


As Port Moresby city booms with infrastructure developments and a growing population due to rural to urban migration, the city has a huge task of creating harmonious communities amidst different ethnic groups from all over Papua New Guinea.

A lot has changed over the years with two lane roads to four and more business investments from both foreign owned companies and locals.

Funding to ensure all these developments, services and investment thrive, the city depends heavily on the Goods and Services Tax.

With a Population of over 500 000 (2021 census), the need for a bigger budget was necessary to address not only infrastructure issues but security.

The culmination of the K800 million budget announced earlier this month proves the demand placed on the National Capital District Commission.

NCD Governor Powes Parkop overseeing all of this says the National Capital District Commission still needs a budget of K1 billion to manage and lift Port Moresby city.  

Parkop said NCDC budget is about K800 million plus – which was not enough to manage a city with 30 per cent of the country’s populations.  

“We need a budget of over K1.0 Billion to run and manage the size of Port Moresby, we are the biggest concentration of population in any parts of the country where influx of people migrating from other centers, we deserve a budget going into almost K1 billion,” he said.

Governor Parkop added that the budget was guided by goals and is aligned with few national policies such as the Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) IV, Papua New Guinea Development Strategic Plan 2010-20230 and Vision 2050.  

Summarizing the budget, Governor Parkop highlighted the budget’s goals main allocations are as follows;  

• K304 million is allocated for infrastructure Rehabilitation and building of roads, markets and classrooms  

• K67 Million allocated for health – K17 Million is allocated by NCDC while K50 Million is allocated by the Government

• From the K17 Million allocation -Upgrade Gerehu Hospital to level 4          -Upgrade of 9 Mile Clinic         -Build a District Hospital at Moresby South         -Build a new Tuberculosis Facility

• K50 million allocated by the Government to upgrade Tete Hospital to level 5  

• K57 Million is allocated for clean-up, landscaping and beautification  

• K5.0 million for Safety and Security costs include closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras • K17.0 million City Warden Program

• K3.0 million for Police Security Operations (Support Vehicle)

• K1.0 million Reserve/Community Policing  

• K25 Million is allocated to Motu Koita Assembly  

• K18 Million is allocated for NCDC Waste Collection                                                              

• K7.0 million for Settlement to Suburb upgrading program in the city  

• K6.0 million allocation for the preparation of the country’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations.  

Governor Parkop said NCDC is building more roads within the city that links up with main roads to avoid traffic congestion during peak hours.  

He said that NCDC does not have powers over land matters, so it only builds new roads to free up land while increasing its monetary value.    

Secretary Leo, who received the NCDC 2025 Budget on behalf of the Minister for Provincial and Local-level Government Affairs thanked the Governor for presenting their budget which frames at improving social services and infrastructure developments and assured that officers would run through the budget document.

LEADER of the Opposition, Douglas Tomuriesa has called out Prime Minister James Marape for his defence of bloated Government numbers in passing so-called important legislation.

Tomuriesa said Marape should not use his 90-plus majority to swindle the people of Papua New Guinea that he needs a large Government to serve the country.

“If Mr Marape devoted more time to fixing this country instead of political grandstanding and forcing MPs in the Opposition to join Government just so they receive public funds, he would not need to lead a Government of 90-plus MPs,” he says.

“Mr Marape was one of the longest serving leaders of government business, so he should know that parliamentary voting in its purest form is singular, as every MP has one vote each. What Mr Marape is basically telling the people is by having a large number of MPs in Government, he will control their conscience and their voting preferences because he is in charge,” he said.

Tomuriesa also highlighted that in the Westminster system, having all 118 MPs in Government for example should not be a deciding factor for passing legislation, unless MPs just blindly vote in favor for whatever that is put in front of them.

He further added that the Prime Minister does not need a full 79 or 89 MPs to sit in Government in order to pass legislation or amendments.

“If amendments hold merit, are of genuine value to the country, and have been considered appropriately by the people, then I am certain Opposition MPs would be obliged and more than happy to demonstrate bipartisanship and support such reforms.”

Mr Tomuriesa made it clear that while the Opposition caucus does have its own deliberations about how its MPs should vote on a certain matter, there is always an understanding that if MPs wanted to vote a certain way, they had the right to do so.

“As demonstrated in previous sittings, Opposition MPs always voted based on their individual conscience and principles,” he says.

“Marape has proven himself to be the head of that Government over the last five years and does not deserve another day in power.”

Meanwhile, Prime Minister James Marape has dismissed claims made by the Opposition that his government is withholding funds to districts and provinces represented by Members of Parliament who are in the Opposition.

The Prime Minister said as soon as Finance Department makes available printout of the funding, he would have the distribution in service development funds of District Services Improvement Program (DSIP) and Provincial Services Improvement Program (PSIP) published for the public to see.

