


Papua New Guinea has welcomed yet another head of Foreign Mission into the country. Arriving weeks after Hungarian High Commissioner to PNG, the Ambassador-designated of the Republic of Finland to PNG, Satu Mattila-Budich is in PNG.

PNG Prime Minister, James Marape met with her excellency in Port Moresby and extended invitation for Finnish investment into PNG markets.

Marape told the Ambassador-designate of investment opportunities in the resource sectors of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, Green Energy, Information Technology, Telecommunications and Manufacturing.

“Papua New Guinea is a leader among the small island nations of the Pacific. We have a robust democracy and a strong cultural affinity to Asia,” Marape said.

Papua New Guinea and Finland formally established diplomatic ties on 25 August 1977 at a non-resident ambassadorial level.

Despite a minimum level of trade and economic activities between the two countries, Finland and Papua New Guinea, PM Marape is keen on increasing this with the new post being taken up by ambassador Mattila-Budich.

Marape said PNG’s Foreign policy is defined by the philosophy to be a ‘Friend to All and Enemy to None’ because PNG is a nation of huge diversities.

“I invite businesses and companies from your country to ours, whether your businesses want to partner with our State-owned companies, with other businesses in our private sector, or set up on their own; the opportunities are here,” Marape continued.

Meanwhile, Finland has been supportive of Climate Change efforts in the South Pacific with the establishment of the Finnish-Pacific Project through the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SHREP).

Five prominent women in the coffee sector in Papua New Guinea showcased their product during the Melbourne International Coffee Expo (MICE) 2023.

Esther Vialeahy, General Manager of Colbran Coffeelands Limited said MICE gave her the opportunity to taste exceptional coffee from around the world, with different flavours, brewing methods, and innovations in the coffee industry.

“This event gave me opportunities to interact and deal directly with customers and other industry professionals who can provide valuable feedback on our PNG Coffee,” said Vialeahy.

MICE 2023

PNG Coffee was centre stage at MICE 2023, a highly anticipated annual event in the global coffee industry. Coffee remains an important cash crop that supports families in rural PNG

MICE brought together coffee exporters, importers, roasters, equipment manufacturers and consumers in Melbourne, Australia to network, showcase their brands and products, make purchasing decisions, gain exposure, and get connected.

The Australian Government, through its Australia-Papua New Guinea Economic Partnership, supported the participation of five PNG women coffee farmers and exporters to showcase their products at this event.

Another participant, Aida Igaso who only had two buyers for over a decade says she met a third buyer and they have started negotiations.

Igaso is the manager for Gabiga Coffee Exports. She says the whole experience was an eye opener as that was her first time an event to promote PNG coffee to the world.


A workshop providing insight into awareness and capacity in modern geospatial and survey techniques has concluding in Buka.

Held ahead of the Bougainville Coastal Waters Survey which is secluded to take place later this month, the awareness is considered critical to equip officers with the necessary technical skills and knowledge as they prepare for the field survey.

The Program is set to map out areas that constitute as ‘Bougainville waters’, as part of the drawdown of fisheries powers and functions to the Autonomous Bougainville Government.

ABG President, Ishmael Toroama launched the Survey today in Buka, making Bougainville the first maritime region in Papua New Guinea to undergo this coastal mapping process.

“Today, we embark on a journey that will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Bougainville. This Survey will contribute to our preparation for political independence as it will mark the benchmarks for Bougainville’s coastal waters,” Toroama said.

For the Autonomous Region, the completion of the Bougainville Coastal Waters Survey will signify the start of formalizing Bougainville’s maritime boundaries under guidance of the international framework of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

It will further advance the geospatial and survey capabilities of the region, ultimately contributing to the responsible management of coastal waters and maritime resources in Bougainville

The Bougainville Coastal Waters Survey Geospatial Workshop was facilitated through the ABG Department of Primary Industries & Marine Resources, the National Fisheries Authority, the National Department of Justice and Attorney General, the National Maritime Safety Authority and the Geoscience Energy & Maritime (GEM) Division of Pacific Community (SPC).

Toroama said the delimitation of sea boundaries is more than just drawing lines on a map; it is about defining the territorial sovereignty and the rights of the people of Bougainville.

“It is about ensuring that Bougainville’s voice is heard and respected on the global stage as we move closer to realizing their aspirations,” said Toroama.

The mapping of Bougainville’s coastal waters will enhance maritime services, regulate shipping services, reap economic benefits from infrastructure and marine resource development, as well as enable Bougainville to possess reference coordinates that determines its baseline, internal waters and coastal waters.

ABG technical officers from the ABG Departments of Primary Industries, Lands, Commerce, Mineral and Energy Resources and other supporting departments in the Bougainville Public Service, also completed a week-long workshop learning about using modern geospatial techniques to be applied during the field survey.

Beginning on 16 to 28 October 2023, four survey teams will be deployed to identified coastal communities across North, Central and South Bougainville to undergo the field survey of the coastal mapping.


