Staff of OK Tedi Development Foundation (OTDF) recently observed the World Environment Day, in Kiunga Western Province.
In commemorating this year’s World Environment Day, themed “Beat Plastic Pollution” the staff of Ok Tedi Development Foundation (OTDF) cleaned the public road and carpark around the main office area in Kiunga.
As a community development organisation serving the people in Western Province, OTDF values the environment, which is important for the people’s livelihood.
OTDF’s safety coordinator Shane Tarue said observing the day raises awareness on the environment and the effects of human activities on nature and people.
“Many issues relating to climate change and the environment is caused by us so we need to take care of our environment. Air, water and land are essential for human survival.” Tarue said
He said businesses and stakeholders and all citizens should take care of the environment and help reduce plastic pollution in PNG.
Chief Executive Officer Mr. Havini Vira stressed on personal responsibility, where everyone should be cautious of things they do such as throwing out plastic and other rubbish publicly.
He urged families and individuals to continue to play their part in disposing of plastics properly at home and in towns and villages, as it is a way of contributing to saving the environment.
“Safety and environment are OTDF values that underpin our work. We must continue to maintain these standards and eventually influence others to take care of the environment,” He said.
OTDF staff at field bases along the Fly River commemorated the day by planting trees.

To end the day, all employees together with their families participated in collecting rubbish around their residential areas followed by quizzes and activities for the children.
The World Environment Day was observed on Monday, 5th June. World Environment Day (WED) encourages awareness and action for the protection of the environment. It is supported by many non-governmental organizations, businesses, government entities, and represents the primary United Nations outreach day supporting the environment.