Prime Minister Marape, in turn, criticised Members of the Opposition who have taken to the media to air their frustration adding that his government does not weaponize the budget to discriminate against Members of Parliament.

“This Pangu-led Government knows our responsibility to the country. Since 2019, our budget use is clear evidence of how we distribute funding,” Marape stated.

The Prime Minister further reiterated that all districts and provinces, whether they are in the Opposition or Government, receive their DSIP and PSIP.

Furthermore, he says that his Government supports all provinces in their functional grant and monies for all Provincial Health Authorities.

“We allocate fairly to all. When cash flow is available, we remit the funds that we collect,” he said.

PM Marape said Members in the Opposition take to social media to sensationalize government matters to get out political mileage yet have no courtesy to acknowledge Government when they receive these funds.

“Once these funds are delayed slightly, they go mouthing off to rally public sympathy but hardly will you see them acknowledge Government for the granting of these monies for their districts and provinces,” he said.

The Prime Minister further explained that since 2019, a large amount of funding has been transferred from Waigani under his administration to provinces and districts, yet local MPs and provincial governors are not held accountable for non-delivery of services in their districts and provinces.

THE Peoples National Congress Party or PNC has endorsed two candidates for the Maprik and Sohe By-Elections.

Hildeanne Wefin, a former banking finance executive and founder of WomenLink PNG will contest the Maprik Open seat in East Sepik province. 

Ms Wefin holds two Master’s degrees in Business Administration and Applied Finance. 

Party Leader, Peter O’Neill said Hildanne Wefin’s dedication to gender equality and her impressive educational background and extensive professional experience make her the right choice.

The seat was left vacant following the death of then MP and PNC man, Gabriel Kapris who passed on in August 2023. 

Meanwhile, the Sohe Open seat in the Northen province was left vacant after a Supreme Court Ruling in November last year that upheld a National Court decision declaring the election of Pangu Party’s Henry Amuli null and void due to bribery. 

Amuli is recontesting this seat under the Pangu banner.

Sixteen candidates are contesting the Sohe Open seat including only female candidate Delilah Gore, the petitioner in the Court of Disputed Returns. 

In the 2022 National General Elections, she contested under the PNC banner, however, in this by-election, the former MP (2012 -2017) has been endorsed by Social Democratic Party while PNC has endorsed Paulinias Uhena, the runner up in 2022. 

Uhena is a former senior public servant who served as Manager Finance with the Oro Provincial Administration for 35 years. 

The Maprik and Sohe by-elections will be held simultaneously with polling scheduled to start 25th May and end 29th May 2024.

Writs will be returned from 14th June to 18th June 2024.

There is a glitch in Pangu ranks following recent turn of events following the “technical glitch” in government payroll system according to authorities which resulted in a strike by law enforcement agencies led to mass looting in the capital city.

Young fire-brand politician James Nomane in a viral video released today openly called for Prime Minister James Marape to step down.

“I’m now putting out this call to action to all members of parliament, to save our country and demand the Prime Minister to resign,” Mr. Nomane said.

Further adding, “Yesterday’s crisis must compel all members of parliament from all 22 provinces to stand together, condemned the crisis and change this government”.

Mr. Nomane said the situation that happened yesterday with adequate government action.

“What has happened is an indictment of Prime Minister James Marape, no more blame game, no more excuses, the buck stops with the Prime Minister!

Millions of Kina worth of properties were destroyed by citizens including public servants, looting, and vandalizing private property following pay cuts which the tax office says was a payroll error and not a tax increase in the capital.

According to Port Moresby General Hospital Mortuary Doctor in Charge, nine deaths were reported yesterday because of shop owner – looter exchanges.

Already reports have been received of same elsewhere in the country with bystanders looting in the country’s second largest city of Lae.

The first term Pangu MP also openly resigned from the ruling party.

“Yesterday’s crisis marks a loss of confidence in the government from police force defense force, public servants, business houses and from the people of Papua New Guinea,” he said.

Another Pangu man – East Sepik Governor Allan Bird condemn the violence and rudely behavior, hinting the dissatisfaction with the current leadership.

“We are all frustrated with how our country is run. I am too. I argue with those in power almost daily,” Governor Bird said.
He continues, “Those in power, who make decisions for all of us will not be there forever, fresh leadership will come, if not now, then in 2027, or 2029. Time is not going to end tomorrow”.


FOUR more members of parliament from the Southern Region are the latest to resign from Government following yesterday’s destruction and looting of shops in the nation’s capital, Port Moresby.

Member for Abau and ODP Leader, Sir Puka Temu; Member for North Fly District and PFP Leader, James Donald; Member for Ijivitari, David Arore; and Member for Middle Fly, Maso Hewabi in a joint statement expressed their disappointment in the way senior Government leaders sat by, while shops and property were looted and set alight in Port Moresby.

