Warubi Masahimu.

Mineral Resource Development Company (MRDC) has jumped on board and provided student sponsorship in 2021 and 2022. The only Tertiary Institution in Kutubu is looking forward to more support from MRDC, Santos (Oil Search), ExxonMobil, the Local Level Government, Petroleum Resource Kutubu, the Churches, local Community Based Organizations, NGOs, and its communities to provide the second change opportunity for the youth bulge pushed out of the formal education system.

The school currently enrols students from Pimaga, Mubi Valley and the surrounding villages. However, plans are underway to get students from Lake Side, Bosavi, Poroma or Homa Paua once dormitories are built.

A four-day induction by the Bougainville Constitutional Planning Committee (BCPC) in Arawa has come to a close.

Bougainville President, Ishmael Toroama, Vice President, Patrick Nisira and the Attorney General, Ezekiel Masatt were present at the closing.

President Toroama said the purpose of the induction is to ensure that each commissioner is kept abreast with the government’s vision for the constitution of an independent Bougainville.

“We are going to create a homegrown constitution for the government and the people of Bougainville. It will be based foremost on protecting the people’s rights and empowering the government to efficiently and equitably distribute services to the people,” President Toroama said.

“We have reached the point of no return and we have reached the pinnacle of our endeavor to create a new and independent nation,” President Toroama added.

He encouraged his fellow commissioners to be proactive in ensuring the Bougainville Constitution gauges the views of the people and captures the vision of the people to be free and governed within a democratic legal framework.

Adding these preparations will determine the outcome of any process; nation building is no exception and the crafting of the constitution of an Independent Bougainville will depend on how we prepare for nationhood,” President Toroama said.

The induction introduced the commissioners to Bougainville’s political roadmap, the commission’s guiding principles, international standards in constitution making process and sharing their experiences.

President Toroama who is also chairman of the BCPC further thanked the BCPC Secretariat for its efforts in guiding the BCPC.

The BCPC also presented the President with a resolution from their induction which the government will look at to ensure its effectivity in consulting the people.

Enga Province has successfully validated and endorsed its Climate Resilient Green Growth (CRGG) Action Plan in a two-day workshop which concluded today.

The Action Plan captures priority climate-resilient and green growth initiatives to be mainstreamed into the Province’s Strategic Development Plan 2022-2030.

Acting Managing Director for Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA), William Lakain said Climate change poses risks and challenges both at the national and international fronts.

“The Government of PNG is committed to ensure that there are appropriate plans and policies in place to support PNG adapt to growing challenges induced by climate change and global warming. “This means practical local actions are needed. The CRGG Action Plan for Enga is one crucial step that paves way for mainstreaming CRGG at the provincial level”, said Mr. Lakain.

The Enga CRGG Action Plan was developed based on a provincial assessment conducted from 2019-2022. The assessment identified entry points for CRGG priorities in Enga Province with recommendation from the Provincial Climate Change Committee (PCCC) to have climate change mainstreamed in the provincial development plan.

Strategic initiatives under the Action Plan includes sustainable forests (REDD+) and sustainable landscapes; climate-smart agriculture; water conservation and access; green industries and jobs; green infrastructure, transport, energy, buildings, and cross-cutting green growth interventions.

Country Representative for Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Sakiusa Tuisolia commended the Enga Provincial Government and participants for their local knowledge and input in the formulation of the Action Plan and stressed on the importance of implementing the plan.

He reiterated that the action plan is world class action plan which aims at achieving climate resilience and green growth in the province.

“GGGI is happy to support the PNG Government and the Enga Provincial Government and its people in the CRGG interventions”, said Tuisolia.

Enga Province is one of three pilot provinces to mainstream CRGG into its strategic development plan. The other two provinces are New Ireland and Milne Bay.

The CRGG Project is being implemented by GGGI in partnership with CCDA and funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

The PNG Women in Coffee Association (PNGWICA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Women’s Coffee Alliance (IWCA) at the Highlander Hotel in Mt Hagen recently.

With the signing of this MoU, PNGWICA becomes the 31st country chapter of the global network under the IWCA. During the MOU signing, PNGWICA also officially launched its five-year strategic plan.

Co-Founder and Executive Officer of PNGWICA, Catherine Pianga said the collaboration between PHAMA Plus and WICA is a demonstration of the confidence that the Governments of Australia and New Zealand have in the capability of women for lasting sustainable change.

“I am excited because, for the first time in PNG’s coffee industry, women in the coffee value chain have a plan, a road map to work with and draw guidance from,” said Pianga.

“This marks a significant milestone in our relationship which will enable a vast span of opportunities and possibilities as PNGWICA joins this global network’, added Pianga.

