


by Duncan Gabi (Freelance Blogger)

Many people with cataract problems in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have not been able to seek professional treatment because of the inaccessibility of the service in most centres around the country. East Sepik Province (ESP) has one of the highest numbers of cataract patients.

Without a residential ophthalmologist at Boram General Hospital in Wewak, many patients are referred to the Fred Hollows Foundation Eye Clinic at the Modilon General Hospital in Madang and the Goroka Eye Unit at Goroka Base Hospital in Eastern Highlands Province. However, not many go for cataract operations because of the costs involved in traveling to another centre to receive professional treatment.


Recently, a team of specialist ophthalmologists in the country conducted a two weeks cataract outreach clinic in Maprik district, ESP upon invitation by the Boram Eye Clinic and Callan Services. The outreach was an answered prayer for those with cataract problems in the province. The outreach came about as a result of cataract screenings which has been ongoing for the last two years in the province to identify patients with cataract. The outreach was made possible by the partnership between non-government organizations and provincial health authorities in the country.

The cataract outreach team is made up of four ophthalmologists; Dr. David Pahau, Dr. Kerek Apisai, Dr. Magdalene Mangot and Dr. Waimbe Wahamu, with support staff from Callan Services Inclusive Eye Health, Callan Services Maprik, Fred Hollows Foundation, Boram Eye Clinic, Port Moresby General Hospital Eye Unit and the Goroka Eye Unit.

According to Cataract outreach team leader, Senior Ophthalmologist Dr. David Pahau of the Fred Hollows Foundation, eye care in PNG is at the bottom of the list and mainly overlooked.

Many people with cataract do not get the treatment they need because there is none available to them. That is why the outreach was initiated for the team to travel to rural areas and provide the services to the people. Callan Services Maprik Program Coordinator Chanel Luwe stated that the outreach was important and timely because it brought services right to the people in the rural areas, who for years have not had the access to eye care.

Brigiti Community Health Centre, a rural centre located ten-minutes outside of Maprik town became the sight restoration centre as patients flocked in numbers to received treatment. They erected shelters outside the health centre and made camps while waiting to get treatment. Majority of the cataract patients recorded were from Maprik district while others came from Yangoru-Saussia, Wosera-Gawi, Drekikir, Lumi, Nuku, Angoram and Wewak.

The team noted that the number of patients coming to the centre was increasing by day. The outreach was scheduled for two weeks, however, with the increasing number of patients coming from districts within the province and patients’ backlog, the team extended the outreach for another week to ensure they treated all the patients.

The team screened over a thousand patients with an estimated number of 400 patients undergoing eye surgery. “Our expected target was 300 successful operations by the end of the outreach. But we have exceeded that target and by the end of the third week of the outreach, we would have treated over 500 patients”, Dr. Pahau said.

Damien Sungu, Officer in Charge of the Goroka Eye Clinic said “From the cataract screenings, we were able to determine the severity of the cataract in patients. Those with more severe problems were given priority for eye surgery”. The ophthalmologists performed 30-40 operations daily and a cataract operation takes about 15-20 minutes. The ophthalmologists were praised for their dedication as they worked late into the night and on some days ended the clinic at around 2-3 AM in the morning.

Many patients with complete blindness had their sights restored. Some have been living in the dark for almost a decade until recently. They were emotional and ever grateful for the doctors, the support staff and the organizations committed to the work of restoring sight to those without vision.

The main challenge the team faced during the first week of the outreach was electricity. Without electricity at the health centre, the doctors were not able to perform operations. Maprik District Health Manager Mr. Raymond Pohonai in addressing the challenges said they were able to solve the issue so the doctors could carry out surgeries.

The cataract outreach was a partnership between Callan Services National Unit for Persons with Disabilities (CSNU), Christian Blind Mission New Zealand (CBM NZ), East Sepik Provincial Health, Eastern Highlands Provincial Health, Western Highlands Provincial Health, Fred Hollows Foundation, Maprik District Health and the Department of Health.

