


The National Superannuation Fund, Nasfund, yesterday officially opened two new-look Member
Service Centres in Port Moresby, to its branch network, witnessed by Nasfund Directors, Executive Management, Staff, and members.

Speaking at the occasion, Nasfund Chief Executive Officer Ian Tarutia reaffirmed the
Fund’s commitment to continually improving its service to members.

“The Waigani Member Service Centre is our new flagship branch, as it provides members
with the full array of services that the Fund provides,” Tarutia said.

The new-look facility is the largest service centre out of our 21 branches throughout
the country, having 10 counters, two meeting rooms, and can accommodate over 70
members at any one time.

The two new-look facilities are part of member-focused developments by Nasfund.

This follows the opening of Nasfund’s second member service centre in Lae, Morobe Province,
along with the movement of the Alotau Member Service Centre to a new location, last week.

Nasfund also has online electronic services including a Call Centre, Member Online Portal, Mobile Phone App, and Mobile SMS facilities.

As the country celebrated 47 years of independence, Jacob Kaupa, the owner and managing director of one of the country’s most successful companies has called on every citizen to stop waiting for free handouts from the government.

Kaupa runs the Pacific Corporate Security Limited (PCSL), one of the biggest security companies in the country with over a thousand employees in 7 provinces.

The private businessman started his business in 1997 however it took him almost 4 years to grow the company to what it is today.

Speaking during the company’s independence celebration in Port Moresby, Kaupa bluntly asked why many Papua New Guineans are still waiting for politicians for free handouts.

“Can we depend on the government and our elected leaders to solve our problems? We have waited for 47 years and are still waiting. How long can we wait for the government to create an enabling environment for citizens,” Kaupa said.

He shared from his experiences that nothing is free and in order to better ourselves, we have to do things ourselves.

“Use your employment as a transition point into starting your SME. You can do this by developing a savings culture, even if it means saying no and postponing cultural obligations,”

“Diversify your investment, pay off your debt and stop living on borrowed money. Learn how to budget and live within your means,” Kaupa said.

He said the right formula to be successful in these areas is to surround yourself with the right people.

“Spend more time with people who will add value to your life. Spend more time with people who will encourage you to achieve your dreams. I have tried it and it worked and I am sure it will work for you,” Kaupa said.

Mr Kaupa (left) was presented the 2022 Divine Word University Alumni of the Year Award. Picture – PCS Facebook Page

Papua New Guinea has opened its first-ever seafood holding facility in Singapore.

Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister, Jelta Wong was in Singapore today (15th September) to officially open the facility and described it as a great opportunity for the country to benefit.

“The future looks promising already and I must congratulate NFA for the foresight in putting together and supporting this innovative marketing arrangement,”

“I commend the NFA for finding and creating new and greater market opportunities for our people to access and benefit from,” Minister Wong said.

As PNG looks on to benefit from the growing Asian Market, Minister Wong said the Government is focused on strengthening trade and investment by working closely with foreign missions and development partners in the region.
“What we have done here in Singapore is to look at tapping the massive Chinese seafood market that PNG already has a fisheries market access agreement with,” said the Minister.

The facility will receive and store live mud crabs, lobsters, prawns and other inshore coastal fisheries products before they can be sold or distributed to buyers and retailers in Singapore and the neighbouring South-East Asian markets.

Local fisheries farms like the recently opened mud crab fattening farm in Abau, Central Province and others are targeted to benefit immensely from this initiative.

“It is pleasing to further note that, once the facility goes into full operation, it will be receiving live mud crab and seafood products from our people at the village or community level – such as the live mud crab fattening project that was recently launched in Gavuone village in Abau District,”

“It will also be receiving prawns caught by our village people within the 3mile zone in the Gulf of Papua, including other areas that are now being targeted by the NFA in promoting coastal fisheries development with more and more of our people participating directly,” Minister Wong said.

The demand for seafood was evident when an order of 500kg live mud crab was secured soon after the opening of the Zavath Seafoods facility.

Minister Wong and NFA delegates inspecting the storage facility. Picture by NFA Media

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under EU-STREIT PNG Programme, is collaborating with registered enterprises or cocoa nurseries, to sustainably supply quality cocoa seedlings in the Sepik Region of Papua New Guinea.

Over 30 registered nurseries have signed an agreement with EU STREIT PNG, and they are now distributing pest-tolerant seedlings to potential cocoa producers in the Sepik region.

This partnership is to help increase the production of high-quality cocoa.

It also provides an opportunity for the nursery owners to further nourish in PNG agri-businesses environment, being empowered to engage, provide and meet local demands for cocoa seedlings.

The newly boarded partners have been equipped with nursery set-ups by the Programme that meets PNG Cocoa Board standards.

“National Cocoa Production Officer Michael Lames said they are engaging farmer groups as service providers to deliver seedlings to their members including youths and women.”

“The FAO under the Programme will purchase these seedlings at the rate of K3 and K4 per seedling, including transport cost for distribution of seedlings to targeted farmers and cocoa blocks,” Lames said.

FAO – STREIT Cocoa Production Officer Odrick Urum further explained that payment will be made upon satisfactory completion of deliveries that will be followed by field verification where seedlings are planted into the ground.

