Reports conducted by the Rabaul Volcanological Observatory Centre on Mt. Bagana indicates a reduction in the State level alert from Stage Two to Stage One, volcanic activity.
Based on this alert, Mt. Bagana Eruption, State of Emergency Controller, Esther Usurup issued repatriation orders for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) living at Evacuation Centres at Torokina and Wakunai Districts.
Repatriation Orders are for;
- IDPs of Tagarau, upper Rikua and Ruruvu (roadside and Urupa Sukot) registered and currently living at Wakunai Station,
- IDPs of Kopani 1 and 2 currently living at Manetai Catholic Mission area of Panguna District and
- IDPs of Kenaia, Longkogari, Piva (Kenabaki), and Talelu wards registered and currently living at Piva Station evacuation center.
Orders for those to remain include;
- IDPs from Siro and Ruruvu (Sisivi) wards and who have registered within the Wakunai station to remain within the evacuation center.
- IDPs from Tsito/Vuakovi and Koromaket wards and who registered within the Piva Station to remain within the evacuation center.

It’s been more than six weeks since the Mt. Bagana eruption displaced hundreds of people and forced hundreds more to live at care centers set up in Central and South Bougainville.
The care centers were set up and managed by International Organization of Migration (IOM) through financial support from US Agency for International Development (US AID).
With the reduction of volcanic activity from Stage Two alert to Stage One, IOM will be facilitating Camp Management Exit plans in the coming days.