The bigger support for the cataract clinic came from The Network of Callan Services for Persons with Disability through its funding partnership with Christian Blind Mission New Zealand (CBM NZ). NZ Government Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s (MFAT) objective under the Manaaki (“Uplifting mana, through listening, supporting and empowering”) fund is to reach the vulnerable and marginalized people and groups. This was achieved through this activity.

Callan Services Inclusive Eye Health Coordinator Br. Desmond Taboeya when acknowledging the partners said “With good collaboration and partnership in all sectors, we can do more in eye care in PNG”. He encouraged collaboration and partnerships for more successful eye clinics in the country while Mr. Luwe advocated for inclusivity in eye care.

The team of doctors intend to do another eye clinic outreach in Eastern Highlands Province in the near future.

FIFTY participants of the Lahara Women’s Association of Tubusereia village in Central province, Yesterday received their certificates after completing two weeks of Start Your Business (SYB) Micro-enterprise training. participants of the Lahara Women’s Association of Tubusereia village in Central province, Yesterday received their certificates after completing two weeks of Start Your Business (SYB) Micro-enterprise training.

The training was facilitated by the SME Corporation, with an aim to help citizens create employment and generate income through the development of small businesses start-ups.

In a small Graduation ceremony yesterday, SME Corporation Acting Director Capacity Building and Business Advisory, Mr. Edward Kepa challenged the participants to put the knowledge they gained into practice.

“You cannot expect change and different results by doing the same things over and over again.

“You have to learn to do things differently. In business, you have to learn to be patient, start small and grow,” Kepa said.

He also challenged the men to support their wives in starting small businesses.

Kepa further added that SME Corporation wanted to change the mindset and attitude of Papua New Guineans towards business through delivering trainings at the ward level where the majority of the population is.

The Participants were grateful for the knowledge they have received in the two weeks of training.

“The training has given me a better view of life for the future.

“I have learnt that there is more to life than sitting in the house and thinking motherhood.” A Participant said.

The training covered various topics, including how to come up with business ideas, record keeping, profit and how to get loans to start businesses.

The program also focuses on citizens who have already started a business but do not know the basics of running a successful business.

The SME Corporation is running these training in various provinces with an aim to help locals become successful in their businesses.

They have over 200 certified trainers, delivering these trainings in rural areas in the country.

It is a key impact project among other key policy and legislative reforms SMEC has initiated in 2020 and 2021 to support and deliver on the Government’s vision to develop and grow the MSME sector.

Former Hela Governor and Komo-Magarima MP, Francis Potape says Hela needs better leadership to see essential government services reach minority communities.

Potape said there a multiple reason and service delivery indicators pushing him to contest the Hela Regional seat. He said the current leadership by incumbent Governor Philip Undialu has deteriorated in the past 5 years.

“In many communities in Hela, people have fled to the bushes and are left to fend for themselves. He said people have suffered because of poor leadership. Potape expressed that elected leaders have not proven real leadership on the ground to move the Province forward like other Provinces in the country.

The former Governor said many have been killed with no real justice enforced by government authorities. “At one stage almost 20 people were killed. No one has been arrested and charged for these crimes, “said Potape.

“I have nominated to return and bring normalcy with better leadership to bring peace to communities and push people to be partners of development, said Potape.

Potape said his second reason to contest was to fight the ongoing corruption practiced by those in the Provincial Administration. He said many funds were misused and remain unaccounted for. “Huge amount of development funding have remained unheard of. Where has the money gone to?

Corruption within the Provincial Administration has left the people to suffer. “I want to stop all these misuse and abuse by those in power, he added. Infrastructure grants including IDG, PSIP and other funding add to millions but there is no tangible development in Hela. He said the financial books of the Province must be checked.

He said the projects like NDB, airport and roads are all high impact projects initiated by the National Government. “Undialu has done nothing for Hela people,” Potape added.

