PORT MORESBY – Development plan is the tool that will guide the districts and provinces in achieving its ambitious goals such as nurturing economic transformation and human development through infrastructure development.
Strategic planning sets the pace for development within the districts; and provinces basically strive to fulfill the dreams and aspirations of the people which is to improve their welfare and effectively deliver much needed basic government services to the people.

These were the words highlighted by the Department of Implementation & Rural Development (DIRD) Secretary, Aihi Vaki who spoke on behalf of the government’s departmental heads and agencies at the national level who were not present during the Wau Waria district development forum hosted by the district and the Consultative Implementation & Monitoring Committee (CIMC) in Wau, Morobe province last week.
Mr. Vaki said during his presentation that planning is very important to capture people’s need because the government is frontloading huge development grants of more than K1.2 billion in the form of Service Improvement Program (PSIP & DSIP) to sub-nationals to distribute evenly for effective basic services.
He said development plans are intended to promote and guide our districts and provinces on a path of sustainable economic growth, achieving economic prosperity and a high quality of life for people in the rural areas that would increase the economic base activities starting from the districts.
Mr. Vaki reiterated that the plans should be in line with our national plans such as Vision 2050, PNGDSP 2010 – 2030 and MTDP IV which is going to be launched soon.
“Development priorities for the district, which are supposedly initiated through a bottom up planning approach are captured and reflected in the rolling Five Year Development Plan in consultation with stakeholders, and this forum is the way forward, and I congratulate Wau Waria district for the initiative,” he said.
Mr. Vaki stressed that as DIRD being the mandated government agencies to facilitate, monitor and coordinate SIP programs around the country, have sighted that districts and provinces continue to receive SIP funding despite not reporting on previous years implementation, budget resolutions, meeting minutes and project documents that were not aligned to the province or district plans.
“The district development plan must clearly identify the projects under various sectors and costs involved so that the implementation of the plan be realistic.
“Wau Waria will receive K50 million whilst District Support Grants, a K2.5 million over the five year period. That entirely depends on the cash flow. This alone is not enough to fund the five year district development plan nor development aspirations of the district. District should strategies on using these funds to solicit support from other GoPNG programs, development partners or investors for value added and economic of scale,” Mr. Vaki said.
He told the participants that as far as the national government is concern, the SIP program is here to stay, all we want is sub-national administrations and stable political leadership required to deliver basic services based on five year development plans and good decisions, not contrary.
He also highlighted that violating of the Administrative Guidelines and Financial Instruction by not submitting acquittal reports, development plans and budgets raises serious concerns.
The three days development forum was attended by the Department of National Planning & Monitoring, Department of Treasury, Department of Commerce and Industry, Department of Works, Department of Higher Education, Research, Science & Technology, Department of Education, National Youth Development Authority and other relevant stakeholders and development partners.
Wau Waria is a newly created district in Morobe province, and it’s one of the historic district during the pre-independence.