


Nominations in West New Britain Province are proceeding well without any hiccups.

Closing day four of nominations (Monday 23rd of May 2022) Provincial Returning Officer, Emily Kelton says a total of 58 candidates have nominated for the four seats in the Province.

PRO Kelton said of the 58 two are female candidates. Kelton said Talasea Open Seat has the highest number of nominations with 22, followed by Kandrian-Gloucester – 15, Nakanai Open – 11 and the West New Britain Regional seat – 10.

According to an election update by Kelton, the two women candidates are PAP candidate, Celine Uma who will be contesting the WNB Regional seat and Gertrude Vitolo who is contesting the Talasea Open seat under Indigenous Liberation Party.

“One more candidate should have nominated for the Regional seat but due to legal requirements, that particular nomination was not accepted,” said PRO Kelton.

The three sitting Members of Parliament have paid their nominations with incumbent Governor, Sasindran Muthuvel (Pangu Party) and Kandrian Gloucester MP and PNC candidate Joseph Lelang defending their seat while Talasea Open MP Francis Maneke will contest the new Nakanai Open Electorate Seat.


A couple of senior heads of Government agencies are also contesting in the 2022 National General Elections. This include former Police Commissioner, Gary Baki (Regional – PNC), Air Niugini Commercial Manager, Dominic Kaumu (Talasea – NA), and former Health Secretary Pascoe Kase, (Kandrian Gloucester – URP).

The WNB PRO said nominations at the Sir Bernard Vogae Memorial Park in Kimbe Town have progressed with candidates pouring in with huge supporter numbers. PRO Kelton said the nomination booth continues to see candidates turning up to nominate.

Meanwhile, Chairman of WNB Provincial Election Steering Committee, Robert Dau urged all candidates nominating to exercise their democratic right and also refrain from doing things against PNG Election Laws. He said all complains or queries must be channeled through the four designated seats contested in the Province.

“We should be civilized enough to follow Election Laws during this period of time. If you are not sure of anything consult the APRO in your respective electorates whether it be Talasea, Nakanai, Kandrian-Gloucester or the WNB Regional Seat, said Chairman Dau.

“We will close nominations at 4pm and will open for business again tomorrow (Tuesday 24th May 2022) at 8am,” said Kelton.

I urge you all not to conduct any illegal activities or cause any disruption during the nomination. Drive home safely, stay healthy and exercise your support towards your candidate in the right way, said PRO Kelton.

THE Opposition Leader and incumbent Vanimo Green MP, Belden Namah says the country has had more resources but poor management has been our problem as a developing nation.

Namah made this statement following his nomination in Vanimo, West Sepik Province.

“The work of the Government is to govern, make laws and ensure these laws are followed. Government must create policies and make sure there are programs coming off the policies and make funding available to deliver both.

“The business of the Government is not to go into business or invest in resource projects because these practices in the past have created competing priorities and most are conflict of interest, “said Namah.

Namah nominated last Thursday in Vanimo Town. He was swamped by a sea of red with his supporters gathered at the Vanimo Airport to welcome him before filing his nomination.


Speaking after his nomination the incumbent Vanimo-Green MP said he was elected into Parliament in 2007, 2012 and 2017. He said his leadership has been proven with the electorate seeing many roads connecting communities.

“I will continue from where I left.

“I worked hard to build roads right into Vanimo Green Station. He said people from Green and other parts of the District will now come into town because of better roads. This is in the history of the electorate, said Namah.

Namah also admitted that being in the Opposition is tough for a Member.

Namah is contesting for a fourth time since becoming MP in 2007.

His nomination was witnessed by PNG Party President, Nelson Kamako including fellow PNG Party candidates and Rodney Kenny the Returning Officer for Vanimo Green.

The sitting Opposition Leader told his supporters he is confident of retaining the seat. He also appealed to the public to work together with relevant state agencies and electoral officers to deliver a free, fair and safe election in Vanimo.

During his nomination speech Namah also made his intention known to contest for the Prime Minister seat. He said PNG needs the kind of leadership that will steer the country and its people away from the current economic turmoil.

“I am confident to bid for the Prime Minister seat, “said Namah.

Meanwhile Namah’s PNG Party has endorsed 48 candidates across the country to contest in the 2022 National General Elections.

Sir Julius Chan is calling on the people of New Ireland to trust the leadership provided by the People’s Progress Party candidates.

Speaking in Kavieng following his nomination yesterday, the incumbent Governor said New Irelanders must take lead and support those candidates who will deliver basic services like road, hospital and are accountable for their actions and decisions.

“We must work together to see New Ireland lead and achieve its desired development agendas,” said Sir Julius.

