A community engagement program by the June Valley youths and Marie Stopes PNG saw the successful treatment of ten (10) Sexually Transmitted Infections and nine (9) Family Planning Treatment.
The visit to the June Valley community was an initiated by the Doma Youths Association, a community advocacy group in Tokarara, Port Moresby.
Chairman of Doma Youths Association, Pia Kak said June Valley is a fast growing community and it was important to bring in family health organizations such as Marie Stopes to address unplanned pregnancies and sexual health through awareness and treatment.
He said a lot of youths who are sexually active do not know where or whom to reach out for sexual health information or treatment.

“Bringing Marie Stopes here we hope to address the stigma in getting family planning for youths who are sexually active. While we don’t encourage teenage sex, it is important that the community knows these services are available.”
Marie Stops Community Based Mobilizer, Bapi Timothy said these awareness programs are provided free of charge in communities throughout the country. He said it only needs the community leaders to reach out to them.
“Our mother’s, sisters and wives are vulnerable to child birth deaths because there isn’t enough spacing, and not enough awareness on basic family planning methods and also having too many children which makes our mothers sisters and wives face child birth complications.
Youths were also advised to seek medical treatment at the earliest when they experience discomfort or discharge at the genitalia.
Mr Kak further thanked the 19 people that were screened by Marie Stopes medical team and treated.
“It is a milestone achievement for Doma Youths Association for partnering with one of the vital service providers in the country,” said Kak.