


The Assistant Deputy Bishop of Caritas PNG, Bishop Ain Soongie has supported calls by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands to rectify the situation of the 2022 National General Elections.

The bishop made this statement following what has been described as the worst National Elections in the history of Papua New Guinea.

“There was no democratic exercise of the right to elect a leader to the parliament. That is obviously experienced mainly in the Highlands provinces, but more so in all other provinces,” Bishop Soongie stated.

The bishop also made mentioned that after almost 50 years of independence, there was no improvement in this vital system of government.

“As a matter of fact, getting towards 50 years of independence, we would by now have improved all systems of the government, however, what has transpired in this election seems that we have a long way to go,” Soongie said.

He also called on the country’s leaders and important stakeholders to evaluate, plan and strategize for a better election come 2027.

“The people of Papua New Guinea deserve better from our leaders. In whatever way you have entered parliament today, you have the responsibility before you to make sure that citizens of this country get better services,” he added.

“If there is a change to be made for the better of our nation, it must start now. We have 5 years to prepare for a good election. 2022 National General Election was one that deprived the rights of the citizens of this country for a fair election,” he said.

Villagers along the north coast of Madang are calling on Prime Minister James Marape and the Mining Minister to establish a regulatory framework for sand mining in PNG.

The call is for the Mineral Resource Authority to make a provision within the Mining Act for sand mining policies and laws.

Currently, there is no regulatory framework or policy in place in Papua New Guinea.

Vanansius Barrar of Murukanam village Sumkar District says his village is under threat from logging activities and now sand mining is becoming a threat for locals who depend on the marine life for their sustenance and livelihood.

They are now carrying out a land survey to protect their land from sand mining and other illegal activities that continue to destroy the environment.

Barrar explained that the National Government must establish a regulatory framework for sand mining in the country in order to protect the environment.

Another local, Willie Mayng said their land is a conservation area and is a nesting zone for the endangered leatherback turtles.

He said the Government must take interest in this matter as the locals have been fighting hard since establishing the conservation area in 2008.

The landowner’s call was made following a one-day training on the environmental impact of sand mining in Madang recently.

The training was facilitated by an academic researcher, Ms Winnifred Duk, in the biology strand at the University of Goroka.

Duk explained PNG does not have any policy or legislative framework at this stage on sand mining operations.

Furthermore, there is no risk assessment guideline to protect the environment from sand mining operations.

As sand protects the environment and is not a renewable resource, the large scale of mining sand would bring environmental concerns, and social and economic impacts, including the direct habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity.

In November of 2020, landowners of the twenty-five villages along the north coast held a public forum at Tokain village and protested a Singaporean company, Niugini Sands after it filed an application to obtain an exploration license.

The mining of black sand would cover 51km of sandy beaches and cover a width of 10km into the sea and another 10km inland from Murunas to Tokain.

The black sand beach of Tokain Village. Picture By Wenceslaus Magun via Facebook.

However, the company withdrew its application attributing it to the adverse publicity and negative commentary against the company’s reputation.

The former chief justice, Sir Arnold Amet, who was representing the locals as their legal advisor, said there is no separate law on sand mining in PNG.

In October of 2020, the Mineral Resource Authority Director, Jerry Garry, in a television interview also explained that PNG is yet to develop specific laws on sand mining.

Garry says the closest legislation that can be used for sand mining is the Alluvial Mining Act which does mention other minerals that can be extracted from sand.

Wenceslaus Magun, who heads MAKATA, a local NGO, dedicated to preserving the nesting areas of the leatherback turtles said the Government must act now.

Magun says there is no international law on sand mining and there is a huge gap that big companies are taking advantage of to push their agendas.

The member for Gazelle, Jelta Wong has pledged his commitment to serve the people of Papua New Guinea as the new Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources. After the swearing-in on Tuesday, Minister Wong highlighted the importance the Fisheries sector has on the economy, stating the commitment remains to create employment opportunities as well as protecting the fisheries stock from environmental damage.

“The Ministry for Fisheries and Marine Resources has a significant function for our country right now and into the future, as our marine resources must be managed properly and must be harvested in a sustainable way,” Wong added.

PNG has the largest fisheries zone in the South Pacific with a total value market estimated at K400million per year. However, it remains under-developed with no space for downstream processing and tangible support for local markets to survive.