“The money will be paid into the groups’ respective bank accounts to support their operation as a business, and for the benefit of their members.”

Wilfred Mombiang who represents a registered farmer group of Saure Village, in Wewak District, expressed gratitude towards this partnership.

“It is an exciting opportunity for us to learn new ideas on how to operate as a service provider, which requires quality delivery on a set time,” Mombiang said.

The Programme has also built the capacity of nursery owners as well as the producers in efficient cocoa cloning, budding and block management.

All these initiatives are part of the EU-STREIT Programme’s broader work plan to strengthen cocoa value chain actors in the Sepik region.

Cocoa farmers signing documents with the EU STREIT Program

Prime Minister James Marape has urged investors to have confidence and invest in Papua New Guinea.

“My government or the government I lead do not care about colour, which political divide or which religion you come from or what tribe, we want to encourage business investments,” Marape said.

He said this at the groundbreaking ceremony of the K130 million Paga Hill Paradise development – a 22-floor high-end apartments building project.

The luxury accommodation will be built on the added backfield land on the Port Moresby beachfront just as the ring road takes a bend overlooking the old Fairfax Harbour.

Mr Marape said the country is loyal to investors who are loyal to the country.

“This is a country that has shown its ability to repay our investors a substantial amount on return on investment,” Prime Minister Marape said.

Governor Powes Parkop thanked Asian businessman Jimmy Po and other investors for having trust in the Capital city and for their commitment to ensuring modern facilities for accommodation.

He added the city government has devised the “Amazing Port Moresby global branding to promote the city as a liveable city but the government can’t do it alone.

“For me as a governor I’ve been very passionate about making it happen but it’s been taking a long time. But today, the journey has begun and I thank the investors,” Governor Parkop said.

Lead architect Andrew McFadden said the building meets international standards both from PNG and Australia and is a project that involved input from local knowledge.

The building will be constructed by China State Engineering, a company that has its footprint in the construction of hotels and accommodations including the Ela Beach paradise, Toaguba hill paradise and construction of an office building at Waigani.

An Artist’s impression of the Paga Hill, Paradise 22-floor Luxury Apartment

While the beachfront luxury is yet to be built, interested occupants have purchased 67 units and duplexes out of the 83.

The lowest accommodation is valued at K1.3 million and a whole floor on the 19th worth K10 million has been paid ahead of opening time.

The residential building is expected to be completed after two years.

An Artist’s impression of the Paga Hill, Paradise 22-floor Luxury Apartment

South Pacific Brewery recently announced that both their Port Moresby and Lae facilities have both achieved 1000 consecutive days (2.74 years) without an injury, incident, or accident resulting in time off work at their breweries.

This marks a significant safety milestone for our staff and company. Port Moresby Brewery Manager Coen Oreel stated “The first goal of going to work is going home safely”,

“Safety is important to us, and we strive to maintain a strong commitment to secure practices for all our employees”

This significant achievement is the result of the brewery’s constant drive to adopt best practices and standards to align the company to the most updated safety processes and principles.

SP Brewery Safety Information

Oreel added that every day is a new record for the brewery and reminded everyone that they need to practice safety every day.

The Lae Brewery on Saturday 03rd September 2022 also recorded 1000 days without any accidents.

Lae Brewery Manager Stella Ikasa said they are now looking forward to passing their record of 1533 days without any recordable accidents.

In celebrating the significant milestone, Lae Brewery held a small acknowledgment function for the employees.

Morobe Alluvial Mining Company, a subsidiary of the Morobe Mineral Holdings Limited, the business arm of the Provincial Government owes huge amounts of rental payment and its staff unpaid salary.

Staff based in Lae, told the media yesterday, that they were laid off by the MAML Management for almost four months without any good reasons, or an official document.

They petitioned the management concerning the alleged non-payment of their salaries and Nasfund contributions.

On the 20th of July, a list came out confirming names of almost 60 employees who were being laid off by the company.

After the Management failed to address their petition, over 30 staff went and sought help from the Labour Department.

The Provincial Labour and Industrial Relations office then wrote a letter to MAML Human Resource Manager on the 25th of July, 2022 stating the employees’ complaint concerning the following;

  1. Non-payment of outstanding fortnightly wages and entitlements for 5 staff who ceased employment.
  2. Non-payment of fortnightly wages for 14 employees for 7 fortnights.
  3. Non-payment of staff Nasfund contributions.  

The Labour office urged the company to immediately settle the outstanding fortnights for the employees who ceased employment and to settle the outstanding non-payment of wages and Nasfund contributions.

The Labour Office further stated that Morobe Alluvial Mining Limited has breached the Employment Act for failing to pay the staff outstanding payments and should respond within 14 days. 

According to the staff, the MAML Management Headed by the Chief Executive Officer, Brigitta Pondros again failed to pay the employees outstanding wages and Nasfund Contributions.

They followed up with the Labour Office again, but they didn’t receive any positive response.

The employees are currently renting and leaving in town with school aged children. They told the media that they are suffering because of the company’s ignorance.

