
Kairuku Netball Association


After the Kairuku Hiri Electorate was split, the district of Kairuku has formed its new Netball Association, called the Kairuku Netball Association.

The Association held its Inaugural Tournament for the Kairuku Netball Association last week in Hisiu Village.

Hisiu village is located along the coast of the Kauruku District.

The competition lured interest from 17 villages in the district.

Newly elected President, Aiva Jack said the first tournament was an avenue to raise awareness of the sport.

Officials also used the tournament make selection for the National Netball Championships in Lae.

Jack said it was important they promote safe and competitive sports that encouraged the younger generation to participate.

“This is the first time in Kairuku District we are hosting a tournament, we want to run more awareness on the game, we want the people to know that, this tournament is going to be held every year, and our main aim is to introduce the game at the village level.

“The teams and the majority of the players are based in the villages, and with the tournament being held during the weekdays, we are not expecting a lot of players from Moresby city, we want all interested villages to affiliate to Kairuku Netball Association because we are affiliated to PNG Netball Federation.” Jack said.

The competition was broken up into four divisions,
the A grade, Under 21, under 17 and Under 15.

The tournament also acquired the services of umpires from Port Moresby to ensure a high standard of netball in the tournament.

Member for Kairuku, Peter Isoaimo presented an initial K5,000 cash to help the staging of the tournament.

The funding is part of a commitment of K20,000 which the MP promised to be paid later.

“We want to make sure Kairuku Netball Association grows.

“The political support is there, we will support in the tournaments and travels, but ample time must be given to my officers to get the funds in order,”. Isoaimo said.

Under the DSIP, funding for sports comes under the Law and Justice Sector. Isoaimo explains that, this year only K1million has been allocated for the sector.

He said with limited funding in the Law and Justice Sector, sporting bodies in the district will have to organize themselves if they require DDA support.

“All other sports are encouraged, we want to understand where other sporting codes are standing, we have Hisui rugby league also and other rugby league associations in the district on board, we want to assist all these associations,” Isoaimo added.

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