
Yalu Bridge


The Acting Secretary for Works & Highway, Gibson Holemba has appealed for calm following the collapse of the Yalu Bridge in the Wampar LLG of Huon Gulf District in Morobe province last week.

Yalu bridge is a 25-minute drive from Lae city but it’s the only link connecting Nadzab Tomodachi International Airport to Madang and the Highlands provinces.

Mr Holemba appealed to motorists, trucking companies, business houses and the travelling public for calm and common sense to prevail.  He said the natural disaster is beyond the control of the Works Department but restoration work is underway to restore normal traffic flow.

China Railway International Group is working on the Nadzab approach and its subcontractor is working on the Lae approach embankment of the washout site at Yalu Bridge.  Temporary wet crossing access is being constructed downstream for Light Vehicles ONLY to access.

Three men have lost their lives due to the continuous heavy rain since Thursday.   Lae’s Acting Metsup, Superintendent James Luan said one man was trying to cross the Yalu River unfortunately was swept away while the other two were buried in a landslide due to the overflowing creek at Bumbi settlement, Bumayong. 

Four Districts in Morobe province are affected by the floods; they include Bulolo, Nawaeb, Lae District and Huon Gulf.

The Morobe Disaster Office has yet to assess the full extent of the damages but villages in the affected districts have lost homes and gardens.   Heather Apo from NGO group, GrowPNG said the relentless downpour has caused significant damage to homes at Buso village in the Nawaeb District.  They and many other affected villages are in need of assistance and awaiting news of relief efforts from the Provincial and National governments.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and Lae MP, John Rosso said there is close liaison with Police who have given assurance that the men in blue will monitor the site and provide safety for commuters and the general public.  He also said the Engineering Battalion from Igam Barracks is on standby if required.

Prime Minister James Marape said Works Minister Solan Mirisim, his Department and the Deputy Prime Minister have things under control, adding that the Bridge is a significant and critical infrastructure by which transport of agricultural and other important goods are done on a daily basis and that the Works Department is working around the clock to have a temporary bridge built.

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