Inspection of the new Sand Fish Hatchery in Kimbe, West New Britain Province. Since 2019, NFA has opened a number of enabling infrastructures to support local markets. Picture By NFA Media

“As Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources, it is clear that there is a lot of heavy lifting ahead in the coming weeks, months and years.”

“Over the past three years our Government under Prime Minister Marape has sought to implement long-overdue reforms in the sector, but much of this work was undermined by the interruption of the pandemic,” the Minister said.

With a Fisheries Strategic Plan for 2021-2030 already in place, it provides PNG with the opportunity to adapt to the changing global economy in the fisheries sector. And sustainability is one key area in achieving that goal for the country.”

“Considering the needs of our future generations is also a reason that I intend to lead a crackdown on illegal fishing in our waters. The Prime Minister has indicated his support for the expanded export of sustainably harvested fresh seafood to global markets.”

“We will also work with investors under this plan to value-add in the processing of our tuna and other seafood in our own production facilitates,” said Minister Wong.  

Minister Wong will serve his 2nd term in Parliament and has previously held office as the Police, Health and State-Owned Enterprises Minister.

The Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) has rejected Prime Minister James Marape’s statement calling for a nationwide consultation on Bougainville’s 2019 Referendum for Independence results. The ABG’s response is to Prime Minister James Marape’s inaugural statement delivered when he was elected as Prime Minister on August 9th.

The ABG maintains that ratification of the 2019 Referendum will be done by the National Parliament and does not require the citizens of Papua New Guinea to consult on the matter.

ABG Attorney General and Minister for Bougainville Independence Mission Implementation Ezekiel Masatt clarified that there is no legal basis for the proposed nationwide consultation as Prime Minister Marape alluded to. Masatt highlighted the provisions of the 2001 Bougainville Peace Agreement which called for a referendum and the results to be discussed in Parliament alone.

“Per the requirements of the same laws, the ABG and the National Government are the only two parties that will consult the overwhelming 97.9 per cent outcome of the referendum, there is no mention of a nationwide consultation on the matter,” said Minister Masatt.

Masatt said it has become clear that the National Government lacks the institutional memory to fully understand the intentions of the 2001 Bougainville Peace Agreement and urged the National Government to stick to the agreements reached by both Governments in the joint consultations.

“It has been agreed that independence will be no earlier than 2025 and no later than 2027. Let me make it absolutely clear, that Bougainville will be independent,” Masatt stated.

Prime Minister James Marape during his inaugural speech on August 9th.

Meanwhile Prime Minister James Marape is yet to appoint a Minister for Bougainville Affairs. In the last three and a half years, the office was held by four different MPs including the Prime Minister himself. However, when announcing his 2022 Cabinet yesterday, the Prime Minister said Bougainville needs a full-time Minister who will commit to the cause on Bougainville. Marape added a Minister will be appointed in the coming weeks.  

Morobe Alluvial Mining Company, a subsidiary of the Morobe Mineral Holdings Limited, the business arm of the Provincial Government owes huge amounts of rental payment and its staff unpaid salary.

Staff based in Lae, told the media yesterday, that they were laid off by the MAML Management for almost four months without any good reasons, or an official document.

They petitioned the management concerning the alleged non-payment of their salaries and Nasfund contributions.

On the 20th of July, a list came out confirming names of almost 60 employees who were being laid off by the company.

After the Management failed to address their petition, over 30 staff went and sought help from the Labour Department.

The Provincial Labour and Industrial Relations office then wrote a letter to MAML Human Resource Manager on the 25th of July, 2022 stating the employees’ complaint concerning the following;

  1. Non-payment of outstanding fortnightly wages and entitlements for 5 staff who ceased employment.
  2. Non-payment of fortnightly wages for 14 employees for 7 fortnights.
  3. Non-payment of staff Nasfund contributions.  

The Labour office urged the company to immediately settle the outstanding fortnights for the employees who ceased employment and to settle the outstanding non-payment of wages and Nasfund contributions.

The Labour Office further stated that Morobe Alluvial Mining Limited has breached the Employment Act for failing to pay the staff outstanding payments and should respond within 14 days. 

According to the staff, the MAML Management Headed by the Chief Executive Officer, Brigitta Pondros again failed to pay the employees outstanding wages and Nasfund Contributions.

They followed up with the Labour Office again, but they didn’t receive any positive response.