The sitting Governor said if he returns a foremost business is to make New Irelanders wealthier by transferring wealth from the Government to the people. ” I want you to be rich, so you have money to build your own house, support your children and make New Ireland a better place to live,” said Sir Julius.

Speaking of his policies, Sir Julius said if all PPP candidates win their seats, he will introduce free Community Health Care to all constituencies in the Province. He said he sees and feels the pain of the people and wants better health care for all.

He also mentioned that more roads will be opened soon including the new Council Chamber on Lihir Island.

Sir Julius was standing together with PPP candidate for Kavieng Open and business man John Knox who also nominated yesterday. He urged the people of Kavieng Electorate to vote for Mr Knox for a better Kavieng.

Kavieng Open candidate and business man John Knox said he will work with Sir Julius and other leaders to elevate the life of people in Kavieng Electorate. “We want to raise the level of service delivery and give people are better life to prosper,” said Knox.

He also thanked PPP for endorsing him to contest the Kavieng Open Seat.

Former Namatanai MP and son of Sir Julius, Byron Chan also nominated yesterday to contest the Namatanai Open Seat.

Concluding his nomination speech Sir Julius appealed for peace throughout the Province during the Election period. He said New Ireland has customs, believes and people are friendly and this must be embraced.

The body of the late Bulolo MP and Deputy Prime MInister of Papua New Guinea, Sam Basil was finally laid to rest at 2pm on Saturday (May 21) afternoon at his home in Sagayo Village, Buang, Bulolo District in Morobe two weeks after his tragic death.


He was farewelled by his immediate family, other members of Parliament, including the Morobe Governor Ginson Saono,Lae MP John Rosso, Huon Gulf MP Ross Seymour, Nawaeb MP Kennedy Wenge, members of the ULP Party and the people of Sagayo, Buang and Wau Bulolo. Some came as far as the Oro Province and Port Moresby to farewell the late Sam Basil.


Late Basil was accorded the respect of three gun salutes and laid to rest in a tomb in front of his residence in Sagayo Village.


People who came to mourn his passing and pay their last and final respects departed Sagayo village that very same afternoon.

The oil spill at the Kimbe wharf is becoming a concern for local town residents.

Those affected severely are residents from Works Compound, Bayside, KCP, Gigo and Laleki who are close to the wharf. According to sources in Kimbe, the spill has left coastlines with a thick yellowish substance floating and spreading very quickly. Sources say the spill is extending to villages in Talasea and has also reach Ruango village.

Company responsible New Britain Palm Oil Limited (NBPOL) has not released a statement regarding the spill but has assisted affected local residents with containers to trap the oil spill and collect its debris.

A local man told InsidePNG the company (NBPOL) has provided containers and youths are assisting by collecting the oil spill out at sea and along the coastline. John Apa said the containers are filling up so quick and more containers will be needed.

“It’s a disaster along our shoreline but for now there are no evidences of marine life being destroyed. But I appeal to the West New Britain Provincial Government and other State agencies to carryout their investigation and provide a report to the public. Our only worry now is that our coastline looks different and may not be safe to use,” said Apa.

Many assumed the oil spill happened on Sunday (15th May) during the night during loading of an oil tanker bound for overseas waters. Locals became curious when they saw the yellowish substance spreading along the shorelines the very next day.

Meanwhile sources at the WNB Provincial Government say Environmental Health Officers have visited the oil spill site and will be carrying out an assessment.

The Supreme Court presiding over the Special Reference filed by the Attorney General Pila Niningi, seeking clarification on the eligibility of convicted criminals to contest the National General Elections has granted leave for four parties to join the proceedings.

Leave was granted on Friday the 13th of May 2022.

The four include, the Public Solicitor, the Speaker of the National Parliament, the Public Prosecutor and Mr Simon Sinai as the Electoral Commissioner.

As defenders of the Constitution, the Public Prosecutor and the Public Solicitor saw interest in the special reference because the questions contained in the Special Reference have a direct impact on the powers, roles and responsibilities of both institutions.

The Public Solicitor, Leslie Mamu cited that the questions raised relate to offences under the Criminal Code and generally criminal law, an area which concerns the Public Solicitor.

Meanwhile for the Electoral Commissioner, it was important that he take part in this Special Reference, because he is in-charge of the overall running of the elections for the National Parliament and the legislative arms of the Local Level Governments.

The outcome of the Special Reference will have a direct impact on the Electoral Commission’s functions.

The Special Reference seeks interpretation on Section 50 and 103 of the Constitution that talks about a citizen’s right to vote and stand for public office and the qualifications for and disqualifications from membership.

The Solicitor General Tauvasa Tanuvasa, representing the Attorney General did not object to the applications.

