


Minister for Foreign Affairs and National Events Hon. Justin Tkatchenko MP
departed the country today in a bid to encourage stronger diplomatic
relationships for Papua New Guinea between three South East Asian countries
of Indonesia, Malaysia and China.

Picture Courtesy of the Office of The Minister for Foreign Affairs & National Events

Minister Tkatchenko who led a delegation of five officials will travel to Jakarta
where he will meet his Indonesian Counterpart Hon. Retno Marsudi over a
period of 3 days to focus on key bilateral issues affecting both countries.
“In the last couple of weeks, we have passed the Basic Border Agreement
(BBA) in Parliament which opens the way now for a full review for all parties
to come on board and review the BBA.”
“This agreement enables us to talk about our boundaries, trade, traditions and
culture and our people “and review a long outstanding border agreement that
would now be reviewed.”
“This includes those members that are on the borders, including the defence and
police to enable a common understanding with our border of West Papua,
Indonesia and Papua New Guinea,”
Minister Tkatchenko said this was long overdue.
“As we have stated very clearly, Indonesia is a sovereign country and we
respect this nation.”

Picture Courtesy of the Office of The Minister for Foreign Affairs & National Events

“If there are any issues that Indonesia wants us to be involved especially with
West Papua, we are more than happy to support and assist.”
“We look forward to that open dialogue on West Papua with the Foreign
Minister Marsudi.”
“We have officially passed the reciprocal visa arrangements between Papua
New Guinea and Indonesia, those with a diplomatic passport or official passport
will get visa on arrival here in PNG and also in Indonesia.”
Minister Tkatchenko said another very important matter is the Defence
Cooperation Agreement between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
This has been approved by the National Executive Council that allows both the
Papua New Guinea Defence Force and Indonesian Defence Force to strengthen
their ties and their cooperation in areas of mutual security concerns.
The three-day visit to Indonesia will also capture initial coordination plans of
the official visit of Indonesian President Joko Widodo in June this year.
“Straight after Indonesia I travel to Malaysia to meet the new Foreign Minister
and their new government as well.”
“We will strengthen our ties with Malaysia as they are big economic and trading
partner to PNG.” Minister Tkatchenko said.

Picture Courtesy of the Office of The Minister for Foreign Affairs & National Events

Nearly 70% of Papua New Guinea’s round log exports between 2019 and 2021 were concentrated in the hands of just ten groups of companies, all with strong links to Malaysia, according to new research by Act Now! and Jubilee Australia Research Centre.

Over those three years, PNG saw a staggering 9.5 million cubic metres of round logs shipped overseas – enough logs to fill over 124,000 large shipping containers. PNG has been the world’s largest exporter of tropical round logs since 2015.

Although over 80 separately registered companies were involved in the log exports from 2019-21, the research found that many of these companies are linked to each other through complex networks of directors and shareholders, making the export of logs from PNG much more concentrated than it appears.

The research found that each of the top ten log exporting groups has strong links with Malaysia, either through individual shareholders or directors who are Malaysian nationals, or links to a Malaysia-based parent company.

Act Now! Campaign Manager, Eddie Tanago, said: “The Marape government has said it will put an end to round log exports by 2025 at the very latest. Despite this, the PNG Forest Authority has continued to issue new logging licences and the equivalent of 113 shipping containers of logs are leaving PNG each day. It’s time for the government to rein in the Forest Authority and ensure it puts an end to the destructive round log industry.”

The research highlights how complex and murky corporate structures make it difficult to work out who is responsible for logging into a particular concession area. This poses challenges for landowners who want to hold companies to account for their environmental and human rights obligations.

PNG’s Forestry Act 1991 requires the PNG Forest Authority to keep a public register with information about logging concessions and the holders of logging licences. While the Act came into force more than 30 years ago, no such register has ever been put in place.

Jubilee Australia Policy Director, Fyfe Strachan, said: “Mapping the corporate networks behind PNG’s round log exports took months of painstaking research. This information is meant to be publicly available, but communities are left in the dark about who is cutting down their forests.”

The logging sector in PNG has been criticised for its environmental and human rights record. In 2018, PNG’s Internal Revenue Commission announced a partnership with the OECD to crack down on tax evasion in the natural resource sector and, in 2021, revealed it was auditing 20 logging companies for tax non-compliance. Yet, to date, no fines or other enforcement actions have been announced. Meanwhile, the log exports continue at a rapid pace.

Round Logs ready to be exported. Picture by Act NOW PNG.
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