An employee who refused to be named said, “The Company is a good concept by the Morobe Provincial Government under the Leadership of Morobe’s Former Governor, Ginson Saonu, but it’s not managed properly.”

 A lot of money is used on hire cars and accommodation rentals for the Managers.

Inside PNG went to get a response from the MAML Management located at Lae’s Velerumana Building’s 4th floor, however, the doors were locked with padlocks.

We were advised that the company was told to leave the building due to non-payment of rentals.

According to the Morobe Mines, Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Office, Morobe Alluvial Mining Limited receives K5 million from the Provincial Government since 2020. 

Morobe Alluvial Mining Company headed by CEO Briggitta Pondros was established on the 14th of May 2020 by Morobe’s former Governor Ginson Saonu and is operating under the umbrella of Morobe Mineral Holdings Limited.

MMHL is a group of company operating with various Alluvial Dredging and Exploration Activities in Morobe and is a subsidiary company of Morobe Provincial Government.

The affected employees of MAML called on the Morobe Mineral Resource Holdings, Acting Provincial Administrator, Bart Impambonj and the Morobe Governor, Luther Wenge to address their concerns with the management of MAML.

Queen Pads PNG, a locally owned SME that supplies locally made menstrual pads to help young girls and women in rural communities by conducting awareness and supplying their products has partnered with BSP Financial Group Limited.

This support will help the work and product distribution of Queen Pads PNG.

BSP recently purchased 1000 Queen Pads products, to help the SME distribute and conduct awareness to encourage menstrual health and hygiene in rural communities.

“We are a community oriented bank that believes in people. We also strongly support health, women and girls in communities and invest in where we believe can elevate community levels, especially in rural areas,” said BSP Corporate sponsorship Manager, Amelia Minnopu.

“As the largest private sector employers in the region, BSP employs over 4,000 staff, with women making up 50% of the workforce.”

“These products are made of durable, environmentally friendly and gentle cloths that can last for up to five years and it’s useful for female that can help is many ways. This entailed well with our Go Green campaign in supporting awareness on environmental risks. Moreover, it is an innovative new way to decrease our environmental impact,” Minnopu said.

She added that this support aims to contribute positively towards community building and reducing health risks within societies.

Founder and owner of Queens Pads PNG, Ann- Shirley Korave said around 80% of women and girls in rural areas still do not have access to basic hygienic sanitary pads, hence, the support from BSP will help in her work to reach the wider communities.

“Menstrual Health and Hygiene is essential to the well-being and empowerment of women and adolescent girls,” added Korave.

BSP and Queen Pads PNG’s partnership is a way forward in supporting women and girls in schools, workplaces and rural and local communities. More importantly, breaking the silence around it in the communities.

Landowners of the four project impact areas of the Ramu Nickel Project under Ramu NiCo Management Limited, were paid their royalty payment totalling to K14.8 million for the year 2021 on July 20th, 2022.

The landowner groups that the payments were made to include Kurumbukari, Inland Pipeline, Coastal Pipeline and Basamuk. Kurumbukari got a portion of approximately K8.6 million, Inland and Coastal Pipeline LO’s got approximately K2 million each while Basamuk Los got a portion of approximately K3 million respectively.

All payments made totals to the grand total of royalty payment to LO’s for 2021, including the other years concerned. The recent payments are the 6th made by the company since production began in 2013.

Jacob Winis, Principal Landowner of Memeume 1 and Chairman of the Maigari (Inland Pipeline) Landowners Association said, the royalty payments made by Ramu NiCo has contributed immensely in improving the people’s state of living by having access to basic services.

“The royalty payments made by Ramu NiCo to the landowners has helped us in setting up small Businesses or projects, supporting us with school fees, access to health services and I see that there is actual change” Winis said.

The first royalty payments made were in 2018, for years 2013 to 2017, paid in two separate accumulated payments; first payment of approximately K25.5 million was made in June of 2018. While the second  payment of K8 million plus, was made in the same year for July to December of 2017.

Royalty payment of approximately K16.3 million for 2018 was made in 2019, for 2019, approximately K26.2 million was made in 2020. 2020’s payment of K 17.3 million approximately was made in 2021.

With the most Recent payment of approximately K14.8 million made this year, for 2021. A total of K108.1 million in royalties has been paid since 2018 to landowners.

High Risk Workers of Ramu NiCo Management Limited’s Kurumbukari Mine, engaged in the High Risk Work field, have undergone the Verification of Competency training over a seven week period in March and April of 2022.

The VOC training are for those employees that were already certified but needed to be reassessed in terms of their competency levels to ensure that they are brought up to speed again.

A specialist crane operator with Harness Energy Training Company based in Port Moresby, Palikatap Pokanau, conducted the training including the recent session at Ramu NiCo’s Kurumbukari Mine in July.

“The recent training included overhead crane observation and assessment for 100 plus employees that were put in the logbook in various other training including rigging and dogging” Pokanau said

“About 45 are doing overhead crane training, three were put on the logbook for slew crane operations, over 20 did dogging and another 20 plus doing basic rigging were assessed”

Pokanau stated that certificates are only issued upon results being sent to Port Moresby, and that all training is conducted in compliance with Australian Standards.

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