


A police senior sergeant died from injuries he sustained from a bow and arrow attack in Port Moresby.

54-year-old, Ludwig Dondo a member of the NCD Dog Unit died at the Port Moresby General Hospital as a result of his injuries.

The father of five from Talasia in the West New Britain Province, and his colleagues were responding to reports of a drug trade and sales when he was hit by a stray arrow at ATS Block.

Divisional Commander for NCD and Central, Anthony Wagambie Jnr in a statement called on the public to identify the killers.

“I strongly condemn this barbaric killing, and I am now urging the residents of ATS settlement to surrender the suspects to police immediately,” ACP Wagambie said.

The Commander said NCD Metropolitan police will work around the clock to find and arrest the suspects involved in this ruthless murder.

The arrow penetrated the Sergeant’s left rib and he was rushed to Hospital. He passed away at 2.30pm.

Members of Dog Unit retaliated by torching several houses at the ATS Block, Eight Mile.

Senior Sergeant Dodo passed out from Bomana Police College in 1985 and worked with other sections within the Constabulary before transferring to the NCD Dog unit until his untimely passing this afternoon.

The body of the late Sergeant was taken to his family home at Bomana and later taken to the Funeral Home.

The first ever Special Economic Zone summit is set to commence in Port Moresby next week, with more sponsors coming on board to support the event.

Last Friday the Ihu Special Economic Zone and the Department of National Planning and Monitoring came on board as Gold Sponsors, with cheques of K100 000 each, presented to the Minister for International Trade and Investment Richard Maru.

Vice minister for National Planning James Nomane said the Special Economic zone concept has been here for over 50 years, and it has proved to be a success in many countries.

The Ihu Special Economic Zone was established in 2017, in Kikori, Gulf Province.

Kikori MP Soroi Eoe said the discussions in this summit is vitally important as we can learn from the experience of others who have gone down this path.

Receiving the Cheques, Minister Maru thanked the government and sponsors for the overwhelming support given at a cost of K1.5 million to host the SEZ summit.

The Sponsors of the event include, Platinum sponsors: Special Economic Zone Authority and Ministry of International Trade and Investment.

Gold Sponsors: Department of National Planning and Monitoring, Ihu SEZ, Kumul Consolidate Holdings, Kumul Petroleum Holdings Limited and National Fisheries Authority.

Silver Sponsors: PNG Ports, Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC), and Bronze Sponsor: Telikom PNG.

The Minister said over 400 delegates have already registered to attend this summit.

“We are pleased to inform you that we have confirmed 7 international speakers from India. China, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Bangladesh and International Finance Corporation who will be coming the share their country’s experience, and how SEZs have transformed their countries,” Maru said.

Maru said the delegates will also have the opportunity to contribute to the SEZ policy, The Master Plan, and Legal framework and listen to international speakers and potential SEZ’s in the country.

The potential Special Economic Zone in the country include the Central Processing Zone being developed, Kumul Manufacturing Holdings Limited, Rigo Rice SEZ, Ihu SEZ and Paga Hill SEZ.

“It will be an exiting summit and we are very grateful to all the sponsors without which we wouldn’t be able to host the summit,” Maru said.

A mother of three has created history for herself by becoming the first and only specialized female operator of Air Niugini’s Main Deck Loader. A machine used to load and unload larger containerized cargo from the main deck of large aircrafts. 36-year-old Michelle Geekala who hails from East Sepik and Gulf provinces and has worked with Air Niugini Cargo Department’s operations section since 2021.
Michelle said her journey has not been easy.
“It comes with its own challenges but you have to believe in yourself, even when no one does, you have to be your own supporter and critique, challenge yourself to be better than you were yesterday, said Geekala.
Her recent task was unloading heavy mining equipment from the main deck of a Boeing 747-400 series freighter at the Jacksons airport in Port Moresby.

Geekala had previously operated the Lower Deck Loader (LDL) for both the B747 and B737 freighters, but the recent task was her first on the Main Deck Loader.
Air Niugini’s Manager for Cargo Operations, Trevor Elly said the airline’s cargo department has always maintained a healthy level of female presence in its business and in particular its operational areas both within Port Moresby and the domestic network.
“We are proud of Michelle’s progress, breaking into an area where you find only men working there. She is currently the only female in the Port Moresby Operations unit who operates the MDL equipment and joins a legacy of other female Cargo Operations Staff including our current Cargo Business Development Manager.” said Elly.