Speaking on policies, Potape said while Health services are progressing while other essential services are degrading. He said education services continue to deteriorate with few students entering higher learning institutions.

“I want to get the basics correct. Extend the terminal area, improve road network, impart business knowledge to grow SME, build public service housing, proper town planning and other essential services will be reviewed to allow people access services at their doorstep, said Potape.

“There is no provincial market for Hela. People are selling their produce on the ground. Leaders have not empowered the small people.

Potape said he is also prepared to work with stakeholders in the PNG LNG Project to improve relationships and address differences between the landowners, Hela Provincial Government and other stakeholders.

The former Hela Governor also urged Hela’s voting population not to accept bribes, or favors by those contesting. He said people should assess the current leaders and vote for a better leadership.

He said there is no leadership provided by elected leaders. “It is the duty of leaders to put peoples interest first. People have suffered. He said people have the freedom and power of choice and now is the time to elect honest leaders, said Potape.

The former Hela Governor said if Hela is to see better and improved services, change in leadership is key. “Do not be blind folded by money and other benefits, but vote for a leader who will bring change and lasting benefit for a better Hela.

“Hela people need a transparent provincial government, now is the time, vote for Francis Potape Box 19 for the Hela Provincial Seat, he added.

A massive gathering of people from Daulo district recently gathered to show their support toward their Member and incumbent Minister for Environment Conservation and Climate Change, Pogio Ghate.

A convoy of more than sixty vehicles loaded with supporters travelled from Daulo to Goroka town.

Speaking to his supporters, Ghate said despite limited funding from DSIP funds, he has gone out of his way to secure funding to ensure Basic Infrastructures & Social services are delivered to the people.

“Despite serving the people of Daulo for the limited time of two years, I must say that I am proud of what I have done so far.” Ghate said.

“I have no regrets for the three years that have gone into election petition case I am happy and determined to contest for this general election.”

He added that Daulo district is fortunate to have many developments in the last two years compared to other districts in the Province.

He also challenged the people to choose good leaders, who are focused on effective service delivery.

“Elect a God fearing person so that he or she will remain focussed on service delivery.” Ghate said.

The Board of the PNG NRL Bid 2025 has announced the appointment of former World Cup Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Hill as lead consultant to guide the process of the bid.

Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League CEO. Stanley Hondina said Hill’s appointment follows a workshop where Hill was a lead consultant to set up the legal framework of the bid process.

“It’s not a straightforward easy case for us, in 2009 there was a separate NRL Bid put forth and there’s legacy issues there as well, we are treading on water, wanting to see where the best lines fit.”

“We congratulate Andrew on his appointment as well as we welcome him to the team, we are confident with having Andrew on board to lead the bid team going forward,” Hondina added.

Hondina said that the learning experience acquired from the workshop and with the skills set and caliber of each member of the Board, the Board is confident going forward with working towards the bid.

CEO Hondina said that Hill is also the strategic advisor to the PNG Hunters and has been in support to put together work around the PNG Orchids and PNG Kumuls programs, and therefore it was the Board’s decision to extend his scope of work to include his services with the PNG NRL Bid 2025.

“It’s an incredibly exciting time for the game here in PNG, I think everyone around the world knows the passion that Papua New Guineans have for the game, we also know how important rugby league is for the country but equally important, the country is very important for rugby league,” Hill said.

There’s a lot of work, we need to be patient, this is more than just about the game on the field, this is going to be quite strategic, we have to ensure that we get proper governance, the model has to be right, and looking at every opportunity that gets presented to PNG,” Hill said.

The National Election Security Operations in West New Britain has been launched.

New Guinea Islands Assistant Commander of Police Perou N’dranou was in Kimbe to official declare the commencement of the operation yesterday.

Speaking there the Divisional Commander said the operation is critical to ensure there is a free and safe election national election in 2022. “We now are election ready to execute this operational order by the Police hierarchy,” said N’dranou.

