
Inside PNG


Police in Central Province are embarking on proactive measures in the hope to reduce crime rates in public areas.

This approaching includes community awareness, school visits and Highway Patrols.

Newly appointed Central Police Commander, Chief Inspector Laimo Asi is targeting school aged children and urging students to maintain discipline in schools.

“Whilst the teachers at the respective schools are doing their best to educate the students, discipline must be the responsibility of parents”, said Asi.

Since taking up the post, Commander Asi visited Laloki Secondary School and spoke to students about good behavior habits while in school.

Commander Asi, who serves as chairman of the Parents and Citizens of Laloki Secondary School and a Board member of Sogeri School of Excellence said his officers will be monitoring students who chew betel nut and smoke cigarettes while in school uniform.

“I want to see students discipline in all the schools throughout the province. I won’t hesitate to arrest and prosecute ill-disciplined students. We have to take tough actions on students at school so they will behave and produce good results, so we have good elites in the future,” said Asi.

Having just graduated with a Masters In Business Administration (MBA), Commander Asi believes more students from Central Schools can secure spaces in Tertiary institutions.

Asi also wears the hat as Patron of Rigo-Abau and Central Students at the University of Papua New Guinea.

Three of the top performing schools in Central Province include Sogeri School of Excellence, Sacred Heart Secondary in Goilala District and Mt. Diamond Secondary in Hir District.

Central, though the nearest province to National Capital District is considered a tough area to police.

It shares provincial borders with Milne Bay to the East and Gulf to the West and with an increase in drugs being smuggled into NCD via Central, proactive policing can minimize such offences.


Enga Governor, Sir Peter Ipatas has asked the Government to continue the consultative process on reopening the New Porgera Mine in Enga Province and not elsewhere.

Ipatas says Porgera mine is in Enga, therefore, there is no point conducting the meetings concerning the mine in other centres.

His statements come after the Mineral Resources Authority announced that further consultative meetings on the New Porgera Mine will start in Alotau, Mine Bay Province, commencing Tuesday (August 29).

Prime Minister James Marape who officially opened the New Porgera Mine Development Forum last Tuesday (August 22) has openly shown his support of Governor Ipatas’s statement.

During the planning stages, all stakeholders involved were supposed to return early next week to resume the consultative process at the new Conference Centre of the Innovative University of Enga (IUE), Irelya Campus, Wabag, Enga Province before the signing of a memorandum of understanding to pave the way for the reopening of the mine.

“If Government authorities had taken the current tribal fight related lawlessness as a reason to take the meeting to Alotau, this must be corrected. There is no widespread lawlessness in the province.

“What we are experiencing currently are a series of tribal conflicts in a parts of Wapenamanda, Kandep and Porgera districts. They are confined to the certain tribes involved and their allies. They do not concern the entire province or the general public including visitors,” Sir Peter said.

He said the province has in the recent past successfully hosted the national senior education officers conference (SEOC), the 29th Enga Cultural Show and the opening of the Porgera Development forum with thousands attending from right across the country.

He said if the National Government insists on taking the meeting to another province, his government will not attend because it is insensitive and irresponsible.

“Our people are in Enga despite our challenges and as their government and leaders, we need to face them and address their issues and challenges.”

“I am not speaking for the other stakeholders. They can attend wherever the consultative talks are being held. But my government will not attend as we view this forum as a significant, once in a lifetime opportunity for my people and our government to negotiate the future of our people and province and it would be netter done in our province.”

The Enga Provincial Government has finalised its Position Paper following the presentation of the State’s proposals last week and is looking to present it to the State team in Wabag this week.


In response to escalating tensions and isolated instances of violent confrontations in Enga Province, the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) has pledged to remain vigilant and strengthen its presence in the region.

This commitment was declared by Acting Commissioner of Police, Dr. Philip Mitna, who also outlined additional support measures to combat domestic terrorism threats.

Reports have indicated a simmering unrest in recent weeks. The RPNGC has been keenly monitoring the situation and is engaging with local leaders to restore peace and order in the affected areas.

Mitna commended the efforts of political leaders in Enga for calling for calm and directly engaging with constituents in volatile areas.

The RPNGC has launched operations aimed at neutralizing criminal elements and ensuring the rule of law is upheld by all.