Consultations for a constitution for Bougainville towards independence has stated and is nearing its end with the Southern region final chapter for the consultations.
Vice President Patrick Nisira part of the envoy made it clear that the process towards independence for Bougainville has been laid out and there is no room for doubts, as the ABG has the main goal of independence for Bougainville.
“We are not second guessing we are working with the PNG Government to get Independence for Bougainville, we are merely implementing the wishes of the people of Bougainville expressed through the Bougainville Referendum conducted under PNG Laws, to be an Independent country.
“The people of Bougainville made a choice, we try to bring justification for the 97.7 percent why did people of Bougainville vote? Let’s not dwell on that it was a free and fair vote.
“We have been across the country in all four regions and we are doing Political lobbying for the final process of ratification in Parliament we want to gain support of the members of parliament in PNG,” Nisira added
The Bougainville Referendum vote in 2019 had an overwhelming support of 97.7 percent that voted for independence, it was from two options made available, the first being greater Autonomy and the second option Independence. The majority of Bougainvillean’s opted for Independence.

With the referendum results clear on the choice for independence began the Post Referendum consultations, with the Joint Supervisory Body (JSB) meetings paving the way for a foreseeable final political settlement, which upholds the terms and conditions of both the Bougainville Peace Agreement and part XVI of the PNG Constitution on the Bougainville Government and Bougainville Referendum.
After the three Post referendum consultations in Kokopo, Wabag and Port Moresby, the recent signing of the Era Kone Covenant on the finalisation of the Bougainville Referendum on Independence, has set the ball rolling for a final political settlement.
The PNG Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government both agreed in Port Moresby to uphold the commitments made in Kokopo and Wabag for the implementation of arrangements for independence/political settlement no earlier than 2025 and no later than 2027.
With a foreseeable future ahead the formulation of an independent nation is founded on a constitution, thus the ABG has assigned the Bougainville Constitutional Planning Commission to conduct a consultation with Bougainvilleans across Papua New Guinea.
Similar to how Papua New Guinea Established their constitution Bougainville will have a wide consultation for a founding constitution.
The commission is concluding its consultations in the southern region and are in Port Moresby and will later move on to Alotau.
The commission was represented by Vice president of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Patrick Nisira and Minister for Independence Mission Implementation and the Attorney General Ezekiel Masatt, who is also the commission’s deputy chairperson, the two spoke to the first gathering at the University of Papua New Guinea at the Drill Hall.
The commission said the purpose of the consultation is to take account of the opinions and inputs by Bougainvillea’s living across the country in order to produce the first draft of an autochthonous constitution, meaning a constitution that will be native to Bougainville to be an independent nation.
Attorney General Ezekiel Masatt said the consultation upholds the 2019 referendum that had 97.7 percent of Bougainvillians voting for independence, he gave a patriotic uplifting speech to those that gathered, telling those present that Bougainvillians must take responsibility of their part in this process towards independence.

“If you look at the referendum and a general election, the processes are the same except in the elections where we vote for individuals and they are replaced or retained in a set time.
“No one before or after the referendum will ever go through this process, it is this generation that has voted for generations to come. Voting through the referendum is not enough, the work we are doing to establish a constitution for Bougainville will give meaning to our referendum vote and shape the independent society we talk of.
“If we had voted overwhelmingly for independence 97.7 percent our responsibility did not end at the polling booth it actually started now that the commission is here we must acknowledge the responsibility that I voted for generations to come.
“No one forced me to make the decision of independence over greater autonomy, we owe it to future generations to shape our society and must take part in these consultations to develop our constitution”, Massat said.
The Autonomous Region of Bougainville had decided on the Path to Independence through a vote of referendum under the transitional Government which is the Autonomous Bougainville Government,
Now what is left is the ratification by the 11th parliament in PNG, for a final political settlement.
Whilst the political lobbying is ongoing, Bougainville has to have a strong economy that can support the growth of an independent nation, Vice President Nisira highlighted a few key projects that will bolster economic growth to propel Bougainville towards Independence.
“If we can work together, we can bring forth an economy that can sustain our independence, the political process is on track, but we do recognize the need for a strong economy for independence, we do not deny it, we are going to address it.
“Bougainville Copper bankrolled PNGs independence, and we have the mine, we have the asset, the President and the people of Panguna have agreed to reopen the mine, they want to create a local entity to attract international investors partnering with the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
“Hopefully by August the Government will give the Exploration License ELO1, to start bringing in investors,” Nisira said.