The four MPs’ in a joint statement said the turmoil, destruction and civil unrest in Port Moresby led them to lose confidence in the Government, and the leadership of Prime Minister, James Marape.

Earlier this morning, two other MPs’ resigned from the Marape led government; Pangu man, James Nomane and major coalition partner in government from United Resource Party, Keith Iduhu. 

While Chimbu MP Nomane’s video went viral of his decision to quit government ranks, Hiri MP, Iduhu penned friend Marape of his decision to leave, labelling his leadership as being incapable.

“With all due respect, yesterday’s events have demonstrated to me that your leadership and the leadership of senior ministers and officials are incapable of fulfilling the sovereign duty of maintaining the rule of law and welfare of our people,” Mr. Iduhu said.

He added, “The core issue surrounding the grievances raised by the disciplinary forces was completely avoidable had it not been for bureaucratic negligence. And the ensuing events even after the Government was made aware of the situation displayed a lack of care for the potential for the situation to spiral out of control.”

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister who was schedule to visit East New Britain today, cancelled his trip as the situation throughout the country remained tense following riots in several parts of country.

NCD Governor, Powes Parkop on Talkback radio expressed disappointment at his city residents’ behaviour yesterday despite investing millions of Kina into the healthy mind and body yoga programs.

He was seen in a viral TikTok video with fellow Governor, Allan Bird driving around to show physical presence at Hotspots to curb any lawless behaviors from the public.

A cabinet reshuffle in the Bougainville Government is aimed at redirecting development focus for Finance and Mining ministries.

The new changes include Robin Wilson, member for Terra constituency, assuming the role as Minister for Finance and Treasury in the Bougainville Executive Government.

A role previously held by outgoing minster, Mathias Salas who had delivered three budgets for the Autonomous Government and oversight the permanent appointment of Department Secretary, Johnny Auna.

In assuming the role, President Toroama charged Minister Wilson with reforming administrative functions within the department and expanding its responsibilities to include financial analysis, tax management, risk management, and investment management, as some of the immediate tasks.

“Minister Wilson, your first task in getting the Ministry and Department in order is to take control of the administrative functions of department. You will have the full support of the Presidency and the Bougainville Executive Council to introduce the changes that will ensure the department functions efficiently and in accordance with the vision of my government,” Toroama said .

President Toroama also emphasized the urgent need to revitalize the Bougainville Tax Office, pushing for a policy change to keep tax collections within Bougainville rather than remitting them to the Internal Revenue Commission in Port Moresby.

Another change in the cabinet reshuffle would be President Toroama assuming the portfolio of the Minister for the Department of Mineral Energy Resources, previously held by Minister Wilson.

Toroama stressed that changes in cabinet are driven by the need to institute outcomes consistent with his government’s development and independence policies.

“These changes are vital to ensure consistency in my vision for Bougainville’s development and our independence readiness mission,” said Toroama.

Taking on the role as Minister for Mineral Energy Resources, President Toroama outlined his priorities, which include redeveloping the extractive industry and expanding the energy sector.

Toroama highlighted the establishment of the Bougainville Energy Office and the potential for renewable energy sources such as hydro and wind energy.

“It is time we look at alternative sources of renewable and clean energy to address the perennial energy crisis that we are facing today. We have the potential for hydro and wind energy generation. I will be looking at the possibility of reviving the hydro stations at Togarau and Ramazon and getting them online as soon as possible,” he said.

At least 20,000 people living in the West Coast of Bougainville will see spin off benefits from the maintenance of the Siara-Korepovi Road.

The construction and sealing of the long-neglected West Coast road is desired to create economic opportunities.

Funded by the Office of the Regional Member through the Bougainville Government, the improved road service gives an opportunity for subcontractors to do minor road works.

ABG‘s Minister for Technical Services, Joseph Mona said the Bougainville Government has plans to build a whalf and set up communication towers to facilitate communication services.

ABG’s Minister for Technical Services, Joseph Mona.

Bougainville Regional Member and National Minister for Internal Security, Peter Tsiamalili Junior said that road construction is the way to raise economic independence

“We have a lot of Economic liberation in the west coast, and I appeal to all stakeholders – people of West Coast, Mahari and Teua, the Technical Services, Contractors, business men and women of Mahari and Teua to stand together and let us work together with the developments happening within the west coast and change the West Coast,” he said.

Minister Tsiamalili encouraged local businesses to prepare for sub-contracting opportunities, ensuring that the benefits of the project extend to the community. He also called on the contractor RAIBRO Ltd to work diligently, respect the customs and cultures of the people of West Coast and ensure that the project is delivered according to standard.