“Currently on ground we have 120 soldiers and two mobile squads, MS11 and MS 12. Another two squads are ready for deployment on Standby, should anything happen, said Mitna.

ACP Samson Kua has been assigned to lead specialized efforts against criminal elements in Enga.

“So he (Kua) takes charge of Enga, Hela and Southern Highlands. Every operations that charge of Enga will come under him directly, Mitna said.

The police force is executing search warrants against known agitators and continues to investigate. “Our efforts search warrants have been issued. Some are executed, some are yet to be executed. We are going proactive and reactive. Proactive is basically community policing so as part of our strategy is to deploy Engan based officers from NCD back to their province so they can talk to their own people,” Mitna added.

The RPNGC has confirmed the mobilization of additional mobile squads for deployment to Enga. Long-range recon units and other specialist units from the PNGDF have been inserted to provide up-to-date intelligence on criminal activities.

In a significant development, Acting Commissioner Mitna announced the formation of the Kumul 23 Police Tactical Group (PTG), an elite tactical force combining the best of the police and security forces. The Kumul 23 PTG will provide a precision capability to apprehend domestic terrorist ringleaders, dismantle terrorist cells, and target those who direct these terrorists.

In addition, Mitna announced the formation of the Miok Force, a team of 70 Engan policemen and women based in the National Capital District, who will conduct an extensive awareness campaign throughout the province.

The Miok Force members, familiar with local language and customs, will be divided into six teams covering all six districts of the entire Province.

Mitna urged all Engan elites to join the Miok Force team in the awareness campaign, stating “you are either with us and want peace and law and order to prevail, or you are against us.”


At least four women are amongst male candidates contesting for the North Bougainville Seat in the By-election.

However Autonomous Bougainville Government President, Ismael Toroama said candidates in the by-elections should not use the Region’s aspirations for political independence as a campaign platform to muster votes.

“Every Bougainville leader in the ABG and the National Government must remember that our independence aspirations is sacred in the sense that we lost twenty thousand fighting an unjust war to secure our freedom and having 97 percent of our people expressing their desire for independence during the 2019 Referendum,” said Toroama.

North Bougainville Open is one of three electorates going into by-elections this year.

The former member, Late William Nakin who was supposed to have served his second term under the National Alliance Party, as North Bougainville MP died last July from a short illness.

As the campaign period is underway, President Toroama said Bougainvillians
must not be misled by candidates who claim to represent their aspirations for political independence.

“I want to encourage the candidates contesting the North Bougainville By-elections who have their hearts in the right place, to honor the sacrifice of our people and our desire for independence by truly representing the felts needs and aspirations of our people when they are elected into office,” President Toroama said.

North Bougainville has been without a representative at the National Parliament for more than a year and the Issuing of Writs this July kicks off the race to finding a new Leader.


Reports conducted by the Rabaul Volcanological Observatory Centre on Mt. Bagana indicates a reduction in the State level alert from Stage Two to Stage One, volcanic activity.

Based on this alert, Mt. Bagana Eruption, State of Emergency Controller, Esther Usurup issued repatriation orders for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) living at Evacuation Centres at Torokina and Wakunai Districts.

Repatriation Orders are for;

  • IDPs of Tagarau, upper Rikua and Ruruvu (roadside and Urupa Sukot) registered and currently living at Wakunai Station,
  • IDPs of Kopani 1 and 2 currently living at Manetai Catholic Mission area of Panguna District and
  • IDPs of Kenaia, Longkogari, Piva (Kenabaki), and Talelu wards registered and currently living at Piva Station evacuation center.

Orders for those to remain include;

  • IDPs from Siro and Ruruvu (Sisivi) wards and who have registered within the Wakunai station to remain within the evacuation center.
  • IDPs from Tsito/Vuakovi and Koromaket wards and who registered within the Piva Station to remain within the evacuation center.

It’s been more than six weeks since the Mt. Bagana eruption displaced hundreds of people and forced hundreds more to live at care centers set up in Central and South Bougainville.

The care centers were set up and managed by International Organization of Migration (IOM) through financial support from US Agency for International Development (US AID).

With the reduction of volcanic activity from Stage Two alert to Stage One, IOM will be facilitating Camp Management Exit plans in the coming days.

