
Inside PNG


Thousands are expected to cross the PNG-Indonesian border to get a glimpse of Pope Francis when he visits Vanimo in West Sepik province, Papua New Guinea.

He will spend three hours in the province.

Despite the pope visiting Indonesia for three days before arriving in Papua New Guinea, the people of West Papua will be in close proximity to Vanimo as they are very far from Jakarta, the Capital of Indonesia.

Foreign Affairs Minister, Justin Tkatchenko who made the announcement said, those from Indonesia will be thoroughly checked at both boarder posts at PNG and Indonesia.

“When the Pope is in Vanimo we will be expecting a couple of thousand of Catholics from West Papua in Indonesia, we will have to make sure that security is up to par, and the Foreign Affairs secretary, with the Defense and the Police have been working closely with the Indonesian Embassy to ensure that all security details are complete and secure for the popes visit and for our boarder operations.

“Because we will be seeing thousands of people crossing the boarder at one particular time to attend to the popes visit, and with the help of immigration as well at our side the PNG Side we must be on full alert, to ensure that all people are checked and have gone through the proper process when crossing over to Papua New Guinea.

PNG's Foreign Affairs Minister, Justin Tkatchenko speaking about the visit of Pope Francis.
PNG’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Justin Tkatchenko.

“We will be working with the Australians and Indonesians on the intelligence side of things to ensure only those that are attending the Popes visit make it through to Papua New Guinea.

“Security is the number one priority for us we have been handling it on a day to day basis with all our line agencies to ensure we are up to date,” Minister Tkatchenko added.

The Government has committed K10 Million that will go to all the line agencies, to ensure that the papal visit to Papua New Guinea runs smoothly.

Minister Tkatchenko said the visit by Pope Francis is accorded as a state visit and is held with the highest regard for protocol like any other state visit to Papua New Guinea by an independent nation overseas and the Pope being the head of state for Vatican city, which is recognized as a land locked country in the world.

“His holiness Pope Francis is the head of state and he is accorded a state visit and as a head of state he comes as equal as our Governor General, so we keep the level of protocol at the highest order.

“He will receive a 21 gun salute and will be received by our ceremonial guard at the airport and will be accorded everything a state visit is attributed to,” Tkatchenko added.

Pope Francis is 87 years old and despite the many concerns of a long journey to Papua New Guinea, he is determined to visit the Catholic faithful across Asia pacific.

“His health is one of our top priority and he will be coming with his medical team as well, but the Vatican have inspected our private hospitals and hospital facilities, they have already earmarked incase anything happens we have a emergency plan put in place with an evacuation plan to Australia.

“The Pope is still very strong, he does have mobility issues which you will see, but mind body and soul he is determined from the briefing from the Vatican and he is really excited to come to PNG to Vanimo and visiting all the faithful in Papua New Guinea and we look forward to his arrival,” Tkatchenko said

The Pope will arrive on the 6th by Indonesian flag carrier Garuda Airlines, and will leave on the 9th of September for East Timor’s capital Dili on board PNGs National Flag carrier Air Niugini.

After the Kairuku Hiri Electorate was split, the district of Kairuku has formed its new Netball Association, called the Kairuku Netball Association.

The Association held its Inaugural Tournament for the Kairuku Netball Association last week in Hisiu Village.

Hisiu village is located along the coast of the Kauruku District.

The competition lured interest from 17 villages in the district.

Newly elected President, Aiva Jack said the first tournament was an avenue to raise awareness of the sport.

Officials also used the tournament make selection for the National Netball Championships in Lae.

Jack said it was important they promote safe and competitive sports that encouraged the younger generation to participate.

“This is the first time in Kairuku District we are hosting a tournament, we want to run more awareness on the game, we want the people to know that, this tournament is going to be held every year, and our main aim is to introduce the game at the village level.

“The teams and the majority of the players are based in the villages, and with the tournament being held during the weekdays, we are not expecting a lot of players from Moresby city, we want all interested villages to affiliate to Kairuku Netball Association because we are affiliated to PNG Netball Federation.” Jack said.

The competition was broken up into four divisions,
the A grade, Under 21, under 17 and Under 15.

The tournament also acquired the services of umpires from Port Moresby to ensure a high standard of netball in the tournament.

Member for Kairuku, Peter Isoaimo presented an initial K5,000 cash to help the staging of the tournament.

The funding is part of a commitment of K20,000 which the MP promised to be paid later.

“We want to make sure Kairuku Netball Association grows.

“The political support is there, we will support in the tournaments and travels, but ample time must be given to my officers to get the funds in order,”. Isoaimo said.

