Vanimo Green MP, Belden Namah has spoken against a Bill passed in Parliament that will allow the creation of six new ministries.
Namah who is the Chairman of the Permanent Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Immigration in the Marape/Rosso government says he disagrees with the new bill.
“Mr. Speaker I am totally against this Bill. Basically because we are here creating jobs for ourselves and not worrying about our people. That is literary what it is,” Namah responded in Parliament.
Namah said recently four new ministries were created but these minsters do not have departments.
“As we speak, Mr. Speaker we don’t not have Departments for these four new ministers that is existing. We have policy makers but where are the drivers? We need to establish departments by way of policy and legislations, “Namah continued.
Member for Chuave, James Nomane is in support of the Bill because of the country’s growth. But says instead of creating new ministries, the Prime Minister should spilt up the ministers.
He gave examples as Finance and Trade or Education and Sports.
“The biggest word that comes out of this Bill is efficacy. We have to effectively allocate and utilize resources for the development of this country,” Said Nomane.

However, the bill was passed yesterday with 83 members voting for the Bill.
Members who joined Vanimo Green MP, Belden Namah and voted against the Bill include Opposition Leader, Joseph Leland, former Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, Ambunti Drekikier MP Johnson Wapunai and Central Governor Rufina Peter.