Ramu NiCo’s Coastal Pipeline Landowners Women’s Association (CPL WA) from the Rai Coast District in the Madang Province of Papua New Guinea will be participating in the inaugural Community Affairs and National Content Conference and Expo (CANCONEX) in Lae, Morobe Province as one of the successful association along the projects corridor area.

The CPL WA is a successful women’s landowner group and comprises of three zones that are Bugati, Marika and Siroi.

It has 3000 active registered members who successfully ventured into financially viable projects and businesses.

These have come to fruition from the portion of royalties allocated to the women’s group.

The portion, in most cases, is used as capital to acquire loans from the People’s Micro Bank branch in Madang to buy trucks and dinghies, which are being used as public motor vehicles (PMVs) to serve the local people living within the mining tenement area, venture into other small to medium enterprises (SMEs).

The expo is set to be held at the Papua New Guinea University of Technology (PNGUoT) in Lae, Morobe Province from the 28th to the 30th of August; Ramu NiCo is also a gold sponsor for the hosting of the event.

Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Limited will attend and participate in the first-ever CANCONEX with the theme of “Promoting National Participation for Sustainable Communities.”

With the encouragement of the President of the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum, Anthony Smare, the conference is an avenue for participants to share their experiences and learn from each other, make new connections, seek opportunities and experience.

Ramu NiCo saw fit that it features one of the best performing and successful landowner groups from the four impact communities to represent their fellow landowner groups.

The successful Women Association from the Ramu NiCo Project in Madang Province is one of the fruitful associations that Ramu NiCo has seen being an active association apart from all the associations in the project’s corridor. Thus, Ramu NiCo thinks highly of this successful women group and other landowner groups coming from afar to attend the CANCONEX.

Vanuatu Prime Minister, Ishmael Kalsakau, official opened the 22nd Melanesian Spearhead Group, Leaders Summit in Port Vila.

Environment and Climate Change, security issues, and trade agreements were top on the agendas discussed ON Wednesday (August 23).

In attendance were Pacific leaders from Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, the Fiji, French territory of New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea.

The welcome ceremony held at the Vanuatu Convention Centre started with a plenary session and each Pacific Island Leader was given the opportunity to make their statements.

PNG Prime Minister, James Marape in his remarks outlined PNG’s stand on Climate Change Mitigation and called on industrialized nations to make real interventions to assist Pacific Countries facing effects of Climate Change.

“I call on China, the United States and Australia to make real interventions to the Small Island States in the Pacific,” said Marape.

Marape conveyed Papua New Guinea’s support of Vanuatu’s move to seek the opinion of the International Court of Justice on the impacts of Climate Change on the people of the Pacific.

Prime Minister James Marape at the MSG Summit

“I want to offer our support to Vanuatu’s leadership on the initiative to seek an advisory opinion on the International Court of Justice on matters of Climate Change through the United Nations through international law to protect the rights of future generations that are adversely affected. That is correct leadership and I commend Vanuatu,” said Marape.

Marape said Pacific Leaders must continue to represent views within the context of Melanesia and the Pacific.

“We all have interest in dealing with environmental issues, with Climate Change being big among us. We have development challenges; our need to ensure that genuine investors are not here just for today’s need but more importantly for the sustenance of our children after us. These challenges remain our collective voice, if we want to be heard today,” Marape told the MSG member countries.

A Leaders’ Retreat will end the summit for the leaders with an Outcomes Declaration signed on Thursday (August 24).

The actions by the National Executive Council to sideline PNGDF Commander, Major General Mark Goina, is described as too soon and serves no purpose.

Speaking as Chairman of the Permanent Parliament Committee- Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Defense, Vanimo Green River MP, Belden Namah said it’s myopic and unsound.

“Why suspend the Commander when there are layers of authority between the training unit and the Commander? The Chief of Training and Deputy Commander should be suspended as well,” said Namah.

Major General Mark Goina was sidelined through an NEC decision announced by Prime Minister James Marape, late last Friday.

Marape said the suspension was for three months and it will allow a General Board of Inquiry into the Kupiano killings to continue.

But Namah said this is all superficial.

“Allow the Commander to get to the bottom of this incident. These soldiers killed and wounded are his soldiers and he owes their families”, Namah said.