“Hopefully by August the Government will give the Exploration License ELO1, to start bringing in investors,”

Vice President ABG Patrick Nisira

The Vice President also mentioned that there are other projects as well inline to start which includes the
Manitai Limestone project, and the Bougainville National Gold Refinery which Nisira says is 80% Complete.
“We will keep our Gold in Bougainville.
“The investor will hold 60% whilst the Bougainville Government will have 40% share,” Nisira said.
The Vice President also mentioned the Bougainville Economic Plan which he says is in its draft phase.
“With this plan the ABG, Civil Society and business community will have better coordination towards building an efficient plan to improve the economic status of Bougainville,” Nisira added.
The other important projects include the building of enabling infrastructures, through donor partners and the government of PNG. This encompasses the construction of roads bridges and wharfs.
“We are still working on Bougainville Power to solve power issues in the region, we are also looking into green energy, Solar power and the hydro project in Tinputz will be revisited.

Consultations in Port Moresby will continue on Saturday at the UPNG Drill hall.

Kumul Petroleum Holdings Limited (KPHL) has fulfilled its commitment to be the Gold sponsor of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) summit which will be hosted in the country.

KPHL Managing Director Wapu Sonk recently presented a cheque of K100 000 to International Trade and Investment Minister Richard Maru to show their support.

The inaugural SEZ summit in PNG is a platform to discuss policy gaps, opportunities for investors, the types of economic zones and the services or infrastructures needed in those economic zones.

The Managing Director said KPHL is committed to assist the government in its establishment of SEZs, through power generation solutions.

“Kumul Petroleum will play a role in providing energy. It will be a mix of energy sources, it can be hydro, solar, gas fired power stations or bio fuel, depending on where the economic zones are.

“It’s not only Kumul Petroleum investing in energy, but we will bring in partners to work with us in the different energy opportunities that exist, to support these economic zones.” The Managing Director said.

International Trade and Investment Minister Richard Maru thanked the KPHL Board for this support, saying it is a timely boost, and it is a statement to consolidate this partnership going forward.

Minister Maru said the easiest economic zones are those that have roads, wharves, state land and other infrastructures in place, however the biggest issue is energy source.

“The government cannot continue to burn Diesel fuel which is expensive and also pollutes the environment, so we are looking to KPHL to provide a green solution, and it must be cheaper,” the minister said.

He said the cheaper cost of power can be passed onto users and consumers in the private sector, who will also produce goods and compete in the global market.

KPHL being the Gold sponsor of the summit, will be given a slot to speak on their plans and vision to provide clean and cheap energy to all special economic zones, including an information booth during the summit.

The Special Economic Zone Summit will be hosted in Port Moresby, from May 8 – 9, 2023.

Performers, Support Staff, and Officers of the National Performing Art Troupe (NPAT) and National Film Institute (NFI) recently witnessed the commissioning of two multi-million-kina building; a Duplex Office building for NPAT and a staff accommodation building for NFI staff.

The new NPAT Double story office complex and NFI Staff accommodation building was officially commissioned by the Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture Hon. Isi Henry Leonard earlier this month.

There to witness was National Planning and Monitoring Secretary Konney Samuel, National Cultural Commission (NCC) Executive Director Steven Kilanda and other dignitaries.

When commission the buildings, Tourism, Art and Culture Minister Isi Henry Leonard said, culture is our greatest treasure, and it is our responsibility to preserve, protect, develop, promote and safeguard our indigenous cultures.

“We must continue to support these cultural institutions, as they play a vital role to help preserve, protect, develop, safeguard and promote our cultures by working with people at the community and grassroots level,” The minister said.

National Cultural Commission executive director Steven Kilanda, acknowledge and thanked all stake holders for their continuous support in ensuring these important infrastructures are completed.

“We are also inviting the Eastern Highlands Provincial Government and its administration to partner with the Cultural Institutions to help develop and deliver cultural services to the people,” Kilanda said.

NPAT or Formally known as the Raunraun Theatre has been operating out of Eastern Highlands Province for many years.

Director Michael Doa said for forty years, they were operating out of a container office.

“I am now happy that the staff and management of National Performing Art Troupe will be housed in a brand-new double story office complex,” Doa said.

The Edevu Hydropower project in the Hiri Koiari District of Central Province was officially launched by Prime Minister James Marape Last Friday.

The Edevu Hydro Power project is located at the head waters of Brown River, and apart from Rauna in Sogeri, this is the second hydro power project in central province, and both in the same district.

There with the Prime Minister was Central Governor Rufina Peter, Hiri Koiari MP Keith Iduhu, including State Ministers, Landowners and stake holders.

The commissioning of the reservoir impoundment signifies an important milestone for the project.

This means, the dams will now be filled with water, for power generation and distribution.

Initial negotiations on the project began in 2009, and it has taken over 14 years to get to this stage.

The hydro power project is expected to produce over 54 megawatts of power, which will cater for NCD and Central province, including parts of Gulf and Milne Bay provinces.

