
June Valley

People gathered at a field for sexual health awareness program.
June Valley community congregate for sexual health awareness program.

Access to clean and safe drinking water remains a challenge for average Papua New Guineans living in Port Moresby.

Mary Kemo is a resident of June Valley, Dorido Maba street, Moresby North-West electorate. She says the water supply to her house was disconnected eight years ago. Despite this, she still receives water bills worth hundreds of kina.

“I have received an invoice of K523.00 for the month of June, 2023. What am I going to do with these bills when I don’t receive any water? Are we going to pay them?” said Kemo.

She is forced to send her children to school without preparing a proper meal. Often times, they don’t take water for drinking.

Kemo and others in the community go to Paul Babo’s house to fetch water. “People from Dorido Maba street have been coming to my house to fetch water. I offer it to them free of charge, as it is a basic necessity,” said Babo.

However, even Mr. Babo experiences low water pressure at his residency.

Seeing water supply being installed for people in the Moresby-South electorate, the community at June Valley is now calling on Water PNG and the Moresby North-West District office to install water supply.

Kemo’s challenge is also faced by other mothers in the area. “Sometimes we are out at night, fetching water and storing them in containers for our children to use in morning,” said Kemo.

Recent: https://insidepng.com/edevu-hydropower-dam-opens/

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