The employees are currently renting and leaving in town with school aged children. They told the media that they are suffering because of the company’s ignorance.

An employee who refused to be named said, “The Company is a good concept by the Morobe Provincial Government under the Leadership of Morobe’s Former Governor, Ginson Saonu, but it’s not managed properly.”

 A lot of money is used on hire cars and accommodation rentals for the Managers.

Inside PNG went to get a response from the MAML Management located at Lae’s Velerumana Building’s 4th floor, however, the doors were locked with padlocks.

We were advised that the company was told to leave the building due to non-payment of rentals.

According to the Morobe Mines, Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Office, Morobe Alluvial Mining Limited receives K5 million from the Provincial Government since 2020. 

Morobe Alluvial Mining Company headed by CEO Briggitta Pondros was established on the 14th of May 2020 by Morobe’s former Governor Ginson Saonu and is operating under the umbrella of Morobe Mineral Holdings Limited.

MMHL is a group of company operating with various Alluvial Dredging and Exploration Activities in Morobe and is a subsidiary company of Morobe Provincial Government.

The affected employees of MAML called on the Morobe Mineral Resource Holdings, Acting Provincial Administrator, Bart Impambonj and the Morobe Governor, Luther Wenge to address their concerns with the management of MAML.

Landowners of the four project impact areas of the Ramu Nickel Project under Ramu NiCo Management Limited, were paid their royalty payment totalling to K14.8 million for the year 2021 on July 20th, 2022.

The landowner groups that the payments were made to include Kurumbukari, Inland Pipeline, Coastal Pipeline and Basamuk. Kurumbukari got a portion of approximately K8.6 million, Inland and Coastal Pipeline LO’s got approximately K2 million each while Basamuk Los got a portion of approximately K3 million respectively.

All payments made totals to the grand total of royalty payment to LO’s for 2021, including the other years concerned. The recent payments are the 6th made by the company since production began in 2013.

Jacob Winis, Principal Landowner of Memeume 1 and Chairman of the Maigari (Inland Pipeline) Landowners Association said, the royalty payments made by Ramu NiCo has contributed immensely in improving the people’s state of living by having access to basic services.

“The royalty payments made by Ramu NiCo to the landowners has helped us in setting up small Businesses or projects, supporting us with school fees, access to health services and I see that there is actual change” Winis said.

The first royalty payments made were in 2018, for years 2013 to 2017, paid in two separate accumulated payments; first payment of approximately K25.5 million was made in June of 2018. While the second  payment of K8 million plus, was made in the same year for July to December of 2017.

Royalty payment of approximately K16.3 million for 2018 was made in 2019, for 2019, approximately K26.2 million was made in 2020. 2020’s payment of K 17.3 million approximately was made in 2021.

With the most Recent payment of approximately K14.8 million made this year, for 2021. A total of K108.1 million in royalties has been paid since 2018 to landowners.

FIFTEEN technical staff at the National Airport’s Corporation recently received specialized training in the Installation and Supervision of Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL) Systems in Kavieng, New Ireland Province.

The AGL Systems are crucial in airport operations as it helps pilots scope out the runway clearly before landing the aircraft and even aids in a safe take-off. The AGL Systems are most helpful during night times and bad weather conditions.

Participants during practical session of the AGL training.

Those who underwent the training were equipped with the knowledge to train other colleagues at other airports in the country, as well as supervise and carryout maintenance works on AGL Systems at the airports.

In a statement, NAC explained that in the past, only a handful of NAC technical staff carried out AGL installation under the supervision of ADBSG, however, since they began in-country training, the attendance in participation began to grow.

The statement further explained that the training coincides with the redevelopments of regional airports around PNG and therefore, NAC is taking measures to ensure their staff members are skilled in the latest technological advances in airport operations to ensure its aerodrome environment is safe and secure and in compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards, as well as PNG CASA rules and regulations.

Participants during the theory session of training.

The training on AGL Systems was conducted by Mr Sam Gray from ADB Safegate (ADBSG), a world-renowned company specialized in providing integrated airport solutions for safe, environmentally friendly and efficient airport operations.

He was assisted by NAC CADIP consultant, Saibal Bose who is specialized in Electrical Engineering.

The training took place in late July to early August and was funded by the Civil Aviation Development Investment Program (CADIP).