Under the DSIP, funding for sports comes under the Law and Justice Sector. Isoaimo explains that, this year only K1million has been allocated for the sector.

He said with limited funding in the Law and Justice Sector, sporting bodies in the district will have to organize themselves if they require DDA support.

“All other sports are encouraged, we want to understand where other sporting codes are standing, we have Hisui rugby league also and other rugby league associations in the district on board, we want to assist all these associations,” Isoaimo added.

The Department of National Planning and monitoring together with the Department of Agriculture and Livestock hosted a key Agriculture Sector Coordination Meeting on Thursday (29 Aug 2024) in Port Moresby.

It is a move to advance the agriculture sector, bringing together leaders from the Commodity Boards, the National Department of Agriculture and Livestock (NDAL), the Kumul Agriculture Limited (KAL) and the National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI) under the theme, “Growing Papua New Guinea’s Economy Through Climate-Smart Commercial Agriculture Innovations and Strategic partnerships.”

Agriculture contributes 14 percent to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product and generates approximately K2,492 billion in export revenue as of the 2023 BPNG report.  It remains the cornerstone of the country’s economic and cultural fabric.  This was emphasized by Secretary for the Department of National Planning and Monitoring, Koney Samuel.

He said, “The call to the agriculture sector now is how we strategically position ourselves with the respective commodities we lead to ensure that PNG is gaining maximum value.”

Secretary Samuel also called for renewed focus on downstream processing urging commodity boards to identify and promote commercially feasible opportunities.

The Government has an objective to grow a K200 billion economy by 2030.  Today, PNG stands as a K113 billion economy.  Reaching this ambitious target within six years will require strategic alignment and innovations across all agricultural commodities.

The meeting concluded with a review of recent investments.  According to the Department of National Planning and Monitoring, the Agriculture Sector will have received approximately K788.7 million from 2018 to the end of 2024. 

In closing, the Secretary urged attendees to approach the coming years with a collaborative spirit, stressing that the agriculture sector’s targets are critical to the nation’s future.

The apathy shown by many of the world’s industrialized countries who hold large carbon footprints is disheartening enough for Papua New Guinea, a largely forested nation to announce it’s withdrawal from the United Nation’s Climate Change Conference also known as the conference of parties or COP29 to be held in November this year.

Prime Minister, James Marape made the announcement this month after being briefed by the Climate Change Development Authority (CCDA) and the Conservation and Environment Protection Agency (CEPA) earlier this month.

The two organizations are the government’s eyes and ears for matters relating to Climate Change and environment protection.

PM Marape said PNG’s non-attendance will be in protest at the big carbon footprint holders of the world to demonstrate that forests nations like PNG demand for seriousness in addressing climate change issues, especially in practically addressing conservation of forests as a mitigation strategy.

“We are protesting to those who are always attending these COP meetings, making pronouncements and pledges, yet the financing of these pledges seem distant from victims of climate change and those like PNG who hold substantial forests.

The government’s stance is that the country’s forests, when harvested earns money for the economy, similarly that same forest when conserved must earn money for the economy.

“Our economy needs money yet we are preserving trees as the lungs of the earth, whilst industrialized nations keep emitting. You have not paid for any conservation.”

The Campaign Manager for Act Now! Eddie Tanago on the other hand said PNG needs to stop logging as most of the logging is illegal and unsustainable as it feeds rampant corruption.

“It needs to stop for PNG’s benefit and the government should stop trying to pretend it is a legitimate industry and blackmailing other countries to fund PNG.”

Tanago said carbon trading is monetizing the environment and is going to destroy PNG’s culture and traditional land custodianship.

“It is a form of land grabbing.”

“PNG’s security affects Australia’s security. A more secure and prosperous PNG means a safer Australia,” says Australia’s Deputy High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea Dr Joanne Loundes.
Dr Loundes said this during the official opening of the PNG-Australia Policing Partnership (PNG-APP) Mt Hagen Office that marks the beginning of the next phase of Australia’s support for law enforcement cooperation activities in Western Highlands Province.
Dr Loundes added that the opening of the new PNG-APP facility demonstrates Australia’s ongoing commitment to PNG under the Bilateral Security Agreement signed by both countries in December last year.
“We understand that as PNG’s primary security partner, we need to remain responsive to your security needs and to deliver priority projects and programs quickly,” said Dr Loundes.
Australia remains committed to delivering security support tailored to PNG’s traditional and non-traditional security needs as it has over decades of partnership.
Through the PNG-APP, Australia continues to work closely with the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) to deliver equipment, assets and training that will help PNG develop a world class police force.
PNG-APP made progress early this year with a donation of a prisoner truck to Mt Hagen RPNGC, and the construction of two new “hauswins” for RPNGC and community mediations.
RPNGC welcomed further PNG-APP contributions to the region with new office refurbishments at Mt Hagen Police Station, new ablution block at Kimininga barracks and commencement of new police housing to be complete in April 2025.
“Investments like the opening of the PNG-APP Office in Mt Hagen demonstrates our commitment to delivering security support tailored to PNG’s security needs,” Dr Loundes said.