Described as a musical connection across seas, the launching of Wan Solwara is intended to unite people from different cultures.

Wan Solwara (One Ocean) is a collaboration between Indigenous Australians and young Bougainvillean musicians, coming together to celebrate the power of music.

It was conceived in 2022 when the Australian Government invited internationally renowned didgeridoo player, Tjupurru, and his son Jake Fabila, to participant in the Bougainville Voice X-Plosion competition.

The song, and a video which documents the story of the music collaboration, were officially launched by Bougainville President, Ishmael Toroama, and Australian High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea, Jon Philp.

High Commissioner Philp said the Australia Government is committed to promoting and strengthening cultural linkages between First Nations Peoples in Australia and across Papua New Guinea as part of its Indigenous Diplomacy efforts.

“This collaboration underscores the power of cultural exchange and music to strengthen people to people links and knowledge sharing between First Nations peoples. Indeed, Tjupurru also has a strong connection to PNG, being born in Port Moresby and with family connections in Central and Bougainville,” said Philp.

Along with Tjupurru and Jake, Wan Solwara features 2022 Bougainville Voice X-Plosion contestants Michael Dave, Ruth Maison, Walter Kerevio, Jolista Masu, Robertha Yansi, and Milton Garea.

Supporting artists include acclaimed PNG musician and producer, Richard Mogu, Tsarlayse Iamu and Kawas Band. It was recorded and mixed in Bougainville in 2022 by local sound engineer, Melchior Wagum, with guest producer, Richard Mogu, and mastered and released in Australia in March 2023 by Wantok Musik label.

The artists drew on their cultural heritage, using a combination of traditional and contemporary instrumentation including bamboo pipes, and didjeribone (a cross between a didgeridoo and a trombone). Lyrics were co-written by ABG Minister for Community Development, Morris Opeti, Richard Mogu, Tjupurru, Jake, and the young musicians.

President Toroama says music plays an important role in transmitting cultural knowledge from generation to generation.

“Music is an important conduit for conveying important messages of hope and peace. Bougainvilleans have a strong attachment to music through unique, traditional songs and chants, accompanied by bamboo pipes. This is something that Bougainville youth must be proud of and maintain,” said Toroama.

The collaboration was documented by local filmmakers, Bruno Louey and Ishmael Palipal (Createk Multimedia), and produced with Wantok Musik. The track lyrics and video call upon Bougainvilleans to “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!” to bring about positive change in their communities.


Nine urban clinics in Lae Open will be supplied medical drugs from the Lae City Authority (LCA). Whilst the procurement and supply of medical drugs is a concern for the National Treasury and the Department of Health, Lae City Authority wants to ensure urban clinics have medical supplies.

In ensuring this happens, LCA CEO Robin Calistus delivered the supplies to Nursing Officer, Sr. Manzia Bomie on behalf of local MP, John Rosso.

The K100,000 worth of medical drugs will be distributed to Butibam, Buimo Road, Buimo CIS, Milford Haven, Malahang, Tent City, Taraka, Centre of Mercy and Sir Bob Sinclair clinics.

Sr Bomie from Butibum Clinic thanked authorities for the support and said the supplies will complement the work of medical officers.

“This supply will sustain the clinics until the next supply from Area Medical Store is received in November,” said Sr. Bomie.

In Parliament this week, Bulolo MP Sam Basil Junior questioned the government on the issue of shortage of vaccines for babies.

“It was reported yesterday (on Post Courier Tuesday 10 October 2023) that there was shortage of vaccines for children,” Basil stated.

Narrowing the concern down to his district, Basil said mothers in Bulolo are finding it hard to bring babies to Bulolo for immunisation because of the recent floods in Morobe.

“How will mothers take their children to the hospitals? These are basic drugs and vaccines for the children”, Basil asked.

However in responding Prime Minister James Marape said at no time his government will compromise the health of the children and its people.

“I have been told by the Health Department that there are supplies in stock and where areas of demands are they will be dispensing those supplies to,” Marape said.

Meanwhile Local MP and Deputy Prime Minister, John Rosso said, he is working closely with Health Minister Dr Lino Tom to ensure that health reforms including the efficient procurement and distribution of medicine for the country is given the priority attention it requires.

The Morobe Provincial Health Authority (MPHA) is responsible for ANGAU Memorial Hospital and all health services in Morobe.


Air Niugini flights into Wapenamanda airport is expected to resume next Tuesday, 17th October.

This follows the uplifting of a temporary suspension of flights due to on-going violence in Enga.

The airline released a statement today announcing it will continue with weekly Dash 8 services on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

However, the Air Niugini Security Department will continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis to ensure that there are no threats that may affect the flights.

The airline company further says, should a security threat be deemed to exist, it will cancel flights for the safety of it’s crew and aircrafts.

The suspension of flights into Enga was part of the Enga Province going into a three month State of Emergency.