It is a private investment between the Koiari Land Owners and Chinese Investor, PNG Hydro Development Limited, built at a cost of over K650 million kina.

According to Prime Minister James Marape, the PNG government is supporting the project, by way of K120 million for transmission lines from Edevu to Port Moresby which is already under construction.

“We are a nation in pursuit of development in the power sector, we want 70 percent of our country – by 2030 – to have accessibility to cheap, reliable and green energy to our country” PM Marape said.

Speaking on the occasion Central Province Governor Rufina Peter, welcomed the project and raised concerns on equal land owner participation.

She said over the years land owners of Sirinumu dam in Sogeri, have not been compensated well, and land owners of Edevu must be better captured and considered in benefit sharing agreements.

“We must not ignore the land owners and the provincial government in participating in critical activities, including benefit sharing,” the governor said.

State Enterprise Minister William Duma further assured the people that the government has given directions for better benefit sharing packages for land owners at Sirinumu.

He said the government will continue to work together with investors and land owners to ensure there are opportunities for all to participate.

TISA Community Finance has been announced as the Naming Rights Sponsor for the PNG SME Breakfast, which will be held later this year.

TISA Community Finance CEO Sunil Pokharel last Thursday, presented a cheque of K300,000 to the organizers of SME Breakfast, to be the naming rights sponsor.

The CEO said TISA Community Finance is committed to working with the government and all partners to grow SMEs in the country, and they are excited to support this program.

“The good thing is we are going to have a digital learning platform and that is going to be a game changer.

“We strongly believe TCF which will be TISA bank in the future, that the technology we are investing in is a competent digital platform, especially targeting the SME sector.” The TCF CEO said.

There to receive the dummy cheque was the Chairman of SME Corporation, John Pora and Strategic Communications Ltd Managing Director Andrew Runawery.

Mr Runawery said the SME Business Breakfast which started in 2019, is now into its 5th year.

“It commenced in 2019, on 27th of June which was marked Internationally as the day to observe and recognize micro small to medium enterprises, and how they contribute to the economy,” Runawery said.

The SME Business Breakfast is an informative event, where critical issues affecting SME’s are discussed.

It also includes workshops and exhibitions where SME’s showcase their products and services.

Samarai Murua District in Milne Bay province will be hosting a Music, Song and Dance Festival later this month.

The Festival was officially launched by Samarai Murua MP Isi Henry Leonard in Port Moresby last week.

The Music, Song and Dance festival is aimed at promoting culture and tourism in the District.

The Samarai Murua MP, who is also the Minister for Tourism Arts and Culture, said preparations are underway, at the District headquarters on Misima Island.

“It is a way forward to promoting our tourism programs, and at the same time give recognition to our culture, ourselves and our identity,” the local MP said.

The MP further added that Samarai Murua is a culturally diverse District, and this is an opportunity for the people to unite, showcase and express their identity through music, song and dance.

National Cultural Commission Executive Director Steven Kilanda who was there at the Launching presented K10 000 to support this festival.

He said festivals are an important tool, to preserve culture.

“We appeal to Provincial governments and district development authorities to partner with us, so that we host festivals to keep our culture alive” Kilanda said.

The Samarai Murua Music, Song and Dance Festival will see various singsing groups, string band groups, choir groups and dance groups from the district all gathered to showcase their culture and expose their talents.

They are also inviting experience groups from outside to participate in the festival.

The Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Barrick Niugini Limited and New Porgera Limited has signed an agreement to progress with the operations of the mine.

The New Porgera Progress Agreement signed on Friday confirms that all parties are committed to reopening the mine at the earliest opportunity.

The signing ceremony at the government house was witnessed by Prime Minister James Marape, Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso, Barrick Gold CEO Mark Bristow, ministers of the state, and other stake holders.

After the signing Ceremony, Prime Minister James Marape addressed the media, saying this is a huge step closer to the reopening of the Porgera mine.

The Prime Minster further shared his appreciation to the State Negotiation Team and all stake holders for their patience, and hard work behind the scene, which allowed them to go through the due processes.

Marape said there has been a lot of delay in the processes, however these are all steps to ensure the new porgera is a fruitful venture.

Barrick CEO Mark Bristow further explained that the next steps are to transfer the exploration license from old Porgera to new Porgera, and make the application for the special Mining license, and that will open the doors to starting up the mine.

“We have a number of people to employ between now and the startup. We have started, and we will continue to employ people.” Bristow said.

He said they are committed to start producing gold within this year.

The CEO also appealed to the people of Porgera to end all violence and work together for a better place in Enga province.

Under the New Porgera agreement, economic benefits will be shared 53% by the PNG stakeholders and 47% by Barrick Niugini Limited.

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