Pianga acknowledged the support and guidance of its strategic partners – CICL and Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Access (PHAMA Plus) Program.

CICL Chief Operations Officer, Steven Tumae congratulated and commended PNGWICA executives for their commitment and perseverance in ensuring the association carried on with its vision to reach this stage.

“For so long, women’s participation in coffee production has been given less recognition. This partnership will now put women in their rightful place to be recognized for their hard work and contribution in the coffee industry,” said Tumae.

To this date, WICA has grown from 112 foundation members to more than 6000 members, with five coffee companies and 200 coffee households.

WICA was in existence since 2016 and the concept was launched in 2012 by the Coffee Industry Corporation Ltd (CICL) and the Department of Agriculture and Livestock.

The Deed of Amendment to the Porgera Project Commencement Agreement (PPCA), and the Deed of Escrow to park 10% of the project equity were signed today at the Government House.

The PPCA was deemed concluded when Mineral Resources Enga signed on 3rd February 2022.

The PPCA is the central and structural document designed to elaborate and deal more specifically with what was set out in the Framework Agreement.

In a statement the Prime Minister explains that the PPCA is the main foundational agreement that establishes how the joint venture will operate and the operating model that delivers the agreed benefits to all parties.

It deals with legacy liability issues, taxation issues, license issues, the establishment of the incorporated joint ventures, benefit flows, landowner benefits, project financing, mine closure and reclamation, fiscal and regulatory stability issues, and other issues and legal terms supporting the recommencement of the mine.

The Prime Minister said this is a major milestone and the Government needed to ensure that all the important responsibilities and commitments by all stakeholders are captured in very clear terms under this agreement.

The Prime Minister acknowledged Barrick and its CEO, Mark Bristow, for his patience in allowing the state and its stakeholders to ensure that any matters, which were overlooked in the original PPCA, were captured in the amendment deed.

“The amended PPCA now paves the way for the parties to move very quickly to implement further series of documents which include, the signing of the shareholders’ agreement and the incorporation of the joint venture company, the operatorship agreement between the joint venture company, and Barrick as the operator, the fiscal stability agreement, a mining development contract, and the memorandum of agreement regarding benefit-sharing between the relevant provincial government and local level government.

In accordance with the PPCA, the shares in the new project company will be as follows: Barrick Gold and Zijin, 49%, Kumul Minerals Holdings Limited, 36%, Mineral Resources Enga, 5%, and Porgera Landowners 10%.

The parties to the PPCA have agreed that until such time a determination is reached by the landowners as to how the 10% is apportioned, at an appropriate forum, the 10% would be held in escrow.

Marape said this arrangement is important because they want a proper forum to be held to have the landowners themselves determine how the shares will be held to best represent their interests.

The intention of the escrow is to allow the project company to be incorporated in the short term so to enable the lodgment of its application for a special mining lease to be made.

It further allows important regulatory tasks to proceed unhindered while plans are put into place for the development forum to take place.

“I am also pleased to announce that the stakeholders have all agreed for the Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) to be the escrow agent. MRDC is an experienced company dealing with landowner matters in the oil, gas, and mining space. We are confident that they will be able to perform their tasks diligently in accordance with the Deed of Escrow.”

These important signings now pave the way for the final pieces of the puzzle to be put in place for the mine to be reopened.

“I have been briefed on the critical pathway to the reopening of the mine, and it remains my utmost priority to ensure that matters which are within the control of the government are concluded as soon as possible to allow the process to move and accelerate. The operator has already assembled their team to design the shortest possible pathway and I want to do what I can to assist in this regard.”

After three days of rugby league action at the National Football Stadium in Port Moresby last week, selectors have named Teams for the coming Telikom National 9’s Championship this weekend.

Three divisions have been named by the Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League selectors. These include Under 20’s, Senior Women and Men’s for the Southern Region side.

The Senior Men’s team includes:

1. Siune Tine (PRL)

2. Thomas Kaikai (Central)

3. Gairo Voro (POM South 1)

4. Junior Hoki (POM South 1)

5. Benny Yol (POM South 1)

6. Michael Yanis (POM South 1)

7. Andy Tand (POM South 1)

8. Yomo Yokofa (Central)

9. Alwyn Kevaru (Central)

10. Johnson Peter (PRL)

11. Ken Lele (POM South 1)

12. Wabi Sanny (POM South 2)

13. Sebastine Gaudi (Motu Koitabu)

14. Augustine Benson (UPNG)

15. Felix Dickson (Western)

16. Yeki Yoko (UPNG)

17. Mawe John (PRL)

18. Larry Saia (POM South 1).

The Southern Team Head Coach is Bagelo Solien, Team Manager Brian Voele and Trainer Norris Selu.