With leave granted, each of the intervener shall file and serve their statements of response by Tuesday 17th of May 2022.

The Referrer in this matter shall in consultation with the interveners file and serve a Reference Book by the 20th of May for listings.

The matter returns to court on Monday the 23rd of May 2022.

The police hirerachy has released names of the Close Protection Officers who were with the late Deputy Prime Minister, Sam Basil at the time of the accident that claimed his life.

Police Commissioner, David Manning in a statement released last night confirmed that First Constable Neil Maino died 30 minutes after the accident while Sargeant Fredy Setu survived but sustained injuries.

“This is a tragic road accident, police investigations are now underway to establish what happened,” Manning said.

The three men with another officer were traveling to Bulolo in preparation for Nomination on Thursday 12th May 2022, when they collided with an on coming vehicle, an open-back Toyota Land Cruiser.

Police say the Deputy Prime Minister was in the driver’s seat, First Constable Maino sat directly behind the DPM while Sargeant Setu sat on the offside seat.

Police believe the vehicle that collided with the Deputy Prime Minister’s car hit them on the right hand side of the car, badly injuring the DPM and his CPO, Maino.

Sargeant Setu only suffered minor injures and was discharged yesterday afternoon from Angau Memorial Hospital in Lae.

Maino is from a mixed parentage of Northern and Mekeo in Central Province. He joined the Police Force in 2009 and was attached with the National Security Unit of the Special Services Division.

Commissioner Manning has also extended his condolences to the late CPO’s family.

The driver of the vehicle involved in the accident of the Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Bulolo Sam Basil is now in police custody.

According to the Assistant Police Commissioner Northern Command, Peter Guinness, the man is currently detained by the Bulolo Police and will soon be arrested and charged with two counts of traffic accidents.

Charges to be laid against the driver, who is now a suspect in the death of the Bulolo MP are Dangerous Driving Causing Death and Dangerous Driving Causing Grievance Bodily Harm.

According to the police report by Guinness, the driver of the vehicle, a Toyota Land Cruiser Open back, was driving in the opposite direction, from Lae to Bulolo.

The report stated that the driver suspect was driving at high speed and crashed into the DPM’s vehicle while trying to avoid fallen rocks.

The driver suspect had attempted to apply brakes to his vehicle when he sightted the oncoming vehicle(DPM’s vehicle)but his vehicle could not slow down, appruptly slamming into the DPM’s vehicle with maximum force, hitting the driver’s side and ripping it off.

The DPM and his close protection officer, Neil Maino, lost their lives.

On the vehicle with the DPM were his two CPOs and four civilians one of which was his media officer. The other CPO and the civilians sustained serious injuries and are currently admitted at the Lae International Hospital.

The driver suspect on the other hand was alone in his vehicle, he had no passengers with him. He sustained chest injuries but is ok.

Police Commissioner, David Manning has given a two weeks amnesty period for people in possession of Illegal firearms to surrender them at the nearest police station.

The appeal is part of the enforcement of amendments made to the Firearms Act 2022.

Manning has issued directives for police to arrest individuals in possession of unlicensed or Illegal firearms which under the amended laws carry a life imprisonment from 19th May 2022 onwards.

Previously offenders who are found guilty were given a Maximum term of 10 to 20 years imprisonment.

Changes to the Firearms Act include Life Imprisonment for the following offences if convicted

– Manufacturing of homemade guns;

· Illegal ownership and possession of firearms;

· Illegal possession and use of firearms;

· Illegal possession of prohibited firearm; and

· Ownership and possession of machine guns.

Four men in Lae have been arrested for being in possession of three homemade pistols and in relation to a break and enter and robbery over the weekend.

The arrest follows a search for firearms and ammunitions alleged to be burried at the residence of Huon Gulf’s former District Administrator at Cassowary Road.

According to police, the four suspects were part of a ten men team, who drove into the premises of Asila Security Company at Eriku’s Oleander Street in a blue ten seater LandCruiser on Sunday morning.

The men held up the security guard at gunpoint, tied him up and broke down a grill door before walking straight to the Manager’s Office where the safe was.

The safe contained the company’s confidential documents, cash worth K50 000, firearms and ammunitions.

All items were stolen.

Police say they are aware of where the rest of the suspects

reside and will pay a visit.

Lae’s Metropolitan Commander, Chief Superintendent Chris Kunyanban said Intelligence gathering for the 2022 National General Election is on going and Police will not tolerate anyone trying to build up arms during the election period.

Meanwhile, police located the safe near the bumbu river bank and handed it back to Asila Security Company.

They are yet to retrieve all the items in the safe.

While the four suspects are in police custody, six are still on the run.

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