

[[Photo: Hiri Coral PNG/Facebook]]
Attaching coral fragments to a metal spider frame. [[Photo: Hiri Coral PNG/Facebook]]
Hiri Coral PNG's coral beds underwater.
Healthy coral growth on a reef star coral frame. [[Photo: Hiri Coral PNG/Facebook]]

**This article includes photos taken from Hiri Coral PNG’s Facebook page. Click here to see Hiri Coral’s Facebook Page**

**This article was produced with the support of Internews Earth Journalism Network**

The Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea has issued an order staying the National Executive Council’s decision to promote and appoint Commodore Philip Polewara as Chief of Papua New Guinea Defence Force and Colonel Opa Lari Opa as Deputy Commander of the PNGDF, pending the outcome of Major-General Mark Goina’s court case.

In August of 2023, the Prime Minister James Marape suspended Defense Commander Major-General Goina for three months to allow the General Board of Inquiry (GBOI) to investigate a fatal shooting incident involving two servicemen, one soldier and a civilian during a training exercise in Kupiano, Central Province.

The shooting incident happened on July 4th, 2023.

Presiding Judge, Justice David Cannings, issued the court’s orders, under sections 19 and 5(1)(b) of the Supreme Court Act, effectively putting on hold the National Court’s earlier decision from May 14, 2024, in case OS(JR) 177 of 2021, and the associated proceedings.

Key elements of today’s Supreme Court’s ruling include:

  • 1. Stay on NEC Decisions: The court stayed the NEC’s decisions published in National Gazette No. G386 on May 24, 2024. This includes the revocation of Major-General Goina’s appointment as Commander and Chief of the PNGDF and his discharge from the rank of Brigadier-General. Additionally, the promotions of Commodore Philip Polewara to Rear-Admiral and Colonel Opa Lari Opa to Brigadier-General, along with their new appointments as Commander and Chief, and Deputy Chief of the PNGDF respectively, are also stayed.
  • 2. Restraints on New Appointees: Commodore Philip Polewara is restrained from occupying the office of Commander and Chief of the PNGDF and performing related duties, except in his capacity as Acting Commander under his previous appointment. Similarly, Colonel Opa Lari Opa is restrained from assuming the office of Deputy Chief of the PNGDF and performing associated duties.
  • 3. Prohibition on Implementation: The order prohibits all officers, servants, and agents of the NEC and the Attorney-General from taking any steps to implement the NEC’s decision, including conducting hand-over takeover ceremonies.
  • 4. Stay on Related Proceedings: The court also stayed National Court proceedings in case OS(JR) 102 of 2023, involving Major-General Goina and Prime Minister James Marape among others, pending further order.

A directions hearing for Goina’s case is scheduled for July 1, 2024, at the Supreme Court before Justice Cannings at 1:30 pm.

Eight men, including two Chinese nationals accused of orchestrating a black flight, trafficking 72kilograms of methamphetamine valued at K42 million from Morobe’s Bulolo District to Australia in March 2023, will face trial.

This follows the ruling made by the National Court in Lae on Wednesday that the eight accused will proceed to trial after the defendants’ Lawyers asked the court to stop the trial following a no case submission.

Lawyers, Greg Sheppard from Young and Williams Lawyers and Sosten Toggo from Sosten Lawyers submitted that there is no case against their clients and that the matter be struck out due to insufficient evidence and that meth wasn’t considered a criminal element according to the Controlled Substance Act.

Senior National and Supreme Court judge, Justice Panuel Mogish presiding in Lae, made the decision after the State Lawyer rebutted through a submission to the two Counsels’ no case submissions on why the Court should reject the credibility of all the accused evidence and why the court should not rely on them.

Following the State Lawyer’s submission, five witnesses were called by the State to give evidence and two hundred and forty-eight (248) exhibits were tendered by consent and received into evidence during the trial.

The eight accused, including the two Chinese Nationals, 64-year-old Ling Hezong from Fuging City, Fuzieng, China; Chun Li, 43 from Chen City, Guang-Dong, China, and PNG nationals Levi Wartovo, Hosea Tarere, Steven Temen, Alfred Sanage, Luke Mede and Joshua Tupana, were charged on two counts.

One on Money Laundering and the other for Stealing.

On the count of Stealing, the Court found that there was no evidence implicating the accused, Ling Hezong, Chun Li, Levi Wartovo, Hosea Tarere, Steven Temen and Alfred Sanage, because their identity hasn’t been established in the commission of the offense.

However, there’s evidence upon which Joshua Tupana and Luke Mede will face trial, according to the Court.

Justice Mogish ruled that trial will proceed for all eight accused who have a case to answer on the charge of Money Laundering, hence they will face trial.

In March 2023, these eight men were arrested by Lae’s NCIU Police in Lae in relation to the ‘Bulolo Black Flight’.

They appeared before the Lae District Court and were kept under the custody of Lae’s Buimo Correctional Services.