According to PNGRFL sources, squad training has commenced in preparation for the National Championships come 9th and 10th of April at the National Football Stadium.

The senior men’s selection follows the trial games played among eight (8) teams filled by affiliated PNGRFL teams based in Port Moresby with only one team from Western Province.

The senior men’s division went head-to-head in two pools with Central coming out winners beating POM South 1, 20 points to 10.

Teams that took part include POM South 1, POM South 2, UPNG, Central, Motu Koitabu, PRL, Western and Suburban.

The PNG Government through Prime Minister, James Marape on Tuesday signed a covenant known as the “Era Kone Covenant” with the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Government through President, Ismael Toroama.

The Covenant sets the pathway for the results of the Bougainville Referendum and Joint Post Referendum Consultations to be brought to the National Parliament to deliberate on.

The ABG and the National Government resolved at the 3rd Post-referendum consultations held at the APEC Haus on the 9th of December 2021 to sign a covenant.

Following the signing, ABG President, Ishmael Toroama thanked the Marape lead Government and the Technical Team from both parties for their commitment to effect section 342 of the Constitution which commits both Governments to consult on the Referendum Results.

Toroama said key events such as his Government’s tenure ending in 2025 and the 11th PNG Parliament concluding it’s term in 2027 should be borne in mind so that the constitutional obligation is completed in a timely manner.

“I therefore foresee the tabling of the Referendum Results and the Consultative Outcomes in 2023 to the National Parliament by the Minister responsible as prescribed in section 342 of the National Constitution and as agreed to in the Wabag Roadmap,” Toroama said.

The Toroama lead ABG Government believes that in order for both parties to meet the timeline, the following must be done:

• The covenant be the main agenda at the 4th Joint Supervisory Body meeting next week

• The Technical Teams in both Governments immediately begin drafting the constitutional regulation for endorsement by respective Executive Councils and Gazetted before the General Elections

• The referendum results and the Consultative Outcomes be brought to the Papua New Guinea Parliament by the Minister for Bougainville in 2023 in compliance with section 342 of the National Constitution.

Prime Minister James Marape also acknowledged the patience displayed by the people of Bougainville to see the process through.

“I just want to appreciate the patience and understanding of our people in Bougainville.

“You’ve come a long way since 2001. It’s not easy. The road has been tough,” he said.

Marape assured the ABG President, Ismael Toroama that the next parliament following the election will take carriage of the agreements and see it through.

“Mr President I just want to assure you that the intention we’ve covered in as far as our consultation meetings, follows from my acceptance of the result in Arawa, my consultations with your team in Kokopo, and our clarity of the road map going forward was established in Wabag, as well as the meeting at APEC Haus, culminates in this Era Kone Covenant.

“That is an assurance that we will stick to timeframe that we focused.

“National Parliament will have a handle of this in 2023 and of course going forward,” Marape said.

Vice Minister for Bougainville Affairs Peter Tsiamalili described the covenant signing as a significant step for both Governments towards the process that will go into the 11th house.

“The signing of this important document now streamlines the referendum results and also the consultation and guards the process towards entering the parliament,” he said.

United Nations, who has played a pivotal role in facilitating the consultations and the peace process facilitated the covenant signing and assured their commitment for the process as well.

The National Court in Lae has ruled in favor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG to retain its land, Portion 354, located in Lae’s Malahang area.

According to the court order, ELCPNG is now the rightful owner of the land and residents on the land are now regarded as illegal settlers.

The Court Decision passed on the 25th of March ruled that settlers currently occupying the area are to take down their properties and vacate the area before the 25th of July.

ELCPNG National Church Secretary, Bernard Kaison and the National Church Treasurer, Noreo Keindip, met with settlers yesterday, and presented a letter, notifying them of the court decision and to vacate the area before the 25th of July.

“The reason we are meeting with you personally is so that you hear this from the Church and not from a second party. We have learnt from the Nagada experience in Madang where things got out of hand when settlers found out from other sources other than the Church”, said the Church secretary.

The Church Treasurer, Noreo Keindip explained to settlers that the land, Portion 354 was not on a 99-year lease as claimed by rumors, rather was on freehold to the church.

Some settlers said they were not aware of this when they purchased land in the area.

Keindip responded, saying the Church had taken a restraining order in 2011 stopping any sale to the 99.5 hectares of land.

“I personally walked through the communities and cautioned people; I gave letters.”

“Awareness was done since 2000, there’s no excuse for anyone to say you were not aware, the treasurer said.

The Lutheran Church will retain some hectares of the land while some will be given to the Provincial Government for development purposes; one of which is to revive the old coconut plantation in the area, in support of its plans to revive the copra industry in the province.

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