N’dranou said police in WNB must now begin the NATEL Operation. He said security plays a crucial role in elections. N’dranou said Commanders will be given specific commands and guidelines to assist police carryout their duty.

The NGI Divisional Commander said police are at the frontline and must lead the way for a safe society. He also expressed the need for police officers to be presentable during duty hours. “You shouldn’t be chewing betel-nut while on duty, how can you face a victim or complainant? Commander N’dranou said this attitude has to change.

N’dranou said frontline policing is not functional and this are basic policing that has become dysfunctional in the past 10 years. “Not only in WNB but this is also visible in New Ireland and Manus.

The NGI Divisional Commander said the Police Department has spent millions to resource police commands in the country and officers must be honest while on duty. He said some operations do not necessarily require funding.

“Foot patrol is an effective policing method and directly engages police with members of the community,”. If police actively carryout this, there will be less trouble caused, said Commander N’dranou.

N’dranou said all PPC’s in the New Guinea Islands have been directed to address police deficiency and address discipline in their commands.

Commander N’dranou made these remarks while addressing a parade in front of the Kimbe Police Station. The parade also included Correctional Service officers. This is also his first official visit to West New Britain following his appointment as NGI Assistant Commander.

Meanwhile WNB Police Commander Cheif Inspector John Iara has called on candidates and supporters not to overload their vehicles when moving around. He said this was tolerated during the nomination and police will keep an eye out during campaign, polling and counting.

PPC Iara also appealed to the mass population to work with police during the Election period.

Provincial Returning Officer for West New Britain Emily Kelton has applauded the successful completion of the nomination period.

Speaking at the Sir Bernard Vogae Oval in Kimbe, the WNB PRO said it was challenging for her Team to ensure the first part of the Election process is carried out with no obstacles. She said the final part was the order of draw for candidates to be given their candidate numbers.

“I thank all the intending candidates and supporters to show maturity during the nomination period. From Thursday 19th May to Thursday 26th May 4pm was the 7-day period of accepting nomination. There was peace and harmony and I salute you all for displaying maturity during this time, “said PRO Kelton.

Kelton also thanked the contribution of Team Leader and officers of the WNB Media Team, Director of NBC WNB, Chairman and Senior Officers of the WNB Administration, security personnel, Electoral Support Staff, Assistant Returning Officers and the general public.

“For candidates who intend to put their Party leader photo in their poster must submit these at the Electoral Office as soon as possible,” said Kelton. She appealed to candidates to sort this out for formalities to complete.

The WNB PRO said the next process is polling and counting. She said this is a mammoth task which her Team is gearing to carryout in the Province. Kelton said the three ARO’s will work together with other Electoral Staff to see this complete.

PRO Kelton also announced that the WNB Electoral Team will publish polling schedules through the Assistant Returning Officers of Talasea, Nakanai and Kandrian Gloucester. Kelton said ARO’s will also put out Electoral Roll which has been planned for the Province.

She urged the voting population to check the electoral roll to confirm their status before polling begins.

According to PRO Kelton 93 candidates have nominated to contest the four seats in the West New Britain.

That is Kandrian Gloucester 22 candidates, Talasea 32, Nakanai 18 and the WNB Regional Seat 21 candidates. By the close of nomination only 2 females will be contesting in the 2022 National General Elections.

Sitting Gazelle MP, Jelta Wong wants to continue delivering development plans initiated under his leadership in the last term of Parliament.

He expressed this while speaking during his first campaign rally in Keravat earlier this week. The rally began with a convoy of over 300 vehicles packed with supporters.

“We have planted the seeds and we will have to look after it in the next 5 years, so our youths and children can have a future in Gazelle district,” said Wong.

Wong is adamant on Gazelle taking the lead in the province on development over the next decade.

