The Media Council of Papua New Guinea or MCPNG has announced its updated Code of Ethics and Professional Practice.
The updated Code now provides a standard to which all practitioners of media should be performing.
Media Council President, Neville Choi, said for too long there have been very public conversations referring to what many perceive to be a drop in the standard of journalism, without actually defining what their arguments are based on.
Mr Choi said this updated Code clearly defines the role of journalists and all media workers, and how they should carry themselves in the course of their duties, and the values they should be subscribing to as the guardians of important news and information.
“Most importantly, the Code can be used and referred to by the public to judge and appreciate the way media workers represent the organizations they work for, and the integrity and foundations of the profession of journalism,” Choi added.
Mr. Choi said the Code, which is updated to be fit-for-purpose in today’s media landscape, also covers how the media deals with issues around the use of Artificial Intelligence and AI-generated-content.
Adding that the endorsement of the code now provides the foundation to set up an Independent Complaints Tribunal within the Media Council of Papua New Guinea which will be the Council and the industry’s complaints management mechanism.

The Code and the Tribunal, form two of the PNG media industry’s strongest arguments for media self-regulation.
Mr. Choi said the Code also features in the National Media Development Policy as part of Industry’s standard and guidelines for its performance, and addresses the media policy’s emphasis on industry self-regulation.
He said the Media Council will continue its rebuilding program which began in 2022 with the review and updating of its Constitution. The review and updating of the Council’s Code of Ethics and Professional Practice will now be followed by the formal establishment of the Council’s Independent Complaints Tribunal.
“If the media is serious about developing for the better, it needs a set of standards to operate by.
We now have a standard for media industry, media education, and for all who practice in the media space, regardless of whether they are members of the Media Council of PNG or not. If you provide information and news for public consumption, do it correctly. Be guided by the MCPNG Code of Ethics and Professional Practice.”
The updated Code can be accessed via the Media Council of PNG website ( )
The updated Media Council Code of Ethics was presented at the Media Council’s Annual General Meeting on Saturday (2 November 2024) where it was endorsed by members of MCPNG.
The Media Council of Papua New Guinea is made up of four (4) MCPNG executives; together with one representative from each media house in Papua New Guinea, and includes one representative each for Women in Media, Affiliate members, Independent members and Public members of the MCPNG.