Deputy Commissioner of Police-Specialist Operations, Donald Yamasombi confirmed the arrests saying that a local security firm was alleged to be involved in the transportation of 72 kilograms of methamphetamine at a value cost of K42 million out of Lae into Bulolo and assisted in getting the drugs onboard the flight.

Chinese born business woman and owner of KC 2 in Lae, Morobe Province, Mei Lin, 41, was another suspect arrested in the Australian City of Brisbane on 16 January, 2024. Police accused her of facilitating the ‘Black Flight’ last year.

The drug smuggling scheme was foiled on March 21 in a coordinated operation by PNG and Australian police, who swooped in as the light plane stopped to refuel in the rural Australian community of Monto.

Six people were arrested and charged in Australia, including two pilots.

Eight others were charged in PNG, including a police officer and a soldier.

Mei Lin was the ninth suspect arrested in Brisbane, Australia.

Meanwhile, Defense closed its case just before midday on Thursday (May13) at Lae’s National Court. The matter was further adjourned to 1st of July, 2024 for submission on Verdict.

Youths from the six wards of Lae, Morobe Province are currently doing enrollment for new eligible voters following the 2024 LLG election that will take place next month (July 2024).

The task was given to the members of the six wards by the Electoral Commission of Morobe Province headed by Mr. Simon Soheke.

Man in floral shirt handing over papers to a man in a red shirt.

The enrolment began on Monday (13th May 2024) and is nearing completion.

This follows an induction workshop by the Electoral Commission Office in Lae for the agents, who then identified team members to work as volunteers in updating the roll.

Lae’s Ward three area has already completed the enrollment process and handed in the forms used to update the roll.

Four youths standing on a street holding papers in hand

The six teams are being supervised by three Coordinators who oversee two wards respectively.

According to the Electoral Commission of Morobe, especially Lae, the engagement of community in the common roll update is the first approach the office has taken to prepare for the LLG election.

With limited resources, including lack of funding, the EC office and over 200 Electoral Commission Common Roll agents from the six (6) wards of Lae managed to cover all areas in their community including Ahi LLG, which is headed by a woman.

Meanwhile, Ward 6A of East Taraka, which is headed by Team Leader, Gabriel Jamine has completed the update and enrolment process and will hand over the completed forms to the Electoral Commission Office.

The perception that Papua New Guinea’s standard of Journalism is dropping was part of discussions during the three days of Inquiry into the role and impact of Media In Papua New Guinea, the inquiry facilitated by the Parliamentary Committee on Communications unearthed an interesting predicament that faces the Mainstream Media Industry in Papua New Guinea.

The perception that there is a drop in the standard of journalism and the quality of journalists in recent years has been attributed to many factors.

During the inquiry three participants mentioned that the low standards of education at the secondary school level is a contributing factor toward the low output at the university level.

President of the Media Council of Papua New Guinea and seasoned journalist, Neville Choi, said many media houses have to retrain graduates because they are not grasping the basics that lead to a promising career in journalism.

Poor grammar and writing skills have been a clear indication of the drop in the level of journalism, Universities have argued that they are research institutions and are not responsible for basic English and grammar.

Independent Journalist and renowned Papua New Guinean Journalist, Scott Waide called for more funding to be put into the education system to improve the facilities to foster better teaching and learning.

Scott Waide said he had in previous years trained a lot of journalists and cameramen, he also saw that it was easier to recruit those outside of the school of journalism and train them to be journalists.

Professor Cecilia Nembou, Vice Chancellor of the University of Papua New Guinea concurred with shared statements on the drop in education standards in both the University and the Secondary school system.

Professor Nembou mentioned that as a university, they require the best lecturers, however, that costs money.

She says academic staff of the university should not be viewed as public servants and be limited to a public servants pay ceiling.

She added that Universities, especially Government run institutions should be given the freedom to set their own salary packages to lure qualified lecturers to improve the standards.

She highlighted that salary packages for academics was really poor, and that it was the same at the secondary school level where teachers are being paid poorly as well.

Scott Waide also emphasized the need for education geared towards utilizing recent and trending innovations in Technology, this will in turn help students to be more efficient and innovative to help improve workflow and maximum output.

THE Secretary for the Department of Information Communication and Technology, Steven Matainaho, says his department is on their fourth draft of a Media Development Policy that would improve training and capacity for Media personnel and state-run institutions like universities, that provide courses on journalism.

This was highlighted during the inquiry into the role and impact of media in Papua New Guinea hosted by the Permanent Parliamentary Committee on Communications; a committee made up of members of parliament.

Matainaho added that the Media Development Policy is in its draft phase, and as the name suggests is a Media Development Policy and not a regulatory policy.

Many in the Media fraternity were concerned that the policy was a way to control or regulate the Media, which would infringe on the democratic right of free speech, however, those claims were brushed aside by the Secretary.