He said the announcement of the Special Economic Zone for Gazelle District including other projects is the drive to defend his leadership in the electorate.

Wong also said, Gazelle District is the first district in East New Britain to incubate chicken eggs into hatchings, which was distributed amongst SMEs in Gazelle.

Wong encouraged partnerships in the district as a way forward to deliver essential services to communities.

As an advocate for Gender Based Violence Wong said Gazelle must lead the way in East New Britain and the country.

He also paid tribute to mothers and challenged men on the importance of Gender Based violence.

“I am telling you men that anyone of you that participate in wife beating, please do not vote for me,” he said.

Wong also urged his supporters not to stir any violence but conduct their support following PNG election laws.

Wong is contesting the Gazelle Open Seat under United Resource Party.

Also present during the rally were former MP for Gazelle, Sinai Brown, LLG Presidents, Changol Manaui, Deputy Governor for East New Britain Cosmos Bauk and Chief Executive Officer for East New Britain Development Corporation, Michael Batia.

Communities in the Levilivan and Zimake villages in the Bulolo District celebrated the opening of their new water supply facilities on Wednesday (May 11) funded by Wafi-Golpu Joint Venture.

The WGJV’s Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) community development program in partnership with AT Projects delivered the new water supply facilities, including the installation of water storage tanks, taps, sinks, showers, and toilets. The water project will improve the lives of over 300 people by providing clean drinking water, washing facilities and improved sanitation through toilet installation.

Community Affairs Superintendent, Dollie Kumgi told the people that the company, even though still in the permitting phase, is helping its footprint communities live healthier lifestyles free of sickness and waterborne diseases.

“It’s through working together with your leaders in the Hengambu landowners association and community leaders that we see services like this come. We all want our people to have easy access to clean drinking, washing and toilet facilities,” Dollie said.

At Levilivan (Fly Camp), the WASH Project involved the construction of a new dam, two large storage tanks, installation of three double tub sinks with showers, five drinking taps, and four toilets.

At Zimake, the AT Projects team with help from the locals installed a dam with three large storage tanks, connected to 14 double tub sinks with showers, 14 drinking taps, and 14 toilets.

Deputy President of Hengambu Landowner Association, Paul Bana, was overjoyed with the new facilities and thanked WGJV for its continued commitment to assisting the communities with such services.

“It is really helping our people with their daily lives, it’s a big service especially for our mothers who don’t have to walk far but can access water at their doorsteps. Thank you, the communities, for working closely with WGJV and AT Projects to complete the project. Let’s all take ownership and look after these facilities,” Paul said.

Six WASH projects have been completed since 2019 including Nambonga, Hekeng, Bavaga and Gingen villages.

The official opening also saw the presentation of certificates to locals for completing health awareness and asset maintenance training.

The last sitting MP for Kairuku Hiri Electorate Peter Isoaimo is contesting the new Kairuku Open Seat.


Isoaimo made this known following his nomination at Bereina station last Friday.


“Today I have made my decision to contest the Kairuku open seat, one of the seats created in the split of the electorate.


‘’I am thankful to the Marape led coalition government in supporting my fight for the split,’’ said Isoaimo.


Isoaimo said his push to see the creation of the split was because of the huge landmass and high population given the limited funding to deliver essential services to communities.


“I struggled over the last 8 years as Member but I have tried my best in getting the KHDDA to fund and implement service delivery policies across the huge electorate, ” said Isoaimo.

Isoaimo was in full traditional attire during his nomination.


Over 50 convoy of vehicles filled with his supporters escorted him from Veimauri Bridge along the Hiritano Highway to Bereina Station for his nomination.


He also launched his campaigned rally infront of a packed crowd of over 3,000 supporters.


Isoaimo thanked the people of Hiri for their support in the last term as their mandated leader in the 10th Parliament.


I remain the last sitting MP for Kairuku Hiri as I nominate he added.


He will be contesting under National Alliance Party in the 2022 National General Elections.

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