“Business men and women of Mahari and Teua, if you have a truck, bulldozer or whatever company that Raibro can benefit from or you can benefit from Raibro, please register your companies and ensure your papers are in order so that you can access the opportunity to obtain sub contracts,” he said.

“I guarantee you will have sealed roads so I urge you all, young men and women, people of West Coast to work on the land and see that hard earned money that you want.”

Siara Korepovi Road

Bougainville President, Ishmael Toroama said Bougainville’s stand for an independent nation will never be compromised and his people have stood on the forefront of the battlefield to protect their people from oppressors, and they have stood yet again on the forefront to make peace.

“Our aspiration for independence is not merely based on figures on paper but it is based on the human struggle of people and our history. We recognize that the Bougainville Process is an ongoing process that remains to be settled by the legal framework that governs it.” said president Toroama.

Toroama’s reflection on Bougainville’s Independence comes on the eve of Papua New Guinea’s 48th year of Independence.

As Bougainville continues to endeavor on it’s own path to self-determination, Toroama acknowledged that they are still a part of Papua New Guinea.

“It is within these sentiments that I wish the Government and people of PNG happy celebrations on the eve of the 48th Anniversary of Papua New Guinea’s Independence. By the grace of God, Papua New Guinea and Bougainville can mutually coexist as brothers defined only by an international border in the near future,” he said.

Toroama said the Late Great Grand Chief, Sir Michael Somare had always described Bougainville as an integral part of Papua New Guinea and that statement could not be any truer.

“During the formative years of this country, Bougainville and our political leaders played a vital role in securing and guaranteeing PNG’s independence on September 16, 1975,” said Toroama.

But as president of Bougainville, Ishmael Toroama went on to say that was from a historical standpoint, it is undeniable that Bougainville was an integral part of Papua New Guinea.

“Our resources gave the economic guarantee for independence and the founding leaders supported Sir Michael through the establishment of governance systems that formed the basis of Papua New Guinea’s democracy,” said Toroama.

But Toroama said that was before Bougainville had an unjust war waged on them by the very institution sworn to protect their rights and civil liberties.

“It was sponsored by a regime so disillusioned by greed and plundering our rich resources it did not hesitate to wage a genocidal war against people who were only defending ourselves, our lands and our constitutional right to exist and express ourselves,” said Toroama.

He said while the Bougainville Civil War will forever remain a very dark period in Papua New Guinea’s history it serves as a powerful reminder to Bougainville that any government sworn to protect its people should never raise its hand against them in an act of war.

Evaluation and Monitoring officers from the Autonomous Bougainville Government have been visiting development projects in the region to ensure smooth delivering of Bougainville projects.

Acting Deputy Chief Secretary for Strategic Planning and Policy, Stephanie Elizah, said such visits are important to see how resourced are effectively channelled towards the sustainable development projects.

Bougainville Projects

“The primary objective of these monitoring visits is to conduct comprehensive assessments of all Bougainville Development Projects at the district level, closely examining their progress and ensuring strict adherence to established guidelines,” she Elizah.

These visits coordinated through the ABG’s Office of the Chief Secretary is desired to maintain
transparency, accountability, and the efficient use of resources in the pursuit of Bougainville’s development objectives.

The team had visited 21 project sites including building and construction sites and economic development projects in several districts. The monitoring visits are part of the ABG’s annual performance review and reporting process.

This initiative is incorporated in the Bougainville Integrated Strategic Development Plan 2023-2027, which was launched recently in Awara.

Calls for a cabinet reshuffle has been made to Prime Minister James Marape to bring the best MPs from both sides of the house together.

Chuave MP James Nomane, made this remark when reflecting on how the government is addressing the socio-economic challenges in the country on the eve of PNG’s 48th Independence.

“In the last 12 months, the country’s socio-economic indicators have regressed. We just need to look at the lack of jobs, no medicine in hospitals, and the unprecedented crime wave. This is a reality check and an indictment on our ability to manage the nation’s affairs as its elected leaders,” said Nomane.

He said the government is yet to mitigate the PNG’s Youth Bulge Pandemic, create safer
communities, leverage its geopolitical strengths for rapid growth, create mass employment
through foreign direct investment and promote sustainable resource management that gives.
immediate benefits to landowners.

“How can we expect our people to be more and do more when we have failed to create a conducive environment for them to grow, inspire, and succeed,” Nomane said.

He said the government cannot continue to pass the buck and must demonstrate total ownership of the multiple crises affecting the people; Economic stagflation, health system collapse, high attrition rates in the education sector, a weak electoral process, and an upsurge in violent crimes that threatens to spiral into anarchy.

“This Independence Day I call on the Prime Minister to put the country first and do a
complete Cabinet reshuffle that brings the best of both government and opposition MPs
together”, said Nomane.

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