
March 2025


Australia continues to play the big brother role in the Pacific with more grands to support communities in Papua New Guinea. 

This time, it’s the neighbouring South Fly District that shares the border with Australia’s Torres Strait. 

Twenty-nine (29) ward development committee representatives from eight wards in South Fly District, Western Province, signed grant agreements for certain community projects. 

The representatives gathered in Daru from 24 to 28 February for training and induction as part of their final preparations related to their respective PNG-Australia Partnership funded community and economic development grants.

Provincial Administrator Robert Alphonse Kaiyun, Australian High Commission representative Ms Christine Charity and other dignitaries attended the event.

Australian High Commission representative Ms. Christine Charity and Western Provincial Administrator Robert Alphone Kaiyun during the grant agreement signing

Mr Kaiyun congratulated the grantees and thanked Australia, “I would like to acknowledge our close long-term partnership with Australia to deliver on Western Province’s vision to strengthen economic development and build resilient communities. 

I expect the groups receiving these grants to take ownership and work to make their projects succeed.”

Ms Charity was pleased to be in Daru to meet some of the grant recipients in person, and applauded the achievements of the eight community groups from Morehead and Oriomo-Bituri LLGs.

“I am privileged to join the ward and community representatives here in Daru to celebrate today’s signing of the first eight grant agreements, which will support egg production, sawmills, and farm equipment projects.”

“These grant projects will support local communities and people to have money in the pocket and food on the table. 

This is the Western Provincial Government’s top priority, and Australia is proud to be working hand-in- hand and side-by-side with the people of Western Province to reach some of the most remote and hard-to-reach communities.”

In 2024, technical working groups co-chaired by the Australian High Commission and Provincial and District Administrations selected 20 community development and 10 economic grant projects through a competitive application process.

Successful applicants from the Oriomu-Bituri, Morehead, Forecoast Kiwai and Fly Kiwai LLGs demonstrated that their projects would benefit the community, including women and people with disabilities, and contribute 10 per cent of project material costs. 

Local-level governments were closely involved with the applications and committed to assisting grantee communities with part of their contributions.

Mr Sampson Tago, Chairman of Sibidiri Community’s Poultry Management Committee said, “The project will greatly assist in ensuring food and financial security because it is an investment to boost our community’s economic activity.”

Signing on behalf of the Waidoro community, Ward Development Committee Chairman Mr Bazi Kazipam also expressed his happiness, “The Lucas mill project will help us improve our living conditions and develop our forestry sector through creating economic growth and supporting other local and inclusive initiatives.”

The first 8 grants signed were for egg production, sawmills, and farm equipment projects.

The remaining 22 grants for egg production, women’s resource centers, community halls, and bridges will follow in the coming months.

During the grant period, the grantees will continue to receive technical support and skills development to successfully manage and implement their grants.

The High Commission did not reveal the total amount of grand awarded, but each grant depended on the project costs that were submitted.

Successful applicants from the Oriomu-Bituri, Morehead, Forecoast Kiwai and Fly Kiwai LLGs with representatives from the Western Provincial Government and Australian High Commission

As Port Moresby city booms with infrastructure developments and a growing population due to rural to urban migration, the city has a huge task of creating harmonious communities amidst different ethnic groups from all over Papua New Guinea.

A lot has changed over the years with two lane roads to four and more business investments from both foreign owned companies and locals.

Funding to ensure all these developments, services and investment thrive, the city depends heavily on the Goods and Services Tax.

With a Population of over 500 000 (2021 census), the need for a bigger budget was necessary to address not only infrastructure issues but security.

The culmination of the K800 million budget announced earlier this month proves the demand placed on the National Capital District Commission.

NCD Governor Powes Parkop overseeing all of this says the National Capital District Commission still needs a budget of K1 billion to manage and lift Port Moresby city.  

Parkop said NCDC budget is about K800 million plus – which was not enough to manage a city with 30 per cent of the country’s populations.  

“We need a budget of over K1.0 Billion to run and manage the size of Port Moresby, we are the biggest concentration of population in any parts of the country where influx of people migrating from other centers, we deserve a budget going into almost K1 billion,” he said.

Governor Parkop added that the budget was guided by goals and is aligned with few national policies such as the Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) IV, Papua New Guinea Development Strategic Plan 2010-20230 and Vision 2050.  

Summarizing the budget, Governor Parkop highlighted the budget’s goals main allocations are as follows;  

• K304 million is allocated for infrastructure Rehabilitation and building of roads, markets and classrooms  

• K67 Million allocated for health – K17 Million is allocated by NCDC while K50 Million is allocated by the Government

• From the K17 Million allocation -Upgrade Gerehu Hospital to level 4          -Upgrade of 9 Mile Clinic         -Build a District Hospital at Moresby South         -Build a new Tuberculosis Facility

• K50 million allocated by the Government to upgrade Tete Hospital to level 5  

• K57 Million is allocated for clean-up, landscaping and beautification  

• K5.0 million for Safety and Security costs include closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras • K17.0 million City Warden Program

• K3.0 million for Police Security Operations (Support Vehicle)

• K1.0 million Reserve/Community Policing  

• K25 Million is allocated to Motu Koita Assembly  

• K18 Million is allocated for NCDC Waste Collection                                                              

• K7.0 million for Settlement to Suburb upgrading program in the city  

• K6.0 million allocation for the preparation of the country’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations.  

Governor Parkop said NCDC is building more roads within the city that links up with main roads to avoid traffic congestion during peak hours.  

He said that NCDC does not have powers over land matters, so it only builds new roads to free up land while increasing its monetary value.    

Secretary Leo, who received the NCDC 2025 Budget on behalf of the Minister for Provincial and Local-level Government Affairs thanked the Governor for presenting their budget which frames at improving social services and infrastructure developments and assured that officers would run through the budget document.

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