
Dedicated Mentoring Program (DMP)


Nineteen officials from government and non-government organizations (NGOs) were awarded certificates today for actively participating in a six weeklong online Dedicated Mentoring Program (DMP) held from April – June 2023.  The DMP aimed to train government officials across different sectors on the development of project concept notes and funding proposals to access international climate finance through the Green Climate Fund Mechanism to fund Papua New Guinea’s climate actions. 

The participants also participated in a five weeklong Green Growth Fellowship Program (GGFP) held from May – June 2023. The GGFP aimed at providing support to Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) and relevant national and provincial government staff in providing green growth policy advisory support, including low-carbon growth and sustainable development advice.

Acting Managing Director of CCDA William Lakain congratulated the participants and described both programs as critical for broadening their knowledge and skills in developing climate finance projects, and green growth policy interventions towards a low carbon growth in Papua New Guinea.

“These two programs are very important and should be supported into the future as it will greatly improve the knowledge and skills of government officials on key areas such as developing project concept notes and providing policy advisory support on low carbon growth and sustainable development”, said Mr. Lakain.

The participants were also the first to receive their certificates under a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Climate Change and Development Authority with support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the three Universities; the University of PNG (UPNG), University of Technology and the University of Natural Resources and Environment (UNRE) to run the programs.

DFAT Australia was represented at the ceremony by Mr Nic Jonsson, the Counsellor Economics at the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby.  Mr Jonsson said Australia was very proud to fund the DMP and GGFP knowing the value it added will help build the capacity of the Government of PNG and NGOs to access international climate finance and render quality climate change policy advice. 

Ms. Priscilla Pep, one of the participants expressed that these two programs are very important because currently, workplaces are becoming more competitive as new ideas or skills are introduced.

“These programs have helped us upscaled our knowledge in building and managing projects at different scales be it private or public sectors”, said Ms. Pep.

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