Rotary International is an international organization founded on principles of truth, fairness, goodwill and better friendships and operates around the world for its humanitarian courses. The organization has been in Papua New Guinea since 1967 through various rotary clubs.
One of these clubs is the Boroko Rotary Club. The organization recently elected president Stanley Arua [2023/24] who takes over from Joselito Tubon. The position of the President is a one-year tenure and Stanley says this is a big shoe to fill following on from his predecessor.
Stanley Arua works in the Prime Minister’s Department as Director Works & Infrastructure in charge of Connect PNG Policy while his services with Boroko Rotary Club is voluntary, helping to better the lives of ordinary Papua New Guineans. Mr Arua, 51, is a entrepreneur, teacher, diplomat and a career public servant.

Recently (July 29th 2023) the Boroko Rotary Club held a dinner to hand over the reign from Joselito Tubon to Stanley Arua. Held at the Crowne Hotel in Port Moresby it was also a night to showcase what the Club has done and is doing to honor community obligations, present financial report and as always a fun night of fund raising.

Funds are raised through various donations from business houses which are then channeled through to charitable causes. The club has helped communities and individuals in need of basic necessities in health, and education. From wheelchairs to hospital beds, birth kits, reading glasses and books, these donations bring a sense of gratitude and happiness to recipients. Major projects include donation of school desks to a number of schools in Port Moresby and Central provinces, Sogeri Community Water project and the Yule Island Water project where villagers have been supported with four 10,000 liter tanks to help them access clean water. Another initiative, the Teacher in a Box Project server is specifically designed to function without internet connectivity instead provides a Local Area Network (LAN). This facility is beneficial to rural villages and 3 primary schools in Central Province have been identified as recipients.

Reflecting on the achievements of the club, Past President Joselito Tubon thanked the executive members of his team that made significant achievements in community service while the new President has vowed to continue the good work and also to combat climate change within the coastal communities through seawall projects.
He also echoed the words of Rotary International President Gordon McInally urging members to promote peace in troubled nations.
