A 42-year-old man is appealing for mandated leaders to equally consider People Living With Special Needs in every decision making.
Michael Overyamo spoke to Inside PNG camera operator, Frank Mogona after casting his vote at Tokarara Secondary School for the Moresby North-West Open Seat in NCD.
Overyamo expressed concerns that in the past 20 years PLWD’s have been neglected or ignored.
“I purposely came to vote for a leader who can bring to attention of the Parliament and policy makers that People Living With Special Needs are part of the community and must be inclusive in any form of service delivery,” Overyamo said.
“A good example is the PMV bus service in the city. You can’t find a seat that will accommodate the conditions of PLWD’s. Our public transport system is one of the priority areas. Our leaders must consider the different forms of disability by people in Papua New Guinea,” uttered Overyamo.
In most schools you hardly see stairs of classrooms to cater for students using a wheelchair or crutches. And there are so many others I can think of,” Overyamo said.
The Government must consider our plight.
We are part of the country and economy, we must be considered in all decisions made by all levels of Government”, said Overyamo.
“I appealed to any leader who will be in the 11th House of Parliament to be fair to us. Understand us, help us and build or provide the necessary infrastructure for us to access and use,” Mr Overyamo said.
Despite losing his eye sight, he was thrilled to make his way to the Tokarara school premises for polling.
He joined many residents of the Moresby North-West electorate who also voted during the day.
A close relative assisted him to cast his preferred choice of leaders for the MNW seat and NCD Regional.
Overyamo is originally from the Eastern Highlands Province but has been a resident in June Valley for over 40-years.