THE Pacific Islands Forum or PIF leaders meeting this week in Nukualofa, Tonga will discuss key issues on climate change and forest conservation.

Before departing Port Moresby on Sunday (25 August 2024),  Prime Minister James Marape said “Pacific Island countries will continue our advocacy on the impact of climate change at established countries who are big carbon emitters to ensure climate change relief funds are made available to Small Island State for climate mitigation.”

He said, “Papua New Guinea is not a Small Island State. We are a big nation but we also have small island communities amongst us who face these climate changes.”

The PIF summit will also grace the presence of United Nations Secretary General, Mr Antonia Guterres. 

PM Marape and UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres at PIF leaders meeting in Tonga.
PM Marape and UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres at PIF leaders meeting in Tonga.

PM Marape said Mr Guterres has requested specifically for Papua New Guinea to have a bilateral meeting with him.

Both leaders will discuss the progress of the Bougainville Peace Agreement; what is happening in Bougainville and PNG’s views on Forestry.

On the issue of West Papua’s ongoing struggle for independence, Prime Minister Marape said it is within the sovereignty of Indonesia to address issues relating to West Papua. 

PM Marape met with Indonesian President Elect Prabowo Subianto in Port Moresby before departing for Nukualofa. 

Prior to departure PM Marape was asked whether West Papua will be discussed openly at the summit, he responded saying just as PNG would not want its neighboring countries talking about sovereignty issues within its borders, Indonesia would not want its neighbors talking about West Papua and its sovereignty.

However, Mr Marape said all other areas of its relationship with Indonesia such as economy will be open for discussion.  Indonesia’s incoming president indicated preservation and greater respect to indigenous views on customs, culture, land rights and indigenous heritages.  But his visit was tainted when Indonesian Embassy officials banned Journalist and Benar News correspondent, Harlyne Joku from covering a joint press conference of both leaders.  

The PNG Media Council condemned the action of Indonesian Embassy officials saying it was also shameful that PNG Government officials allowed this to happen to a PNG Journalist.

Over in Tonga, Benar News has reported that the 18 member Pacific Island Forum Leaders is underway with top diplomats from key partners including China and the United States gathered for a week of talks on decolonization of New Caledonia, climate change and regional security and cohesion.

The People of Kairuku in the Central Province have been encouraged by their member of parliament Peter Isoaimo to build strong cooperatives to grow the MSME and SME sectors in the district.

The people of Delena and Ukaukana LLG have 43 registered Cooperatives, these cooperatives will be receiving funding from the Kairuku District Development Authority (DDA) and they have been earmarked for K215,000 which equates to K5,000 for each of the cooperatives.

Member for Kairuku, Peter Isoaimo was in Ukaukana to meet with the Cooperatives.

Ukaukana United Church Pastor, John Aubo Aba said the opportunity to be self-sufficient and have a steady income was the goal for their church cooperative.

“Opportunity comes once in a lifetime, Ukaukana united church has initiated their own projects, a watermelon farm and a chicken farm, times are hard, and we want to be self-sufficient, I don’t want my people to go into poverty, it is not easy let me assure you we need capital to start and our member has helped.”

MP Isoaimo said Cooperatives are not new to the district as they were very popular during the pre- and post-independence era.

“Cooperatives started in the late 60s, our older folks took part in cooperative society, Kairuku also had a movement called the Kairuku Cooperative Society, what I am doing currently I am reviving a company that my predecessors got incorporated called the Kairuku Development Corporation limited.

“This company was incorporated by the first member of Kairuku Hiri, I am reviving this company to run along with the Kairuku District Development Authority, the company has assets in land in and around the Laloki area.

“My intention is to use the company to make business on the side to compliment the revenues from the DSIP,” Isoaimo said.

The Kairuku district has land available for largescale agriculture farming and organizing the people into cooperatives helps to channel funding from the DDA to help the farmers to get the required capital to start up business.

“Cooperatives are the way to go one of the reasons why I told you to get organized into corporative societies is because of the Public Finance Management Act, DSIP Monies earmarked for development sector by sector cannot be given to anyone individual.

