


“We too can become cutoff from the communication and friendship with God and our brothers and sisters when instead of our ears and tongue, our hearts become blocked.”

Celebrating the Holy Mass in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea on Sunday (8th September), Pope Francis shared two interpretations of the Gospel of Mark, chapter 7:31-37 where Jesus healed the deaf and mute person.

“In St Marks account there are two things that is emphasized, the distance of the deaf man and the nearness of Jesus.

“Let us reflect on these two features the distance of the deaf man, we see him in a geographical area that we would call in today’s language the periphery. The deaf man was distant, the Pope said, in that he hailed from the Decapolis, a land inhabited by pagans far from the religious centre of Jerusalem.

He was “cut off from the world, isolated, a prisoner of his deaf and mute condition.

“Because of their pagan customs it was considered an impure territory far from God, what is more, this deaf man also experienced another kind of distance, he is far from God and from others because he cannot communicate; he is deaf and unable to hear and he is also mute he cannot speak, he is cutoff from the world, a prisoner in his deaf and mute condition a prisoner that cannot communicate,” Pope Francis added.

Pope Francis said there could also be another interpretation of the deaf man’s situation.

“Indeed, there is a kind of inner deafness and muteness of heart that occurs when we close in on ourselves or shut ourselves from God and others through selfishness, indifference, fear of taking risks or putting ourselves on the line, resentment hatred and the list could go on.

All these, distances us from God, from our brothers and sisters and ourselves and from the Joy of living,” Pope Francis concluded.

With just two days remaining before the arrival of Pope Francis, preparations are underway for this historical religious event.

The Sir John Guise Stadium’s out door complex is expected to be filled to capacity by thousands of Catholic followers and enthusiasts on Friday (6th September) at 6:50pm.

The Catholic Church in PNG is preparing to host a candlelight vigil on Friday to welcome the Pope and his delegation. The candlelight service will be the first event of his three – day visit in the country.

Pope Francis will be the second Pontiff to visit PNG after the visitation of Pope John Paul ll in 1984 and 1995.

According to the Vatican News, Pope Francis is scheduled to visit the street Ministry and Callan Services at Caritas Technical Secondary School on September 7th to meet with religious leaders and Catechists at the Shrine of Mary.

The Pope will then travel to Vanimo on September 8th to perform a Eucharistic Celebration. He will meet with youths on September 9th before he departs for the Vatican at 11:40am.

He has departed Rome at 5:32 pm (Vatican time) to begin his 45th 12-day apostolic journey abroad to visit four countries in Asia and Oceania.

Pope Francis will visit Papua New Guinea at the age of 87.

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