
New Generator Stops Power Outages at Cheshire Home

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The continuous blackouts in the city prompted Newcrest Mining Limited to assist one important non-government organization through the donation of a generator.

The Cheshire Disability Services provides crucial services to people with disabilities both within Port Moresby and surrounding communities. It is a non-government organization that relies solely on donations for its operations.

General Manager of the NGO group, Bernard Ayieko expressed sincere thanks and gratitude for the donation noting the reliable source of electricity required when power is interrupted.

Mr Ayieko said Chesire is an organization that operates like a hospital. The facility does not close down.

“There are carers who work on shift, day and night, meaning that at all times, power has to be on.”

He added that the Cheshire Home has had serious problems including faulty electronic equipment due to the constant blackouts.

This is the first time that Cheshire Disa

Ability Services has received a brand new genset; and appreciation from the Patron, Governor General, Grand Chief Sir Bob Dadae was relayed to Newcrest Mining Limited.

Representative of Newcrest Mining, Mr. Borone Isana, officiated on the occasion, reiterating the Newcrest value of caring about people and working together.

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