Vanimo Green MP, Belden Namah has spoken against a Bill passed in Parliament that will allow the creation of six new ministries.

Namah who is the Chairman of the Permanent Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Immigration in the Marape/Rosso government says he disagrees with the new bill.

“Mr. Speaker I am totally against this Bill. Basically because we are here creating jobs for ourselves and not worrying about our people. That is literary what it is,” Namah responded in Parliament.

Namah said recently four new ministries were created but these minsters do not have departments.

“As we speak, Mr. Speaker we don’t not have Departments for these four new ministers that is existing. We have policy makers but where are the drivers? We need to establish departments by way of policy and legislations, “Namah continued.

Member for Chuave, James Nomane is in support of the Bill because of the country’s growth. But says instead of creating new ministries, the Prime Minister should spilt up the ministers.

He gave examples as Finance and Trade or Education and Sports.

“The biggest word that comes out of this Bill is efficacy. We have to effectively allocate and utilize resources for the development of this country,” Said Nomane.

Six New Ministries
Chuave MP James Nomane speaking in support of the new bill.

However, the bill was passed yesterday with 83 members voting for the Bill.

Members who joined Vanimo Green MP, Belden Namah and voted against the Bill include Opposition Leader, Joseph Leland, former Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, Ambunti Drekikier MP Johnson Wapunai and Central Governor Rufina Peter.

Pacific Partnership 2023 will focus on community education, knowledge exercises covering disaster response and humanitarian assistance in Port Moresby and Wewak.

The team is accompanied by a Japan Maritime Self Defence Force singer, who will perform in a variety of community engagements.

Arriving in the country, this week, Pacific Partnership is an annual deployment of United States Navy who work alongside governments in the area of humanitarian aid or preparedness towards disaster assistance.

Teaming up with Papua New Guinea Defence Force, the team from the US Navy’s Pacific Fleet will undertake missions in Port Moresby and Wewak, East Sepik Province.

PNGDF Chief of Force Preparations, Colonel Craig Solomon said PNG and the United States are bonded by a common interest to promote a stable and secure Indo-Pacific by working on readiness for potential hazards and responses.

The Papua New Guinea Defence Force is looking forward to collaborating with the U.S. Navy and our allies to conduct another successful round of Pacific Partnership,” said Colonel Solomon.

The US Navy are in the country at the invitation of Government, and features nearly 1,500 personnel, from Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Returning to Port Moresby following last year’s visit to West New Britain, Pacific Partnership enables participants to work together to enhance disaster response capabilities and foster new and enduring friendships in Papua New Guinea.

Pacific Partnership Mission Commander ,U.S. Navy Capt. Claudine Caluori, said her team is keen to exchange knowledge, skills, and relations that will endure long after the mission departs.

“Pacific Partnership empowers nations to enhance their infrastructure and ability to respond to disaster emergencies,“ said Captain Caluori.

As part of the program for 20023, the mission team will conduct missions throughout Southeast Asia and the South Pacific Island Countries.


Air Niugini’s Fokker jet services into Madang province has resumed today.

The airline company announced a downgrade of its services to Dash 8 operations yesterday after sections of the Madang airport runway was damaged by the earthquake over the weekend.

Following successful repair works conducted on the runway by the National Airport Corporation, Fokker jet services have resumed.

Meanwhile in Western Highlands all Fokker and Boeing 737 flights into Mount Hagen remains downgraded to Q-400 services due to repair works at the Kagamuga runway.

In a previous statement released by Air Niugini in September, the airline company stated that the National Airport Cooperation aims to have the runway improved within two months by taking advantage of the favorable weather before the start of the festive season (peak period).

With the temporarily closure of Wapenamanda airport in Enga, Kagamuga remains the busiest airport in the Highlands Region serving hundreds of people from Southern Highlands, Western Highlands, Enga, Jiwaka and Chimbu provinces.

The ten women from Bougainville selected to undergo the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme will commence work at an Australian berry farm.

Australian High Commissioner to PNG, Jon Philp said the ten are the first lot of women to represent their region (Autonomous Region of Bougainville).

“These remarkable women are, we hope, the first of many Bougainvilleans who will travel to Australia under the scheme,” said Philip.

The Bougainville Labour Mobility initiative is a collaboration between the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the PNG Government, and Australia, to increase the number of Bougainvilleans participating in the PALM scheme.

Shirley Philips from North Bougainville is one of the ten women undergoing this program. Philips said through PALM, workers from across the Pacific are developing skills and make an income to send back to their families.

“They are filling workforce shortages across industries in Australia, including in agriculture, food processing, and aged care” said Philips.

Since work began in January 2023, more than one hundred Bougainvilleans have been selected to join the PNG LMU work-ready pool.

Labour mobility is an important driver of economic growth and one of the most effective ways to support individuals and their communities.

Labour mobility also provides vast benefits to Australian employers and host communities and strengthens people-to-people links.


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