
Pedal Power Reaches Maramuni

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Lae Pedal Power, a group of 12 young cyclists from Lae city, cycled from Wabag into Maramuni on the 57km unsealed road recently launched by Prime Minister James Marape.

The group travelled to Wabag from Lae with their bicycles on a PMV and then cycled to Maramuni last Friday.

They received a standing ovation from the people of Maramuni for their courage and determination as they pedaled in, waving the flags of Papua New Guinea and Morobe.

Lae Pedal Power is a motley crew of young men from all over Lae city who advocate for peace and unity by cycling around the country.

Pedal Power President, Gabe Bago, from Morobe Patrol Post in the Huon Gulf district, said the cycling group was formed to turn young people away from a life of crime.

“It took us the whole day for the 12 of us Lae boys to cycle from Wabag to Maramuni,” Bago said.

“It was really great to stop at villages along the way to Maramuni and talk with the people, Gabe said.

He added, “We are here to test the new road and promote the message of unity, ‘Wan Kantri’.”

They had intended to travel all the way to East Sepik on the new Enga-Sepik highway but because the road ends at Maramuni, the group will stay on and decide on what to do next.

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