“Under this law I cannot give money to individuals, all this SMEs must be organized into cooperatives, whether it be a family cooperative or clan cooperative, village cooperative or church cooperative, I am glad you all have organized yourself,” Isoaimo said.

He mentioned that agriculture in the district was a mainstay for the people and it was important that land was made available for farming to help established cooperatives to sell this agricultural produce to earn money.

“Cooperative society is the best model to go in the rural setting, try your best to move away from the bad culture and adapt best practices, Gabadi we are closer to the city we have arable land flat plains, we need to utilize the land to make money for the people, through and consented and collective effort by all the clans, I know in a village situation we have differences but we must start somewhere and its now, it’s all about working together, we start disputing land and boundaries we will never get anywhere,” Isoaimo said.

National Agriculture Research Institute representative, Morris Oromu urged the people of Ukaukana to utilise the services provided by NARI adding that it was an important partnership that will help in improving their yields in Agriculture.

“This is the focus for NARI working with communities, there is so much you can do on the land, and it is important to partner with the Government agencies, you can come get information from our Southern Region research centre, everything you need as a farmer can be obtained from NARI we have good facilities for farmers to use to improve their farming,” Oromu said.

Yule Island in the Kairuku District of Central Province is one of the first inhabitants of Papua New Guinea that allowed Missionaries from the Catholic Church to settle.

The Island also became one of the most significant Government Stations’ in Central Province, and an important mission of the Our Lady of Sacred Heart (OLSH), who also had set up a girl’s high school which closed in the late 1980s.

These days, Yule Island is struggling with infrastructure and investment for the Island’s inhabitants and no longer has some of its prized infrastructure that was a cornerstone for the Island in the 20th Century.

But the people of Yule Island are hoping for change, recently a visit by the member for Kairuku, Peter Isoaimo has seen the commissioning of a double classroom, and two teachers houses for St Patrick’s Yule Island Primary School.

The Island lacks a high school for its primary students who go to Mainohana Secondary School, and in future the Island hopes for a day high school for its inhabitants.

The continuous disputes over Catholic Church Mission land have left the member frustrated with the lack of progress when it comes to improving the access to quality education on the Island, the member alluded to that fact that the Catholic Church was an important partner in education and that people must respect the arrangements made by their ancestors with the missionaries to utilize land for services like health and education.

Isoaimo challenged the people of Yule Island to always put development first and not dwell too much on petty squabbles that will not bring the desired development and investment into the Island.

He added that Yule Island was one of the places in Central Province to be developed before the other areas, but since the colonial day’s things have changed and now Yule Island is a shadow of its former self.

“We cannot sit back and complain and be grumpy, the Island communities are envious of each other, and have an attitude problem, everybody is moving ahead in all sectors, while the Island Communities are struggling because of this attitude problem.

Priest blesses new classroom at St Patrick's Yule Island Primary School.
Bishop, Otto Separi blesses new classroom at St Patrick’s Yule Island Primary School.

Bishop of Bereina Diocese, Otto Separi said the education infrastructure of the Island was built by the French under the OLSH Mission of the Catholic Church and presently the Church has struggled to rebuild structures of the same quality.

He added that the only way is a through public private partnership between the people, the Church and the Member.

He mentioned that Parents must invest in education, not only by prioritizing their children’s education but also through taking part in the school’s programs.

“Our children want to be educated, so when we build classrooms and teachers houses, we are investing in the education for our children.

“We are building infrastructure to help our children; parents as part of your investment, prioritize your children’s education, by taking part in activities that promote a better future for these children.

“The Parents and Citizens must work with the Government and the Church to continue educating our children in this school,” Bishop Otto Separi said.

The Member for Kairuku also made a commitment of K100,000 for St Patrick’s Primary School and another K100,000 for the Yule Island Health Center.

The Acting Secretary for Works & Highway, Gibson Holemba has appealed for calm following the collapse of the Yalu Bridge in the Wampar LLG of Huon Gulf District in Morobe province last week.

Yalu bridge is a 25-minute drive from Lae city but it’s the only link connecting Nadzab Tomodachi International Airport to Madang and the Highlands provinces.

Mr Holemba appealed to motorists, trucking companies, business houses and the travelling public for calm and common sense to prevail.  He said the natural disaster is beyond the control of the Works Department but restoration work is underway to restore normal traffic flow.

China Railway International Group is working on the Nadzab approach and its subcontractor is working on the Lae approach embankment of the washout site at Yalu Bridge.  Temporary wet crossing access is being constructed downstream for Light Vehicles ONLY to access.