Namah said NEC made an ill-decision and urges the Prime Minister and NEC to seek professional advice on such matters.

The last Defense Board of Inquiry conducted by PNGDF was in 2005 and involved a clandestine operation that flew Solomon Islands Attorney General, Julian Moti into Muda Island in Solomon Islands.

Namah said the Strategic Leadership of the force was part of the decision authorizing the use of PNGDF aircraft. Yet the Commander was not suspended. And he cooperated with the inquiry.

Meanwhile a General Board of Inquiry has commenced into the killing of Leading Seaman, Eric Gwale and Corporal Watata Kutegen and the wounding of a soldier and a civilian.

Both soldiers were killed by live ammunitions fired during the final exercise for the Corporal Qualifying Course on 4th July 2023.

Now that Goina is suspended. Deputy Commander, Commodore Phillip Polewara is acting Commander.


A number of declarations are expected to be signed by members of the Melanesian Spearhead Group this Friday when the summit ends.

Prime Minister James Marape will be flying into Vanuatu tomorrow (Tuesday 22. August 23) to join other leaders of MSG countries for the official opening.

The 22nd Melanesian Spearhead Group Leaders’ Summit and related meetings commenced in Port Vila as scheduled

  • 18th August – Senior Officials Meeting
  • 19th to 20th August – Pre-Summit Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)
  • 21st August – Foreign Minister’s Meeting (FMM) today (21.08.23
  • 22nd August – Official Opening of Leader’s Summit
  • 23rd August – Plenary Sessions
  • 24th August – Leader’s Retreat

Vice Minister assisting Prime Minister Muguwa Dilu is currently presenting Papua New Guinea at the MSG Meetings.

Dilu told MSG leaders in his opening statement for member countries to take ownership of development issues and provide leadership in pursuing the objectives of the MSG.

“The theme (Being Relevant and Influential ) resonates well, the need for the MSG to remain focused and bolster the efforts towards the common goal of building a stronger and resilient MSG family that is responsive to the needs and aspirations of its people, said Dilu.

He added that MSG must provide market opportunities, empower its people and strategically open up the MSG region, wherever possible to the world to seize economic opportunities to building back better economic resilience post COVID-19 through strategic economic partnership.”

Today’s FMM opened with statements from Fiji, Solomon Islands, PNG, Vanuatu, FLNKS, and Indonesia, before leaders went into a ‘Closed Session’ where in-depth concerns were raised on environment and climate change, security issues, and trade agreements, besides an operational report from the MSG Secretariat.

Other documents that are expected to signed on Friday include;

  • An Outcomes Declarations
  • A Declaration on Climate Change
  • Concord for Peace, Mutual Respect, Cooperation and Amity.

MSG members include, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and FLNKS (Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front) and Indonesian Indonesia as an Associate member.


Prime Minister James Marape says, the Government is currently evaluating the police structure and the role of the defence force in Enga.

Marape said this in response to the recent killing of five suspected hired gunmen in Enga, whose images were widely shared on social media.

The Prime Minister described the act of violence as a case of “jungle justice” and requires a more peaceful and just resolution to the tribal flights and gun violence seen in the province.

“I want to implore the warring tribes of Enga to abandon violence and also denounce the concept of ‘jungle justice,” said Marape.

Marape said the Police Force has been issued explicit directives to decisively address the ongoing tribal disputes in Enga.

“Police Commissioner David Manning has been mandated to intervene in the persistent tribal confrontations in Enga, to quell the escalation of violence, and to apprehend those who persist in armed conflicts,” Marape continued.

On 15th August 2023, Police Chief, David Manning issued an internal circular to police to use lethal force.

The directive Manning issued read;
“I have directed RPNGC personnel to be prepared to deploy lethal force where it is required and reasonable. Commanders are instructed into respective operational orders.”

The continuous tribal flights and killings in Enga has forced airline companies to temporarily suspect flights into Wapenamanda airport.

While condemning the killings Marape said investigations have been conducted into the financiers of these tribal clashes, many of whom reside outside the province of Enga.

“To all warring factions in Enga, I appeal you to relinquish your weapons and allow the peace initiatives initiated by the Enga Provincial Government to progress,” Marape said.

The three month State of Emergency in Enga is still in place.


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