The Head of State and Governor General of Papua New Guinea, Grand Chief Sir Bob Dadae was given the honor to do the groundbreaking for the newly established Nakanai District Headquarter in Bialla, West New Brittain Province.
This follows his recent visit to West New Britain during the Easter long weekend. Sir Bob was accompanied by his wife and officers from the State House.
Present to witness was Talasea MP Francis Maneke, LLG Presidents and people of Bialla.
Speaking during the event, the Governor General said the 7 new electorates are official. He urged people in the Nakanai electorate to take ownership and work with relevant authorities and allow the completion of the new district headquarter. “It is in the best interest of the Government to see public service at the doorstep of communities to serve people, said Sir Bob.
Talasea MP Francis Maneke said K5million has been allocated by the Talasea DDA to assist build the new District Office. “The funding will see the contractor begin work and build offices to accommodate public servants for the new district,” said MP Maneke.
“Public servants will be stationed here in Bialla to work and serve the people,” said the MP. Kimbe will be the headquarter for Talasea District, added Maneke.
The new Nakanai District Office is located beside the LLG Office and the new Bialla Court House.
Prior to that, the Governor General was in Mosa to witness the opening of two four in one classroom and two staff houses at Mosa High School. In his message there, Sir Bob urged students to take education seriously.
“Do not engage yourself in activities like drinking alcohol, chewing betelnut, smoking and early marriage, these will divert your attention and focus from achieving better academic results,” said Sir Bob. He said only education will be key to transform lives, communities, families and the country as whole.
Mosa LLG President Dacca Wagai who has been instrumental in setting-up the school said the school will serve the growing population. He said more work needs to be done to ensure the capacity of the school is resourced with necessary materials for both teachers and students.
“K2million was used to build the classroom complex and teachers houses, but we can do more if stakeholders work together,” said President Wagai.
Present also was WNB Governor Sasindran Muthuvel and Talasea MP Francis Maneke.