Three men have lost their lives due to the continuous heavy rain since Thursday.   Lae’s Acting Metsup, Superintendent James Luan said one man was trying to cross the Yalu River unfortunately was swept away while the other two were buried in a landslide due to the overflowing creek at Bumbi settlement, Bumayong. 

Four Districts in Morobe province are affected by the floods; they include Bulolo, Nawaeb, Lae District and Huon Gulf.

The Morobe Disaster Office has yet to assess the full extent of the damages but villages in the affected districts have lost homes and gardens.   Heather Apo from NGO group, GrowPNG said the relentless downpour has caused significant damage to homes at Buso village in the Nawaeb District.  They and many other affected villages are in need of assistance and awaiting news of relief efforts from the Provincial and National governments.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and Lae MP, John Rosso said there is close liaison with Police who have given assurance that the men in blue will monitor the site and provide safety for commuters and the general public.  He also said the Engineering Battalion from Igam Barracks is on standby if required.

Prime Minister James Marape said Works Minister Solan Mirisim, his Department and the Deputy Prime Minister have things under control, adding that the Bridge is a significant and critical infrastructure by which transport of agricultural and other important goods are done on a daily basis and that the Works Department is working around the clock to have a temporary bridge built.

The people of Lufa in Eastern Highlands Province are set to benefit from the rehabilitation of rural airstrips in the district.

Lufa district in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea is heavily dependent on-air transport, particularly the Unavi LLG.

The people of the Unavi LLG, have no roads connecting to the other LLGs in the District and depend solely on-air transport; access to hospitals for the sick and pregnant women depend on air transport; the inhabitants also transport their bags of coffee by air and in turn they also receive much needed goods and services from the planes that fly into the rural airstrips.

But nothing much has been done in the past 30 plus years in Unavi LLG to rehabilitate the six existing rural airstrips.

A partnership with the Lufa District Development Authority (DDA) and the Rural Airstrips Agency (RAA), saw the signing of the partnership to rehabilitate the airstrips, with the deal worth over K1 million to rehabilitate six airstrips in Lufa.

Kim Opiti, CEO for RAA (left) and Lufa MP, Simon Kilepa (right) holding onto MOA copies.
Kim Opiti, CEO for RAA (left) and Lufa MP, Simon Kilepa (right) holding onto MOA copies.

The signing between Lufa DDA and the RAA extends the corporation between Lufa DDA and RAA for the next five years.

The Airstrips that will be maintained include Guasa, Herowana, Kora, Maimafu, Mengino and Ubagubi.

Lufa DDA presented its 2024 component, which is about K518, 000 (K471, 136.41 [minus tax]).

This will be matched by the RAA on a Kina-for-Kina counter agency funding arrangement and will continue until 2027.

Unavi LLG President, Peter Sarau who flew into Port Moresby for the signing said the situation continues to get worse but this development will help improve service delivery to his people.

“At the LLG we have no roads in to our area, we rely on our airstrips, some of the airstrips haven’t been maintained since 1992 and if they are in a deteriorated state it takes up to weeks without any plane landing in our LLG.

“The sick that need to be airlifted sometimes lose their lives, even pregnant women suffer when the airstrips are down, our coffee bags go off when the plane doesn’t land, but now I know we will see some improvement in our LLG,” Sarau added.

Lufa DDA CEO, Demo Imara wearing a blue shirt and holding a microphone.
Lufa DDA CEO, Demo Imara.

Demo Imara of the Lufa DDA said they have made the funding available to start work in this very important endeavor.

“The district has three LLGs and most of them are accessible by road and through rural airstrips the District Development Authority have allocated funding to improve rural airstrips, and we identified the RRA as one of our core partners, the DDA has allocated K518, 000 to start work as our funding component,” Imara said.

Chief Executive officer of the Rural Airstrips Authority Kim Opiti said they look forward to working on rehabilitating the six rural airstrips in the district.

“Rural airstrips were given back to the Provincial Governments but there was no rehabilitation of rural airstrips.

“We look forward to this partnership with the Provincial Governments to help the rural communities, we will work with the people of Lufa and rehabilitate these airstrips and bring back much needed air services to the rural communities,” Opiti said.

Member for Lufa, Simon Kilefa said it was his DDAs utmost priority to ensure the rehabilitation of the rural airstrips to improve the flow of goods and services.

“Since 1975 the Lufa District LLG, Unavi LLG hasn’t been connected by road to the other areas in Lufa, that part of the district has always relied on air transport for goods and services and for transporting their cash crops which include Coffee bags to Goroka town.

“The upgrade of the six airstrips in Unavi LLG is one of our priorities right now, to ease the access of services and transport of cash crops out of the LLG,” Kilefa said.

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