To support the policy, the Secretary added that when they did a survey and a public consultation, they found out that there is an immediate need for training and capacity development.

Matainaho added that the Government is not doing enough to provide training incentives for universities.

Huge Leatherback Turtle laying in the sand. [[PHOTO FILE: Wenceslaus Magun]]
Group of men standing next to a huge leatherback turtle in the water.
PHOTO FILE: Provided by Wenceslaus Magun.

**This article was produced with the support of Internews Earth Journalism Network**

Anna Solomon a veteran journalist with 40 years experience now provides training for Journalists at the Wantok Niuspepa. A weekly newspaper and the only Tok Pisin language newspaper in PNG.

Ms Solomon who spoke during the public inquiry on Media in Papua New Guinea, asked if the Parliamentary Committee can work with the Media Industry to set up a Complaints Tribunal that can address issues affecting Media in PNG.

She also called for better Tok Pisin writers as it is one of two main languages that leaders, especially Parliamentarians, use in PNG to communicate with their voters.

At the commencement of the 3-day Inquiry (Tue 21st – Thursday 24th, May 2024) media houses also called for Parliamentarians and the public to understand how the industry functions.

The public inquiry focused on the “Role and Impact of Media in Papua New Guinea” and was led by the Permanent Parliamentary Committee on Communication, with an aim to improve the standard of Journalism within the country.

Fr Ambrose Pereira, the editor of Salesian Bulletin, produced by the Catholic Church for its readers stressed the need for media literacy to be taught in secondary schools as a way to prepare young people for a career in Journalism.

A crucial point raised by the clergyman is for PNG to prepare for the advancement of technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Fr Ambrose emphasized this at the recent public inquiry into the role and impact of Media in Papua New Guinea which was set up by the Permanent Parliamentary Committee on Communications on 21st – 23rd May 2024.

The Committee claims the objective is to improve the standard of Journalism in PNG, restoring the integrity of Journalists and the ethics of Journalism.

The committee’s terms of reference included misinformation, disinformation and sensationalized reporting, the role of media organizations, regulatory standards and the question of whether Media Freedom exists in PNG.

While mainstream and social media influencers presented their cases before the committee, they were also encouraged to make recommendations. The general feeling among media workers is the need for media education.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as part of the EU-STREIT Program in Papua New Guinea has officially opened a Cocoa Export Market Depot in Vanimo, West Sepik Province.

This facility is the first dedicated cocoa export-oriented depot in the province.

The Cocoa Export Market Depot, with an investment of PGK1.67 million and a storage capacity of 50 metric tons, is aimed to support 20,000 farming households and enhance market access and opportunity to premium prices for their cocoa beans.

Ribbon cutting of the Cocoa Export Depot facility by Provincial Governor Tony Wouwou and representatives from FAO  and EU-Streit.
Ribbon cutting of the Cocoa Export Depot facility by Provincial Governor Tony Wouwou and representatives from FAO and EU-Streit.

The depot was handed over to the Provincial Government and will be managed West Sepik Investment Limited; the business arm of the Provincial Administration of West Sepik.

The newly established Cocoa Export Market Depot is part of FAO’s commitment to improving the livelihoods of local cocoa farmers by providing proper storage, facilitating better marketing, and enabling farmers to sell their cocoa at higher prices.

This initiative also marks a significant step towards increasing sustainable production of cocoa in West Sepik.

The inauguration event saw the presence of several distinguished guests from the European Union and United Nations including Governor of West Sepik Province, Tony Wouwou.

Governor Wouwou expressed his gratitude to the European Union for funding this important facility for the people of West Sepik Province.

WSP Governor, Tony Wouwou wearing a blue print shirt with a lei around his neck, holding a mic up to his face and bunch of papers in the other at the Cocoa Export Depot launch and opening.
West Sepik Governor, Tony Wouwou.

“I commend the FAO-led EU-STREIT PNG Program for facilitating the construction and establishment of this essential facility.

“This initiative will enhance the productivity of cocoa and significantly improve the livelihoods of our cocoa farmers by providing critical marketing services here in Vanimo,” Governor Wouwou said.

Kesang Phuntsho, speaking on behalf of the UN Resident Coordinator in Papua New Guinea, reaffirmed the United Nations commitment to continued collaboration with the government and local communities.

“In Papua New Guinea, cocoa ranks third among agricultural export crops, contributing approximately 14% of agricultural exports.

“The opportunities for growth are significant, and ensuring the sustainability of our achievements is crucial,” she said.

EU-STREIT PNG Program Coordinator, Ali Said Yesuf, expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the project.

“I am extremely pleased to see this initiative come to fruition. This support, provided by the EU-STREIT PNG Program, aims to enhance the cocoa value chain.

“Our objectives are to improve marketing, ensure farmers receive fair prices, and establish Vanimo as a hub for cocoa exports. This will motivate farmers and transform the economy of West Sepik.”

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