CENTRAL Governor, Rufina Peter dropped by the Department of Personnel Management for her first Government Department visit since being sworn in as Governor of Central Province on 9th August 2022.

The purpose of the on Thursday 11th August 2022 was to discuss Human Resource employment development for Central Province with the DPM Secretary, Taies Sansan.

Central Governor, Rufina Peter with DPM Secretary, Taies Sansan.

During the visit, the newly appointed Governor said, as a woman and a political leader she and other women politicians have to be demonstrative in order to debunk the perception of women being ineffective in the political space.

Ms. Peter said she and colleague, the newly appointed Rai Coast MP, Kessy Sawang will prove the effectiveness of women politicians in their next five years in office and she is looking at a critical Human Resource to ensure their performances are demonstrated.

“We can be political heads, but we need public servants who can articulate our vision and make it happen,” said Ms. Peter.

After meeting with the DPM Secretary, Ms. Peter was given a rousing welcome by staff members, mostly women, who congratulated Ms. Peter, expressing a sense of empowerment in sharing her win.

DPM Secretary, Taies Sansan told the Central Governor that DPM boasted a ratio of 60% women staffers who hold executive management positions. She gave the Central Governor the assurance that DPM looks forward to working closely with the Central Provincial Government in building the Human Resource and public service job employment.

Meanwhile Governor Peter said she needs to make sure that those who work with her administer and put the people’s interest first by articulating her vision to fit the needs of the people of Central province.

Enga Governor Sir Peter Ipatas has called for unity and harmony in Enga Province ahead of the annual cultural show.

Re-elected for the 6th term as the head of the province following the National General Elections, Sir Peter Ipatas urged the people in the province to unite once again for the staging of the Enga Cultural Show this weekend.

“The Enga Show is the pride of our province, an annual activity that has been staged successfully for the past 27 years and grown in stature to become an international drawcard.’’

Speaking in response to concerns about election related unrest in parts of the province, Sir Peter said Enga cannot continue to allow lawlessness and destruction to constantly dictate how the province will go about conducting business.

He urged his people stop the negativity caused by the recent election violence and instead shift to positive and beneficial attitude for the province. 

Governor Ipatas: “When we continue to allow violence to dictate our lives and activities, we are in a way tacitly accepting it.”

Enga takes pride in hosting visitors and the Governor is adamant that showcasing the province’s traditional cultures to the world in 2022 will be different.

The Enga Cultual show will be staged on Friday12th and Saturday 13th August 2022.

Ramu NiCo Management Limited’s newly built and recently opened Kurumbukari Mine Clinic is well equipped with vital medical devices capable of serving more patients.

The clinic has upgraded its capacity from a two bed space to a six bed space clinic. Providing a more spacious and conducive facility for all patients seeking medical assistance. The clinic now houses, two consultation rooms, a dispensary, emergency treatment and treatment room for small wounds and others, observing ward and a waiting lobby.

The vital medical equipment available at the new and improved Clinic include; an oxygenator, electrocardiogram machine, glucometer, multi-analysis drug testing devices, including the Rapid Diagnostic Test kits for malaria and COVID-19 including other devices for basic testing and diagnosis.

The now standalone clinic is capable of serving and accommodating more patients within the mining camp, including locals from surrounding communities unlike at the previous locations. The new KBK Mine Clinic is a day clinic where no admissions are made.

Nursing Officer in Charge Mr. Cyril Tapasia (Left) Assistant Nursing Officer, Ms. Bernadette Soagili (Centre) and the physician on site, Dr. Wei (Right) at the new and improved Ramu NiCo’s Kurumbukari Mine Clinic.

The RNML KBK Mine Clinic has two Chinese Physicians and three local nursing staff who are on a 28 days on site and 14 days off site shift. Three health personnel are always on site (at the clinic) from 8am to 5pm every day.

Nursing Officer in Charge, Cyril Tapasia, who has been employed with Ramu NiCo Ltd for 14 years now stated; “Since it is a day clinic, we focus mainly on work related injuries. Serious cases are only stabilized at the clinic and referred to the Walium or Usino Health Centres while the very serious cases are identified as emergency cases and referred to the Madang Provincial Hospital,”

RNML’s KBK General Manager, Joseph Umare said “It is only fitting for the company to build a facility big enough to cater for or accommodate more patients, because at any one time, there are about 600 to 700 employees on site”

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