
Sir Peter Ipatas


Enga Governor, Sir Peter Ipatas has asked the Government to continue the consultative process on reopening the New Porgera Mine in Enga Province and not elsewhere.

Ipatas says Porgera mine is in Enga, therefore, there is no point conducting the meetings concerning the mine in other centres.

His statements come after the Mineral Resources Authority announced that further consultative meetings on the New Porgera Mine will start in Alotau, Mine Bay Province, commencing Tuesday (August 29).

Prime Minister James Marape who officially opened the New Porgera Mine Development Forum last Tuesday (August 22) has openly shown his support of Governor Ipatas’s statement.

During the planning stages, all stakeholders involved were supposed to return early next week to resume the consultative process at the new Conference Centre of the Innovative University of Enga (IUE), Irelya Campus, Wabag, Enga Province before the signing of a memorandum of understanding to pave the way for the reopening of the mine.

“If Government authorities had taken the current tribal fight related lawlessness as a reason to take the meeting to Alotau, this must be corrected. There is no widespread lawlessness in the province.

“What we are experiencing currently are a series of tribal conflicts in a parts of Wapenamanda, Kandep and Porgera districts. They are confined to the certain tribes involved and their allies. They do not concern the entire province or the general public including visitors,” Sir Peter said.

He said the province has in the recent past successfully hosted the national senior education officers conference (SEOC), the 29th Enga Cultural Show and the opening of the Porgera Development forum with thousands attending from right across the country.

He said if the National Government insists on taking the meeting to another province, his government will not attend because it is insensitive and irresponsible.

“Our people are in Enga despite our challenges and as their government and leaders, we need to face them and address their issues and challenges.”

“I am not speaking for the other stakeholders. They can attend wherever the consultative talks are being held. But my government will not attend as we view this forum as a significant, once in a lifetime opportunity for my people and our government to negotiate the future of our people and province and it would be netter done in our province.”

The Enga Provincial Government has finalised its Position Paper following the presentation of the State’s proposals last week and is looking to present it to the State team in Wabag this week.

Related: https://insidepng.com/20023-04-03-new-porgera-agreement/

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